Motorized Bicycles in the News


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That is a cool idea Happy. I just did a job delivering to a large financial firm. They had huge parking lots all covered with solar panels. So they served double duty. Electrical generation and offered employees sheltered parking. Aside from a tax break, probably paid for a good deal of their AC bills and is a perk for their people. Hehe, just thinking sales pitch. Hartford now has solar powered trash compactor cans on some streets.

I was thinking touristy areas. Cool thought though.
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happy MB story! No kidding, nothing like or about rushed to the hospital/was not wearing a helmet/left 3 kids and a dog named Fred. An actual happy MB story in the news.

(But he gets 180 MPG and does not need a licence. I am still gonna take it, lol)
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Tacks on bike paths endanger Tucson cyclists

Not MB related but thought I'd share this. We have been having a problem with someone tossing tacks in the bike lanes.

This was a few weeks ago but I'm hearing bikers are still finding tacks in other parts of the city.

Sheesh. Ya know, I never even put one on a teacher's chair. Let alone a bike path. Why does there always have to be some loser out there who thinks this is a hilariously funny prank? I hope he gets clumsy one day and spills his precious little box of tacks in his underwear drawer, and fails to find them all.
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Tacks can spread a long way, especially somewhere flat and windy! What an evil villain. I hope he is caught soon and charges tacked on in the highest amount possible, before he starts doing something worse. It's not a prank.
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Tragic indeed ,but why does the article seem to point to the motorized bicycle as the cause? Seems to me if one struck the guard rail with enough speed to fly over ,wouldnt the bike be one the ground and damaged? Strange accident anyway you look at it...
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Maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anything to indicate where the motorbike was directly blamed. I could see where, if they'd just said "bicycle", it would be a suspicious omission. But also, just mentioning "motorbike" can tend to color some people's opinions about our hobby. So Shop Dog is partly right.
But the veterans on the list always make a good point when they say that, in other people's eyes, what we build and how we behave is sometimes representative of all of us. When a motorbiker like the one in this story fails to ride safely, wear protective gear that might have protected him (in this case I don't know how high the bridge was so a helmet might not have been much help) or if he fails to maintain his bike so it performs safely, it reflects badly on all of us, at least in the eyes of much of the populace.
If you should decide to opt out of the helmet, at least know your surroundings and ride safely. Maintain your motorbike so that the wheels don't fall off or something. Ride like you're invisible. 'Cause I've been invisible before without knowing it, and it's no fun.
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They are by no means the first to have a flying bike (the italians have had them for years) to bad there prob never gona be legal in the U.S.
As an ultralight it might make it under the regs of the (dreaded) faa ,but then one runs into the usage rules ...?
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Allen : my question on the crash story was how they came to determine that the rider "lost control" and then crashes into bridge rail with the force to fly over ? And the bike was found resting upright along the rail??? They seemed to blame the bike when i read it?
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This company uses folding or small "scooters" instead of motor assisted bikes, but maybe small motor assisted bikes (like friction drive or belt drive folding bikes, even Motobecane 26" bikes) would work for this.

You can also do this for your friends! (ride bike to their party, drive them home in their car.) There are some logistical challenges, but it's a cool idea. Pretty brave work though, riding a slowped on a night of a holiday known for drinking, and to valet other peoples cars all the way to their houses.
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there were a coupla guys out here that were doing that too. they'd throw their scooter in the trunk and drive you and your car home. the news was all over it saying what a great idea it was.

then the cops cracked down on them, don't really know what they did but they got them to stop.

the cop's reasons?

since the drunk had his car at his house he was likely to drive somewhere else instead of sleeping it off.

stupid cops...
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Just curious but did anyone even consider suicide? I mean, the bike was found "leaning against the guardrail".....Maybe the guy just rode to the bridge, parked his bike, and jumped!

That's sad, but possible. Also possible a passerby placed the bike upright and decided the man was deceased and left the scene, afraid of being blamed.

Regarding the designated driver scooters, that's really sad if that was the claimed reason for shutting them down. Once someone is home, they could sleep in their bed and be refreshed, with their car (property) safely at home and family happy about the drinker being home. Or he could tear through the yard and drive into a pole, same possibilities as if he'd left the bar in it. I'd say the crackdown was either due to the business not having cut through all the red tape (insurance etc), or the cops being mad about "lost revenue".
That's sad, but possible. Also possible a passerby placed the bike upright and decided the man was deceased and left the scene, afraid of being blamed.

Regarding the designated driver scooters, that's really sad if that was the claimed reason for shutting them down. Once someone is home, they could sleep in their bed and be refreshed, with their car (property) safely at home and family happy about the drinker being home. Or he could tear through the yard and drive into a pole, same possibilities as if he'd left the bar in it. I'd say the crackdown was either due to the business not having cut through all the red tape (insurance etc), or the cops being mad about "lost revenue".

I think we have a winner here!

And about the unfortunate "crash", I to think that it is mighty peculiar to find the bike upright against the guardrail after supposedly hitting said guard rail with enough force to catapult the rider over the guard rail.
May the rider RIP.
Such a sad story regarding motorized bicycles reputation in the news.
Tacks on bike paths endanger Tucson cyclists

Not motorized bicycle related but thought I'd share this. We have been having a problem with someone tossing tacks in the bike lanes.

This was a few weeks ago but I'm hearing bikers are still finding tacks in other parts of the city.

We still have some nut out tossing tacks on bike lanes. Now he has hit one of my favorite places to ride just a mile or two from my home.

Police are requesting that anyone who gets a flat with a tack to save it and report it.

I hope they catch this person before someone gets hurt.
I hope the bicyclists catch him before the cops do. hahahha. Maybe they will make him sit on the tacks and give him a swift kick in the pants before tying him up for the cops.