My new best friend Mila.
Who's a ickle piggy wiggy, den? Oogie woogie woogie!
Here's a photo of Fluffy. One of the best things that's happened to me.
I know this has been posted here before >
But it is so great and a classic vid that I thought I'd bump it.
Char, my wife, and I have two dogs, and can associate it. We use it even in conversation between us. Today Char was telling me what she did with some leftovers she had taken to work for her lunch and while she was describing what she had done I started imitating what the dog in that video does and we both started laughing. Our two dogs were watching us and that even made it funnier.
I questioned that vid. Who was more interested in making the video than saving the kid from the dog? They had to rely on the cat because they were too involved with making a video they could post on youtube.Some of this vid is graphic but very cool. A dog attacks a child and a cat not only drives him off, defends the perimeter.
Always sorry to hear or see that the pet was put down but this time it was for the best. The dog deliberately attacked the kid and I'm sure would do it again if given the chance.
I would bet that there will be lawsuits flying over this for certain. We have a couple on our street who have a Rottweiler that keeps getting out and harassing walkers and bike riders. All anyone gets from the wife is an insipid "I'm sorry" and the dog is out and does it again minutes later. No one sees the husband.
Finally one neighbour was able to find out somehow who was insuring the house and called the company and raised a considerable ruckus about what was going to happen if the dog tried to attack him again. They had a family member who is a very high priced lawyer in the city who's name the insurance company representative recognized right away.
You can see and hear the dog in the back yard but it's only seen when she is walking it and it is on a really stout chain and not the skimpy leash it used to be on if it was on a leash at all.