Long Beach, CA Ride Sun April 3rd from El Dorado Park

Sounds like maybe your base gasket is leaking.....have you checked the torque on the cylinder head nuts? You may want to start a thread in trouble shooting on this one and further describe the issues.

No it is not a CNS carb

As for the leaks my cousins and the one I built for my wife had no leaks on the tank and minor leaks. I am getting bad oil build up on the motor between the clutch lever and clutch plate area right below the intake but the intake isn't leaking
could be running really rich, clogging the air filter, and shutting down the airflow.

what's your needle clip setting, and what fuel/oil ratio are you running?

2nd from the top on the clip is the "california average" and if the motor's had a few tanks through it already, 32:1 mix with cheap 2 stroker oil. clean the filter sponge out with carb cleaner and squeeze all the oil out.
it's a simple ride, too. pretty much straight down PCH. hard to get lost. just look for the cloud of 2 stroke smoke...;)
I am going to try and rent a trailer and borrow my wifes mustang GT let her use the vette..hope she doesnt break it its supercharged 600hp to the wheels
easy for here to get in trouble..Hope I see ya out there............
Its fixed everyone we will be attending PM me the info and location at El Dorado.

Ok just an fyi an IDLER PULLY cranked too high will not be able to free rotate and decrease speed...
Happy Birthday Baird, hope you ain't too hung over for the big ride tomorrow!

This Sunday April 3rd as in tomorrow...

Meet in the free area at the bottom of El Dorado park from 10 am to 12 noon

There is another entrance off Studebaker Rd to our meeting place south of E Barrios St that is not on the Google map below.
It is the first turn north of Willow.
Just keep turning to your right and you will end up at the bottom of the free area
just north of Willow where we are meeting.

30 mile ride leaves at 12 noon down PCH to Huntington Beach.

Please wear a DOT looking helmet if you are riding with the group.

Here is the route with a lunch stop at Super Mex [ B ] and catch up stops

El Dorado Park ride Sunday April 3rd
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We are still looking for a volunteer to be the chase vehicle. Whoever breaks down and needs a tow can buy you lunch.
An open bed pickup truck would be best but a bike carrier would do too.

We are riding back on the reversed route [ PCH ] so we can help you out on
the way back north to the park.

I will be providing my cell as a contact #

Have a spare tube for flats and bring a few parts like masterlinks, etc
and tools.
almost got the Firestone Raffle bike done, but not quite. need to get some stuff for the tank and do a bunch of other little things.

i was hoping to show it off and hopefully spark some more interest in my Raffle, but it just ain't gonna get done today.

looks like i'll be riding one of my other bikes. probably my soon to be not so top secret death racer...

here's a pic of the Firestone:

I'll volunteer as the chase truck. it's a 4 door with hazard lights. I'll need some tie downs since mine are long gone. i got some rope and a 5 gal gas can. i sent in for my lic plate but it came back with some hoop's for my fat butt to jump through. i'm a newbee so i'll be happy to do my pledge work. my cell is 562-307-8209 looking forward to meeting everyone. dennis
I'll volunteer as the chase truck. it's a 4 door with hazard lights. I'll need some tie downs since mine are long gone. i got some rope and a 5 gal gas can. i sent in for my lic plate but it came back with some hoop's for my fat butt to jump through. i'm a newbee so i'll be happy to do my pledge work. my cell is 562-307-8209 looking forward to meeting everyone. dennis
Hi Dennis
Good talking at you, and thanks a lot.
See you at the park.
Call me anytime if you have questions
i will try to remember to take some tie downs in my back pack.

Please bring that super rat motor so that we can take a look at it.
Baird will show you what these little motors are capable of.....GPS'ed at 54 mph

Latest weather report for Sun Apr 3

AM Clouds / PM Sunny 67°

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