Motorized Bicycles in the News

A reporter stopped me after following me for a few miles and took these pictures. To bad he got it a little mixed up but still good press.


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That is great Russell. Very cool!

Side note. It is almost a rule that reporters mix things up. Every single project I was ever involved with, same thing was missaid or wrong.

But really cool. Is there a link to the article? Would love to read it.
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ford teamed up with pedego to make an electric bike. it costs almost 4 grand so it'll be a nice toy gathering dust next to the bowflex machine in rich people's beachfront garages... :)

Thank you for the image. Having worked for an auctioneer for years I can just picture opening up the garage door and seeing half of it set up as a home gym with the dust covered Bowflex sitting there with the Ford Think electric bike and this one jammed in with all the other bits and pieces that have been long abandoned but purchased with the best intentions.

i have to give some props to pedego. they're a local so cal business that started out with a goid idea and ran with it.

although their bikes aren't exactly my style, they're not a junky, fly by night company. they've probably done more for the electric bike industry than anyone else.
I say Bultaco to that if you're going electric....

Funny thing is it's not powered by FORD!
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I'm on board with that message! I'll make due with what I can until they get better though.
I'll just have to wait for that cross country trip ;)
Certainly not! The British industry lived on past glories for far too long and paid the price. I refuse to worship sacred cows that should have been fed to the dogs years earlier.