lessons learned from pets

Quieter and less confrontational, does anybody know the appropriate doses for toxicity in squirrels of over the counter pain killers?

Please don't use warfarin though; it is a hideous way for an animal to die, bleeding to death through the walls of its blood vessels. I promise you, it's so bad it's not even used as a form of execution in places like Russia or China.
Lemme see? I like it ..You got a collective of these buggers out of no where. Wake up across the street type of deal? Catch and release type deal? Cranky and Disorientated.

This could be better than throwing snow balls at each others forts. I sea a new Grumpy Old Men movie coming?? Mad cranky now even territorial? These buggers would be bouncing everywhere.

Thise could mebbe lead to a new mini tv series Zombie Squirrels.
This makes me think of Bill Murry and the gopher in the movie 'Caddy Shack'.

"Gopher Cong"

At least squirrels don't tunnel my yard. They just chew bark off and kill branches in my trees. And they're easier to shoot than if they were underground. That would make them tunnel rats instead of tree rats.

I have a honey locust tree in my front yard that makes seed pods. At this time of year the tree rats get in it and chew the pods and drop them all over the front porch and walk. I have to clean up that mess, every day. Oh yeah, I love those furry little critters. Anyone know where I can buy some C-4?

Itty bitty, idiot kitty likes to crawl under the covers after tiring him self out attacking toes. Carol calls this "Kitty Burrito"


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Mine gets under the cover, but on top of the sheet. Winter or Summer, it's always the same........
Ninja Kat and Kat rock

"Raise yer paws in the air like ya just don't care......."


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The wad of plastic wrapper like the cord on the floor are Cat toys. All packaging, black wiring and boot laces must be thoroughly fought, chewed and covered in cat spit before being thrown out
I had a cat that would gnaw through the phone cord while I was on the telephone. He would get jealous because he thought I was ignoring him.
Folk would be much amused when I explained to them why our phone conversation was cut off so suddenly. :)
I have a friend who had a parrot that liked biting through power cords. One day, before he could be stopped, he found the full 240v mains voltage. If the fuse hadn't blown, he'd have been nicely cooked.
Last year (or the one before, I forget) his remaining parrot, Billy Buster decided to take a look at the world outside when a door was left open long enough for him to get out. Andy was reduced to walking around his local park with a cage calling Billy. he even found him, but Billy turned his back and ignored him.

Shortly after, Billy disappeared from the park. Luckily, all the local vets were alerted and the parrot rescues. Billy turned up at a vet's having arrived at somebody's front door, and knocked on it. The people inside opened up, and he simply walked in.

Billy is now happy back at home and shows no sign of wanting to find out about the world outside, where nobody checks his food bowl every day.
They are pretty cool.

A pet shop was going out of business and I happened in. Not looking for a pet just checking out the critters. But started playing with this big ol' parrot. He just took to me. Climbed up my shoulder and took my hat off and started chomping on it and sort of nuzzeling the side of my head with his. Like we were old friends.

Woman said I looked like his former human and the bird just sorta thought I wanted to play. Wish I had bought him but hundreds of dollars and they out live ya. Aside from all the socialization they want/need.
This is true. They are immensely sociable animals with a big life expectancy. Anybody taking one on should understand they take even more of your life up than dogs.
2 funny. those vids are like potato chips to me. Always end up watching "just one more" for an hr.