lessons learned from pets

Might be some truth there Dan. I heard from my neighbors where to get a great pure bred pup. Pit. So I took the old moma dog with me. If she did not aproove? Well been down that road. She said it was OK. She needs a buddy and I need guard dogs. ''they bark I come'' ;)

Before I could make it home in the car with it, it was howling at the rear window. At six weeks old it sprung up to the rear window cowl. Sat there and watched me. Bewildered I am sure. I looked at it from the rear veiw window. Had only gone two blocks. Put her in the front seat and that was fine by her. We were good.

Had to leave the back door open. Potty train. My recliner sqeaks like a pup kind of sound. The first night, every time I got up she ran out the back door. This little critter is supprisingly fast! Now she stays right at my feet ''literally'' I can't walk. The first moring had to feed them and go over the garden. So I would fake left and run right lol.

To make a long story short Moma keeps steeling the toys now. Kinda bummed to see that. I then noticed the pup had started to bring them all to her. rotfl

They are entertained and I can sit back and let them sort it out. Pretty Kewl! Looks like evrything will be OK.:)
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2 true, Mike. Gotta agree.

Funny thing is our cat, Stewie. Gets run out of his perch in windows by squirrels. Ya just know a month out side and he would be eating em. And I mean eating em. LOL, a Bronx tale but with cats.
Might be some truth there Dan. I heard from my neighbors where to get a great pure bred pup. Pit. So I took the old moma dog with me. If she did not aproove? Well been down that road. She said it was OK. She needs a buddy and I need guard dogs. ''they bark I come'' ;)

Before I could make it home in the car with it, it was howling at the rear window. At six weeks old it sprung up to the rear window cowl. Sat there and watched me. Bewildered I am sure. I looked at it from the rear veiw window. Had only gone two blocks. Put her in the front seat and that was fine by her. We were good.

Had to leave the back door open. Potty train. My recliner sqeaks like a pup kind of sound. The first night, every time I got up she ran out the back door. This little critter is supprisingly fast! Now she stays right at my feet ''literally'' I can't walk. The first moring had to feed them and go over the garden. So I would fake left and run right lol.

To make a long story short Moma keeps steeling the toys now. Kinda bummed to see that. I then noticed the pup had started to bring them all to her. rotfl

They are entertained and I can sit back and let them sort it out. Pretty Kewl! Looks like evrything will be OK.:)

Critter folk always seem to work it out.
I was sitting in my garage chair Friday evening when I saw, of all things, a baby snake crawling across my driveway. I got up, caught him and put him in an empty coffee can. When I showed him to Char she went to the basement and came up with a little two gallon aquarium we used to have fish in (another story). I put some sand, a couple of rocks and a stick of wood in and we started watching this critter. Char was transfixed with having a snake up close and where she could watch him. I identified him as a baby gopher snake, common in our area. He was only about 8" long.

As a youngster, living in south Florida my brother and I caiught and kept snakes. We had quite a collection. Everything from common rat snakes to rattlers and two coral snakes. They are amazing creatures to watch.

We couldn't get the little gopher snake to eat so today we let him go in Char's veggie garden. I hope he makes it and grows up to eat the voles that attack my junipers. I'd rather have a snake than a rodent any day; squirrles included. I hate them.



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Not in any way to differ with you Tom

I love squirrels. I just do. They are funny little critters. Sure they have caused more power sabotages and fires then alcidiea, but dang funny to watch.

As kids, my brother and I hunted and found a bunch of turtles in and on the Hockonym river. One day we diligently brought them home and placed them in our little sister's kiddie pool. Next to our Siberian Husky.

Got home to find a bunch a empty shells and a well fed dog. (Tim the dog ate all the turtles)

I was a lil kid but can not convey the guilt! The empty shells littered the yard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN32lLUOBzQ

LOL, song is not what I would listen to but comes up often. (Gotta keep em separated)
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Tree rats make great targets for my pellet pistol. Baxter, my Golden Retriever points them out to me, I shoot them. They chew branches off my trees, chew the bark off of limbs and kill the limb. I've had them gnaw on my house, chew holes in my cedar fence and generally destruct anything they can get to. Supposedly they are sharpening their teeth. I think they just like to destroy things.
They are not cute cuddly little Disney characters to me. They are rodents.

Sorry, Dan. If you come to visit, don't bring your little friends. They'll leave in a squirrel sized body bag.

as long as you eat them,
LOL, That's the ONLY thing they're good for. I've eaten my weight in those little buggers.
My dad and I used to go squirrel hunting when I was a wee lad. I still have the old Remington .22 that he taught me to shoot with.
'POP' there's dinner. It just fell outa that tree :)

Re: lessons learned

Hi eDJ!

Nice story. Liked it very much. I'm in your shoes about the dogs too. I had 2 pure bred dobermans. One died of old age, the other I was forced to put down, it was very old couldn't walk and covered with tumors. They were like my children and I still miss them.



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I think, eat the photographer. snicker

Just found out ya can't change background/wallpaper in Win7 starter. Really wanted to use that pic.
Here 'ya go, Dan. I'll take one for the team!!

(Ignore the triangular UFO at the top center ----damn things won't leave me alone.....)

Just funny. Stewie or as Carol calls him "stubot" is running from window to window and obviously hunting some thing but keeps pausing to look at me. LOL, Like I can say "yes, go kill that what ever" snork

Just funny and he is so, so into this. I don't know what is outside the window but Stewie is so into it. I'd like to help my lil buddy but don't wanna help him kill what ever it is out there

I hand feed and name the squirrels in the yard and the critter who lives under the shed out back is known as "chuck"

(he is a wood chuck and we have limited imagination)

Just really funny. And ity bity idiot kitty has since fallen sound asleep on the window sill.

Crises averted and apparently no vermin will be harmed.
Sorry Dan but I just had to comment on, squirrels.
A good friend and neighbor is, like me, no fan of tree rats. He uses a high powered pellet rifle to rid his yard of them. His immediate neighbor, next door was also a squirrel hater and approved of my friends target practice. The friend's neighbor recently sold his house and a new family now live there. A few days ago my friend shot a squirrel and it fell off the fence into his new neighbor's yard. He climbed up to have a look and found, yes, squirrel feeders in the new neighbor's yard, along with his most recent kill. :(

Reminds me of those Gary Larson, 'Trouble Brewing' cartoons.


I can never figure out cats. Oliver, he of large size and silky soft fir and his mom, Clair or better known as Little Cat both jumped up on the computer as I sat down after returning home from the morning IV therapy session for the returned bone infection in my knee. They never do this but must have sensed that my mood wasn't right. Surprised me.

I saw this today.

Cats and women were never meant to be understood by dogs and men.

I feel my life will be more complete and less stressful for knowing it.

"Rodent Wars" sounds like a reality show on Discovery Planet Animals Suburban Beer Drinkers channel #2346.

Ker-POWWWW! (Sounds like a .22 report in my addled mind.....:D)