Long Beach, CA Ride Sun April 3rd from El Dorado Park

Hi Guys
I will be there tomorrow if anybody has a spare iner part of twist grip. the part that the cabel hooks too . Please bring it and I will by it from you. mine is the one that comes with Q kit w/ kill button on unit.
See All ya all tomorrow Flex Man....
Or bring the whole thing and I will by the complete unit unless you have a spare inner part............Thanks
Hi Guys
I will be there tomorrow if anybody has a spare iner part of twist grip. the part that the cabel hooks too . Please bring it and I will by it from you. mine is the one that comes with Q kit w/ kill button on unit.
See All ya all tomorrow Flex Man....
Or bring the whole thing and I will by the complete unit unless you have a spare inner part............Thanks
I think I have a sleeve for a throttle, will put it in my backpack.
They break all the time.
:( Welp, not going to be able to make it tomorrow, things just didn't work out and the Death Race is next week-end so hope to see some of you out there. I went to my bud Pat's today to see if he was up for the ride tomorrow (as he started vacation yesterday) and he's sick as a dog today and heading to Mex on Monday. But the good news, for me anyway is he is now commiting the the DR, so the tandem and 4 of our other bikes will be heading to Arizona on Friday as his surgery has been postponed. He'll be racing with steel rods in his broken arm....lucky him!

Hopefully can make it to the next LA ride, have fun tomorrow, ride fast and furious and Happy Birthday Baird!


sorry Jeff, hopefully next time bro....
Hi Guys
I am so bummed I have been looking for my little back pack but cant find it .
So I hate to ask this .But If somebody has an extra one that I could use or buy that would be great.The problem is I did not think I was going to make it.
But at the last minute I go my **** togather .I am usually very prepared.
But this time just I am not . although I have confidence in my bike ..
I guess thats the most important part. Oh God I hope I didnt just jinx myself.
Thanks again Everybody...Flex Man..
If I see a big 5 or something on the way if there open that early I will
just buy one there. but I dont think thats going to happen...
ya your right culver..its my first ride with a group .just wanted to be prepared.
Your Right I Have To Chill Out..........................And just come and enjoy...........
Hey, I had already left before the now infamous hand holding incident,
but did you miss this pic?
I am pretty sure they were making out and got to second or third base
before I snapped it.
Jeff made some kind of comment that Baird was a very good kisser
and had very soft lips???
I mean just look at those goofy dreamy smiles on their kissers.

Goat, anything else you want to see? Too bad you can't make it
to the Huge Socal meet and ride as we would try to straighten you out?

happy birthday Baird.....
I was just picturing a crippled bike trying to make it to the finish line. That might be too much information lol. :plaffdnut
Crippled???? Bairds bike was just outta gas bro....
I am pretty sure that it would run circles around your lameass Morini
Not the 10+ H.P. 14,000 RPM bike I will have put together soon. IMHO Wimpy 3 H.P. china's that fall apart are for sissy's:D:D Any hoo I was just teasing BRO.......dnutdnutdnut
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Thats all you got??? My mates 65 lb 12 HP water cooled, dual disk braked & suspension Morini would clean your tin eating clock!
His next bike project may be the 17 HP 6 speed Morini....
I thought we were talking about china's and who's your buddy then? Got picts? I love looking at and studying all these creations! I love them all truly! Bairdco makes damn fine rides! As for an answer to this equation. I will simply get a real motorcycle so there.
Nice picture that's what I am talking about! A real motor to boot! That bike will scoot right off the line! None off that going way down the street block to get up to speed.:-{ Sweet!!(^)

Is there a thread on this bike somewhere? I sure would like to see better pictures of it!
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yeah, jeff pushing me was a little, uhhh, awkward.

but i only ran outta gas 'cause i had to sputter along so slow and block the wind for youse guys.

got it all sorted now. i should be there before 11.
:( Welp, not going to be able to make it tomorrow, things just didn't work out and the Death Race is next week-end...

Happy Birthday Baird!


thanks, scotto!

the death race is the 16th. 2 weekends from now