lessons learned from pets

Here's a photo of Fluffy. One of the best things that's happened to me.

Looks like your faced with an often seen dilemma. Do you pet the cat until the cats happy or risk going for the computer first.
You can quite often see people at the doctors who made the wrong decision.

Wonderful looking kitty.


Long time ago a friend of mine had a pup about that age and level of cuteness. Took a week and he had me trained to form the perfect lap. He was very particular and would use the front paws to push anything that wasn't just where it should be to where he wanted it. Lord, did that hurt.

He wasn't quite the lap dog he had been when he got to 140 pounds and still wanted to jump into my lap.

It was amusing to see a living room full of tough guys talking baby talk to a puppy. How can you help yourself though.

Here's a photo of Fluffy. One of the best things that's happened to me.

Made me think of a thing. The first book I read about computers was "Modems for dummies" (not kidding. Got half way threw the book and realized I only needed to add a card, I would not launch missiles and given it had a toggle switch for an off/on, I should upgrade....

But the book was written by a woman who had 2 cats. Named; "Laptop" and "DeskTop"

Awesome pic Spanners
My little dog Mia has taught herself to smile when she really wants something from you. You know how hard it is to resist, even if she's not allowed whatever she's after.
LOL, Ludwig. They are just really well coordinated children looking to get some thing by ya, some times. And man can they pull the hart strings.

A few times a week Shelly DeDawg will try and convince me she has not gotten her 2 bones after dinner. Very often with one hanging out of her mouth as she stares at you with pleading eyes.

"Please Sir. Can I have some more?" Is hysterical.

(I should try and take it back... snicker)


The other day, I climb the stares (I never knock) but Stewie DeCat comes flying out of a room and is just thrilled to see me. Just thrilled. So I pick him up and do the rubin-lovn thing for a few. He purrs my ear off but then wants to get down. (some thing shiny, I'm sure)

A claw in his left paw is caught in the fabric of my shirt. So I have to kinda turn him around so his butt and leggs are on the floor and I can declaw my shirt so he is free. He gets kinda impatient. As he is pulling away and further digging in to my shoulder with his stuck claw, I am trying to pull it up and to me to release it with out hurting him.

So we are sort of having a little tug of war with his little arm.

Finally, he just sort of stops. (I am kneeling and we are almost nose to nose) He looks me dead in the eye like I am the biggest idiot he has ever met. Then promptly "baps" me on the bridge of the nose with his free paw. Like a little kid, wearing a boxing glove and down slapping.

Made me laugh to hard to keep trying to help free him and he just jerked his claw free.

Har! snork, guess he was right and that was just cat for "LET GO, YA DINK!"
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I know this has been posted here before > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw

But it is so great and a classic vid that I thought I'd bump it.

Char, my wife, and I have two dogs, and can associate it. We use it even in conversation between us. Today Char was telling me what she did with some leftovers she had taken to work for her lunch and while she was describing what she had done I started imitating what the dog in that video does and we both started laughing. Our two dogs were watching us and that even made it funnier.

This picture may be the most valuable thing you can learn from pets........to just take the time to chill and relax.

I know this has been posted here before > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw

But it is so great and a classic vid that I thought I'd bump it.

Char, my wife, and I have two dogs, and can associate it. We use it even in conversation between us. Today Char was telling me what she did with some leftovers she had taken to work for her lunch and while she was describing what she had done I started imitating what the dog in that video does and we both started laughing. Our two dogs were watching us and that even made it funnier.


Har! That is awesome and 2 funny. Thanks Tom.
Some of this vid is graphic but very cool. A dog attacks a child and a cat not only drives him off, defends the perimeter.

I questioned that vid. Who was more interested in making the video than saving the kid from the dog? They had to rely on the cat because they were too involved with making a video they could post on youtube.

Reminds me of these reality shows like 'Survivor'. People watch it and never think about who is doing the photography and sound. Do they really think those people are stranded on an island, starving and eating old shoes to survive? Don't the viewers realize that at the end of the day's taping that the cast and crew head back to a hotel with hot showers and a resturant?

Not saying the dog didn't attack the little guy but who in their right mind would video the event and not put down the camera to help? :)

I think they were static, security cameras, Tom

Dunno but still amazing. An animal took on a larger being to protect a baby.

My take was a Momma Cat said "oh **** no!" and slapped him to the curb and then made sure the yard was safe.

Still thinking Momma Cat a Hero
It is legit. It came off a security camera tape. I think the mother looked to see how bad the boy was and took off after the dog. The cat sure wasn't putting up with any more nonsense from the dog.
The dog is an 8 month old Chow cross.

Kind of like the time a friends cat rode the next door neighbours wiener dogs home with a set of claws in the back of each dog. They stopped chasing the cat after that.

Saw that.. The news outlets were saying that it was home security cam video (from the apparent placement it makes sense.. each front corner of the house facing front yard). Better video than mine take, but my cameras are (cheap) Unidens. On the news it was reported that the dog was put down after the attack.

Always sorry to hear or see that the pet was put down but this time it was for the best. The dog deliberately attacked the kid and I'm sure would do it again if given the chance.

I would bet that there will be lawsuits flying over this for certain. We have a couple on our street who have a Rottweiler that keeps getting out and harassing walkers and bike riders. All anyone gets from the wife is an insipid "I'm sorry" and the dog is out and does it again minutes later. No one sees the husband.

Finally one neighbour was able to find out somehow who was insuring the house and called the company and raised a considerable ruckus about what was going to happen if the dog tried to attack him again. They had a family member who is a very high priced lawyer in the city who's name the insurance company representative recognized right away.
You can see and hear the dog in the back yard but it's only seen when she is walking it and it is on a really stout chain and not the skimpy leash it used to be on if it was on a leash at all. :)

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I really like dogs, but a dog that will attack a human has no place in a community. Pit bulls are a pet peeve of mine. Bred to be aggressive (and yes, I know it makes a difference how they are raised) they will attack without much provocation, including family members. Many people own them to enhance their "bad boy" image. I believe every owner of such a breed needs to be able to prove the community is safe through use of strong pens.

Always sorry to hear or see that the pet was put down but this time it was for the best. The dog deliberately attacked the kid and I'm sure would do it again if given the chance.

I would bet that there will be lawsuits flying over this for certain. We have a couple on our street who have a Rottweiler that keeps getting out and harassing walkers and bike riders. All anyone gets from the wife is an insipid "I'm sorry" and the dog is out and does it again minutes later. No one sees the husband.

Finally one neighbour was able to find out somehow who was insuring the house and called the company and raised a considerable ruckus about what was going to happen if the dog tried to attack him again. They had a family member who is a very high priced lawyer in the city who's name the insurance company representative recognized right away.
You can see and hear the dog in the back yard but it's only seen when she is walking it and it is on a really stout chain and not the skimpy leash it used to be on if it was on a leash at all. :)


It pains me as well when a dog has to be put down, but sometimes there's no option. In this case, from watching the video to me it's pretty clear the dog intended to attack the way it did and from that in my opinion it's behaviour shows it will be a hazard to the community.