i posted in the california law thread awhile ago about how i talked to some cops and they were saying they were gonna start cracking down on our bikes because of the increasing amount of them, and it looks like that's finally happening.
oddly enough, it was HB cops.
it really is a small price to pay to get legal. 19 bucks for a plate, a DOT helmet, and wasting a day at the DMV to get an M1 permit/license and you're pretty much good to go.
to say something like HB is another place to avoid is just prolonging the inevitable. better to roll through legal and wave than avoid it entirely or risk a ticket, or worse.
besides, if we have to avoid the beaches, then where alse ya gonna go?
wanna plan a ride through anahiem, westminster, and santa ana? gee, just think of the scenery...
the ride itself was pretty fun. despite losing a few people to distraction, it was nice and simple, got to see a buncha bikes, and the weather was nice.
i'd love to do a buncha more rides all through the spring and summer, so quit stalling. get yer plates and licenses and lets go!