lessons learned from pets

I've got a big old tom cat that was born to one of my other cats and he loves sitting on my computer desk in front of the key board so I have no choice but to pet him until he goes away. Put him down and he's back before you can turn back to use the keys and it never gets old for him.

A few months ago he sank his teeth into my thumb and would not let go no matter what I did until I slammed the palm of my hand on the top of his head and his chops were buried into the desk top.

He hit the cat door so hard on his way out that I expected to find it in the middle of the yard. He's back to his old game again but he does keep both eyes on my free hand.

Freaking painful bite isn't it.

Cosmic, our first shrunken rottweiler was a physically beautiful, show quality little dog, and much, much too clever. Arrogant? Macho? Filled with a sense of his place in the world totally at odds with being 7lbs? Oh yes.

He'd come in from the kitchen, the living room door would burst open (I didn't mention disproportionately powerful) and he would strut with that silly bouncy dressage horse walk to the middle of the room. Then he takes up the "I'm Supreme Champion At Cruft's" stance, look slowly around the room to make sure you all knew he'd arrived, and then he'd swagger off to whereever he had decided to try and throw somebody 20 times his size out of their chair.

Language? He knew over 100 words as words, and their meanings, to which you can add sentences. This meant you ended up arguing with him. Friends would be coming to visit at some point in the future, we would mention it between us, he'd be up at the window waiting. He'd be told "no, not now, later", he'd be looking out of the window, then at you, "but you said they were coming". After 10 minutes he'd give up arguing with the stupid humans, get down, and do (you'll know this one all too well) The Chihuahua Huff.

His name? Hat. Why? Chihuahuas are Mexican. What do the Mexicans in films all have?
your description of Hat sounds just like Tweak, extra fancy cosmic kids' call name.
His bloodline was all grand champions on both sides. He knew words & sentences, yup, learned pig latin too. We ended up having to spell things when we didn't want him to know what we were talking about, and he was learning to understand what we were talking about when we spelled things out. I know he believed himself to be potentate of all he surveyed.

The small pack we have now, is nowhere close to the original pack we had, first pack was raised from 6 week old puppies, current pack are all rescue dogs from breeders so not allowed to develop their true abilities as little humans...
I'd forgotten about the spelling as well. The next one was almost as clever, but an absolute antithesis of Hat, Boots, Daddy's Little Boy. The softest and sweetest animal that ever breathed. We got him to 18, and I still miss him even now.
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Just a quick word of advice......"Never, ever, walk on the nearest grass of the front door of PetSmart."

My Sis used to have a pair of cats --- the nice one was named "Nanner". The evil one was named "Puddin'". Yep, she had Nanner Puddin'. True story!

This is my cat, "Stormy". She's a Lilac Tonkinese that I found at the animal shelter. Was fixed and chipped already. Come to find out, they were having a 'sale' that day.....got her for $25. Not bad for a $700 cat!! They had her marked as a Siamese, and I knew that wasn't right.


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Beautiful cat. Makes you wonder how she wound up in an animal shelter. I'd heard of Tonkinese cats but had never seen one before. Thank you for the photo.

Yup, been a dog guy all my life, We raised Beagles for rabbit dogs when I was a kid. I almost always had a few puppies to play with.
THEN about 3 years ago, my friend walked in from the backyard with a little grey ball of fur in his hand. At first I thought it was a dog toy.I guess it was a dog toy, it was a itty bitty kitty, FULL of fleas and starving so I Couldn't just put her out there again. SO after de-fleaing the cat AND the entire house
I got some cat food, litter box, ect. I went to clean the litter box and noticed something strange in the poop,I went to get my glasses because I can't see sh!t without them. It was one of my rubber fishing lures. Thank God there wasn't a hook in it. the poor thing was so hungry she ate a rubber worm.That was about 3 years ago so now she ownes the entire house. HER meow is LAW.That ittybitty kitty turned into a 20 lb PET ME, PET ME, PET ME,lap kitty. Even while I'm on the computer she wants to be in Dad's lap. She's up every morning with me to help make coffee.So now I guess I'm one of those cat guys that people look at strange.I guess my lesson learned is compassion
catdaddy.AKA fatdaddy.
My best pals as a boy a beagle named Spot and a big grey cat named (not very originally) Smokey. We had a 40 acre farm and the three of us knew every blade of grass on it. People talk about Beagles being runners and you have to watch them but Spot never left my side except when I was in school and even then she showed up there a few times. How she found me five miles away when we were driven there and there was no trail to follow I never found out.

I've hear from a few people over the years who weren't cat people and who rescued a cat or cats and were going to take them to a shelter tomorrow as soon as it opened. Of course the shelter opened and closed many times while the cat/cats were being royally entertained in their new and permanent home by people who weren't cat people.

My Dad when he was younger was at someones farm one night and I'm sure that the home made what ever was flowing well and when he got home in the early hours grandma wanted to know just what he had under his overcoat. At that very moment, so the family story goes, the border collie pup popped his head and grandma was introduced to Laddie. Grandma, even though she was Scottish, was not the least bit impress with Laddie despite his good highland name and order him out of the house at the first sight of daylight.
Almost 18 years later Laddie died in her arms. When Mom and Dad married a few years later Dad tried to reclaim Laddie and was told that would never happen and it didn't.

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Does that mean Stewie is a copy cat???


Hey, just thought copy cat, if your Cat bites your hand, then you as a copy cat can bite the cats paws too?

Just wondering. I guess if its your cat, but there are some laws and I saw on the news the enforcement of them. Sick guy hits dog with belt and guys son took pics to post, got two dogs taken away from the guy. Maybe will be found guilty of misdemeanor charge.

Bumper sticker;

I kiss my cat on the lips. 'Cause my dog wants to "french"
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It's my box! MINE!!!!!!!!

(Or maybe Stewie is yawning. I dunno)


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