Long Beach, CA Ride Sun April 3rd from El Dorado Park

True, but a bike with too many "test ridden miles" tend to break down as well. You just never know...

So, always come mentally prepared that your bike may break down. Personally I hate working on anything on the side of the road. I wish Shawn would still provide the chase vehicle :( . I guess it's also part of the fun to see if your MB will complete the ride.
Hi bizcotch
Are you coming to the ride?

We are still looking for a volunteer to be the chase vehicle. Whoever breaks down and needs a tow can buy you lunch.
An open bed pickup truck would be best but a bike carrier would do too.

We are riding back on the reversed route [ PCH ] so we can help you out on
the way back north to the park.

I will be providing my cell as a contact #

Have a spare tube for flats and bring a few parts like masterlinks, etc
and tools.
Hi bizcotch
Are you coming to the ride?

We are still looking for a volunteer to be the chase vehicle. Whoever breaks down and needs a tow can buy you lunch.
An open bed pickup truck would be best but a bike carrier would do too.

We are riding back on the reversed route [ PCH ] so we can help you out on
the way back north to the park.

I will be providing my cell as a contact #

Have a spare tube for flats and bring a few parts like masterlinks, etc
and tools.

Shhhhhhuuusssshhhh, you said the "M" word....I hope Baird didn't here you laff

J/K ....dnut
We found out on one of our rides that a spare magneto is a good part to have!

And we've found down here, gas tanks and GAS are key. Cell phones also save the day for peeps getting lost.

Spark plugs and spare fuel line and you can never have to many tools or nutz n bolts. Don't ferget the brains and the buckets too protect them....also very handy :D


still workin on making it up there....and hoping (fingers crossed).
I will bring a rope....Baird owes me a tow if sh-t happens...last ride with him I had to hold his hand to the gas station...lol

You better show up...Scotto
I just talked to Pat and he sounded interested.....might even ride the tandem up there, do the ride and then ride back down.....200+ miles RT. Or drive up, I left the ball in his court......c'mon p hood!!! Only a few hindering factors, besides the fact he's going to Baja for 3 days on Monday and that would be his kid's plan's, his girlfriends plans, my kids plans and that's about it. Wish me luck bro's, I have high hopes!

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I would love to do the ride with you guys but I live in woodland Hills and all I have is a Zo6 Corvette so no room for bike. if any body lives within10 to 15 mi I could ride to you and I could share the gas .............Flex Man..........
I would love to do the ride with you guys but I live in woodland Hills and all I have is a Zo6 Corvette so no room for bike. if any body lives within10 to 15 mi I could ride to you and I could share the gas .............Flex Man..........
It's an EZ Motorbike so it should be no big deal to ride it all the way there and back! No?
Yes the bike could make it.But I am a little beat up from some big motorcycle crashes .So the body isnt what it use to be . I can ride 20 or 30 mi no problem but more than that my back starts screaming so it would be cool to join in on the fun but if I rode from my house I would be sore for days ..And that wouldnt be fun...............So if anybody is remotely close to woodland Hills Please let me know .I would love to come and ride and drink and meet everybody and see all your cool bikes........Flex....
The weather man's talkin' about rain Saturday night/ Sunday morning... but I think it will dry out by noon! :)
If it's only wet, (but not still raining), we're still gonna be there!!

Let's have a big turn out for this one!!! (^)
The weather man's talkin' about rain Saturday night/ Sunday morning... but I think it will dry out by noon! :)
If it's only wet, (but not still raining), we're still gonna be there!!
Let's have a big turn out for this one!!! (^)

No rain forecast for Saturday or Sunday that I can find, just a little cloudy
which is fine by me.

10 Day Weather Forecast for Long Beach, CA - weather.com
Sun Apr 3

Mostly Cloudy and 65°

10% chance of rain which means nothing
Me and my wife would love to show up I just have a problem with my bike at the moment if u can help u guys got two more riders
On my bike as I accelerate and hit 25 mph I feel as if I'm pulled bike and I pull back to 25 and I get pulled down yet again I have done many things can't figure it out
No it is not a CNS carb

As for the leaks my cousins and the one I built for my wife had no leaks on the tank and minor leaks. I am getting bad oil build up on the motor between the clutch lever and clutch plate area right below the intake but the intake isn't leaking