Motorized Bicycles in the News

That's already been done. It was called the "Copenhagen Wheel". Cool idea for someone who makes short trips in rolling hills. For long straight rides like I've got here, I don't know what good it would do.

I really think E-bikes are the future. So many really gifted folks working on bringing them to market and the batteries are getting better and better.

LOL, if I am right, just blew $17,000 on edumacation, tools and a shop.
Didn't realize how identical they looked, Happy.

Was more amazed at the connectivity & the interest. Reached the kickstarter goal in one day.
LOL Xman.

If funny, just yesterday was saying I use the smarter then me phone for a lot of things and some times even a phone.

internet, speedo/GPS on the bike, calendar/appointment keeper, clock, alarmclock and texting is the main method of communication for business.

Hated the thing and now can't function with out it. Annoying but really like that Carol can get a hold of me no matter what.
Re: Motorized Bicycle in the News

are the cycle tracks intended for motorized bicycles too or just regular bicycles? if it was just regular bicycles i can't blame them, we do move a lot faster after all, if its motorized bicycles too great.

Our m M/b's are afforded the same rules and regulations as bicyclists , just because we can blow by them like they are standing still..doesn't mean we will !

Whenever I'm passing a bicycle on the road I always hit my spring loaded bell and will say out loud " Passing on your left " Seems to me most of all bicyclists crash happen when the rider is looking behind them.

I try to make it so they don't have to look back it is rude, dangerous and irresponsible to just motor on by some unsuspecting bicyclist with no warning whatsoever... not that you would do that .. I'm just saying ... hmm I think I've had too much coffee this am.. I cant seem to shut up !~
Now that is a very good news article!
I don't know if we know him, but it sure would be nice if he came 'round these parts.
He seems to have a handle on good stewardship of our hobby and promoting our common passions in a positive way.
That and after building 200+ motorized bicycles he obviously knows his way around them and most likely has a few tricks and tips to share.

Thank you for sharing that article with us, Dan!
Back to basics: Bicycle safety in Connecticut

"A new startup is aiming at making over one of the oldest and, in most cases, safest means of transportation."

Dunno if any 2 wheeled vehicle could be thought of as safe. CT really does make an effort for bike safety though. Lots of new bike lanes and they do a lot of bike safety ad campaigns.
We still have some nut out tossing tacks on bike lanes. Now he has hit one of my favorite places to ride just a mile or two from my home.

Police are requesting that anyone who gets a flat with a tack to save it and report it.

I hope they catch this person before someone gets hurt.

Now they have started tossing nails on our bike trails. Boy, must be some anti-bicycle nut around here. Or maybe even a group of them?


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That's pretty low... In the case of the trail, someone who likes to walk it is probably the culprit. The trail is bad enough, major injuries could occur there, but to spread tacks on a road like that could be fatal if the cyclist wiped out into traffic. It's rough when a big knobby goes flat, but one of those skinny high-psi tires blowing out can get ugly. Years ago I had one blow out it's sidewall in my face once while inflating.. my ears rang (worse than usual) for the rest of the afternoon.
Years ago I was out on a ride and stumbled across a path that ran behind a block of houses and the people that lived there didn't like people riding bikes or even walking dogs through there so they broke bottles and covered the entire dirt area with broken glass. It was about 2 blocks long and 30 feet wide completely covered in broken glass at least 1" deep. They obviously had been putting glass out for years to get that much glass out there, it was pathetic!
That's crazy. My dad used to tell us about fixing the walls that seperated the 'gardens' from each other between older English row houses and how they's collect and smash bottles in a bucket for the top of the wall. After the last course of brickwork they's slather mortar across the top of the wall and set all these bits of glass in it (edges up) to make it harder for thieves to run through back gardens hopping the walls when pursued by the bobbies.
(For a modern equivalent, nail some carpet tack strips - the kind that go around the edges of a room - to the top of your privacy fences.. really inconspicuous from the ground but a lot of little holes in the palms of anyone who jumps the fence).
Nice thorny climbing roses are very effective, as is also a low stand of berberis or something similarly spiky at the base of the fence or wall. Functional and decorative.
Really is, GN.

The single coaster brake and fenders made me cringe. Really wanted to send him a link to here.
Dan, send a link to the newspaper as a 'follow-up' to their story. Maybe we'll get a little press!!