Long Beach, CA Ride Sun April 3rd from El Dorado Park

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Thanks I appreaite it . If I put a little oil in my tank would that make you feel
better? Just kidding ...Thanks ............
Thats all you got??? My mates 65 lb 12 HP water cooled, dual disk braked & suspension Morini would clean your tin eating clock!
His next bike project may be the 17 HP 6 speed Morini....
This bike is not finished in this picture? From a glance at the handle bars? 65 really? I would have put this pig at 75 pounds or more me thinks? Is there a less bashfull picture of the motor carriage? I have a hard time trusting the longevity of Aluminum with 12 H.P. of Morini thrust. Especially when something like light weight 4130 C.M. steel is available. He must have used heavy gauge aluminum then ? Which would make seance. As far as the exhaust that is prolly my favorite part aside from the sleekness of the tank. Really outstanding work here(^) The frame to family jewel clearance is spot on too!

I am not knocking the bike at all! I just wanna see more of it. Is this just a proto type or are these gonna be for sale? This has got to be the cleanest looking Morini jobber I have seen. I am a huge fan of full sus bikes tho.

I got a couple of rear hubs like this one. I love this brake hub approach! I don't know why more people are not trying them?
Couldn't have asked for a better day for a Motor Bike Cruz. I'm sure there will be alot of other photos from the ride and maybe a video or two? But here are some early photos. I think the count was 32 riders +- First two photos are at Eldorado Park The second two are at one of the catch up stops along PCH



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Was definitely a nice day for a ride, except maybe for the 2 poor guys who suffered MaB casualties before the first checkpoint, rear tire and motor. They looked like they were having fun anyway tho! A few riders got tickets in HB :( VeniceMotorBikes and some friends got stuck at a bar and missed most the ride lol

The first half of the ride had a real nice tailwind, lots of fast runners. Way back had some heavy wind, blowing MaBers all over the place! All in all good times! :D
DOT helmets, plates, M2s on further inspection. Bored motorcycle cops looking for easy scores, and in some cases, ignorant of the laws they enforce. I heard from another rider that a cop said it was illegal for MaBs to be on PCH laff
I had a great time on the ride today, it was cool to put faces with the names and see where my bike ran in the pack. I got lucky I saw no B/W's today. Ill be ready for the next one.
hmm sounds like Huntington Beach is a no no now too :-(
Why do you say that?

I got pulled over with 2 guys on Briggs bikes by one of the 2 motorcycle cops
when we turned north on Main St.
One of them got a fix it type ticket for no M2, the cop cut him a break.

If you have an M1 or M2, wear a DOT helmet, have the $19 license plate, red rear reflector you are completely legal.
That is what they were looking for. They did not mention a mirror but
we all had them.

I did not have the plate or red rear reflector and did not get a ticket.
The other 2 guys did not have DOT helmets or red rear reflectors
but did not get tickets on them.

There was another group heading north on PCH that got some tickets
for the above items.
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The cops also mentioned we should have our registration papers on board. Here's some of the bikes at the ride.


Had a great ride and enjoyed meeting everyone. Lots of neat bikes with many configurations.

Here's the food stop.


This is the last stop before returning to Eldorado Park. It's PCH beach parking lot at Beach Blvd. Some of were close to home and split off from there.

No po'po for me because I had to duck out early(I'm a rapper and I don't show it)! I cracked my gas tank and If I hung out @ the bar my tank would have drained. Wait till you hear the full story... next ride!
Wasn't able to make the event but we should plan a small ride as many people that can go. We should plan one out for next weekend...
i posted in the california law thread awhile ago about how i talked to some cops and they were saying they were gonna start cracking down on our bikes because of the increasing amount of them, and it looks like that's finally happening.

oddly enough, it was HB cops.

it really is a small price to pay to get legal. 19 bucks for a plate, a DOT helmet, and wasting a day at the DMV to get an M1 permit/license and you're pretty much good to go.

to say something like HB is another place to avoid is just prolonging the inevitable. better to roll through legal and wave than avoid it entirely or risk a ticket, or worse.

besides, if we have to avoid the beaches, then where alse ya gonna go?

wanna plan a ride through anahiem, westminster, and santa ana? gee, just think of the scenery...

the ride itself was pretty fun. despite losing a few people to distraction, it was nice and simple, got to see a buncha bikes, and the weather was nice.

i'd love to do a buncha more rides all through the spring and summer, so quit stalling. get yer plates and licenses and lets go!