New and no spark.

That's wonderful! What do you think the problem was? Any idea?

Got a helmet? Ride safely & have fun...
i loosened the clutch cable a tad, tightened the cap of the cdi, replaced the flower nut and then viola! so it was probably all of those things besides the "and more" from the Get-Go. I can not thank you guys enough!
Hey Gents, Liza here. Been riding my motorbike to work-yay-and also have a question. I noticed some oil splats on my wires and wonder if the whatchawahooey needs to be Mega tightened or if this is normal? Here's a link to my pics in tinypic that'll help with the whatchawahooey part. Thanks!
replace stock exhaust gasket with a auto heat riser gasket. Go to a REAL auto parts store (NOT autozone) and have them match up your stock gasket. Lasts MUCH longer and seals better.
Sheesh, my phone is being willful but finally here's the link to pics
wow ! Good to hear that the bike is running !! I've been off on a bit of a season end holiday... Just got back to read the news...that's great miss LizaLaw
As far as the oil'splatter' goes it's fairly normal to see a bit of oil around the muffler and area...better to see it then not to see it is my opinion... At least you know it's gettin
g oil ! Lol... What you see is just the unburnt access oil...too much isn't that good but you should always have some at the exhaust.
Are you still running a bit extra oil for the break in ? Once you drop your mixture to about a 50:1 mix (this is what I run with synthetic oil) you should start to see less 'splatter' ...
Thanks and yeah still breaking her in...I might could refresh my mind on how long and all that nicely tuned up business...
Hi all, I decided to use the posi-locks on for my wires since it's getting foggier every morning and damp. Since I installed them my kill switch doesn't work and I'm curious why and a bit reluctant to pull them apart. Any ideas or shall I just get busy undoing and redoing?
The kill wire connections will need to be redone. Soldiered connections with shrink wrap is the best way to go. You should also seal the ignition wires where they exit the case with silicone if you haven't done that yet.
The kill wire connections will need to be redone. Soldiered connections with shrink wrap is the best way to go. You should also seal the ignition wires where they exit the case with silicone if you haven't done that yet.
Soldered splices and heat shrink tubing is the best way to assure good electrical connections. Also a glob of silicone sealant in the hole where the wires exit the engine case is good assurance against water entering the magneto housing. You'll also want a good gasket seal on the magneto cover.

The kill switch wires (color doesn't matter) should be spliced into the blue and black wires from the magneto/CDI. There are a lot of reports of defective kill switches. Some will not shut down the engine and some will keep it from running. We always suggest that the kill switch be used. It is a safety device. If the switch doesn't function either repair or replace it. Don't rely on the clutch to kill the engine.

An old salt told me about adhesive lined heat shrink. Ankor brand is usually found in shops near harbors. Westmarine has small packages. Be prepared it cost way more than the regular heat shrink. Capillary action of water going between heat shrink and insulated wire after the heat shrink wears is lessened with this type.

Connectors also have this adhesive type for marine environment.
A very good tip Measure Twice, a DIY cheat similar in concept is to paint the soldered connection with liquid electrical tape, then slide & shrink the wrap while it's still tacky... a caution however, as it's quite flammable while still liquid be cautious if using an open flame to shrink.

That stuff is really quite handy, I use it to seal any exposed connections, chafe or movement points or whatever else that could use a lil gob of rubbery sealant lol... yep, I gotta get summore again lol
Last night when I got off of work, my mother informed me that her neighbor had bumped my bike and it fell. I noticed the tank had twisted down a bit and I moved it back and drove home. Today I noticed a sound kinda like a playing are in the wheel spokes but engine sounding and louder. By the the last three blocks to my job, it was idling but wouldn't go and the sound was ever present. I'm at work all day and don't have a day off until Saturday but I will try to get the sound recorded for y'all on lunch or in the morning but if you know what's wrong by my meager description, please help? Thanks kindly. Liza
Last night when I got off of work, my mother informed me that her neighbor had bumped my bike and it fell. I noticed the tank had twisted down a bit and I moved it back and drove home. Today I noticed a sound kinda like a playing are in the wheel spokes but engine sounding and louder. By the the last three blocks to my job, it was idling but wouldn't go and the sound was ever present. I'm at work all day and don't have a day off until Saturday but I will try to get the sound recorded for y'all on lunch or in the morning but if you know what's wrong by my meager description, please help? Thanks kindly. Liza

Ahh geez! Reminds me of a quotation from the Greek playwright Aristophanes who said (a few thousand years ago), and I quote, "If it ain't one damned thing, it's another". -The Birds
So I recorded the sound but it isn't uploading to tiny pic. And I found out what I think is wrong besides...I felt a big plume of air blowing out the top of the head thingy I think is where it was coming from. Daylight will tell... I hope it isn't busted. More soon.
I think you are going to find loose nut's on the head. You should make sure all your bolt's are properly tightened. Things seem to vibrate loose on these MB's locktite is your freind.