Indian Tadpole

However long it takes. The summer of 2017 then. We wll be older, wiser and maybe better looking, too. Well, older anyway.

Annie, slow and easy with your own healing. You'll be in my thoughts along with Steve. Please be well.
You lot get feeling better! Now! The motorbike world needs you! The best way for young pups to learn new tricks is from the old dogs who've mastered them.

If there's anything a young hillbilly in Arizona can do to help, y'all just let me know.

Great to hear from you. I was going to send you a personal message more than once but figured if a member who posts all the time stops there is a reason and they don't want to be bothered by anyone.

Great to hear that your health is better. May it continue for ever.

You folks have so much knowledge and experience, and such great projects started, that I wish I had time and money to just travel all around and help each of you out any way I could. Or at least any way you'd let me.
When the tadpoles hit the road and Annie's fantastic machine is motoring her about, it will be a great day indeed!
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]... I would promises not to give advices, not to help - just to watch and enjoy, bringing beer, making sandwiches and caring about cigarettes (if somebody still smoke tobacco)...

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]That was my job working with my brother on motorcycles and autos, including bringing forgotten tools and parts from balcony or from basement! Sometimes, he needed 3rd hand in some operations... But, I managed to steal a lot of knowledge, even in that passive way![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Only, travelling around World to visit all of you – should means more money needed than to build own vehicle(s)...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Good to hear good news about all of you, the first about health, then about projects developing...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
You folks have so much knowledge and experience, and such great projects started, that I wish I had time and money to just travel all around and help each of you out any way I could. Or at least any way you'd let me.
When the tadpoles hit the road and Annie's fantastic machine is motoring her about, it will be a great day indeed!

Allen Wrench,

I'll speak for myself only but I don't see myself as talented as so many here are.
When I was restoring antique furniture and making reproduction antique furniture from rough drawings and pictures torn from magazines with just the measurements to guide me the people I was working for always were thrilled about what I did other than two people no one could make happy. I guess it's not bad for over 50 years of doing it.

When people told me how pleased they were I was happy that I had fulfilled their dreams but I never saw what I did as anything special. I still feel that anyone could do what I did if they tried.
All that is required is time and patience and a large hole in the back yard to toss the ideas that didn't work into if you can't burn them in the wood stove. Over the years I have been a steady and devoted user of both.

When I saw the first photo of a tri car I was hooked. What a wonderful machine and as I found a few more photos and got a feel for how it was built the builder kicked in and the scale phase kicked in. How long, how wide compared to the length, how big is the passenger seat, how will I fake the small parts were looked at and examined.

We have a motorcycle mad neighbour and when I set the passengers seat on the front of it to see just how it fit he asked just how the %$#& I figured it out then did it. I wish I knew myself at times. I would guess that those of us who do put thing like this together just see things from a different prospective than other people and just build what we see, never seeing what it looks like as we build but we always see the finished product.

It would be magnificent if we could all get together at one time and exchange ideas and build together. When we do Bike Camp in the Birches by the Lake, breakfast, lunch and dinner are spent discussing what the vision is for what we are building and the rest of the day is spent making it happen and staring creatively.

The neighbourhood just wonders how we did it as we go by.


Thank you. We wish you could be here as well when Bike Camp starts up again. You would only need to sit there and talk bikes. What a grand time would be had by all of us. Swimming and boat trips around the lake while fishing have been know to break into the work day.

It always amazes me that even with bad health we never seem to lose sight of what we are doing even if it just takes longer to get there.

I was sitting here looking at the forum and I saw bluegoatwoods post in the Tavern about a chap who had restored a scooter. The last lines in the first part of the story were that he didn't think it would take any more than a year or cost a lot.
I'd heard that myself.

I just had to look up the beginning of this thread and see when the madness started. Hard to believe that I first marked out what my plans were 5 years ago tomorrow. Wow. It didn't seem that long but the sad truth is still there.

I can't thank all of you enough for staying with me and the tri car. My long suffering old pal Silverbear has been right beside me the whole time. E-mails, Bike Camp and countless discussions later and we are still at it but with any luck the first one will roll in the next few months.

I have ordered the last few parts that I need to finish off the drive train and with a rear sprocket and adapter from Sportscar Pat that I need to see if he can build I may, if the wind is on my back, have done in the early spring.

You will all be riding with me on the first trip.

It's been quite a journey Steve. It would be wonderful if the tricar finally rolls out on it's first test ride in the Spring. And as you say we will all be riding along with you in spirit on that first ride. :D
Hi Anne,

I've taken myself out for a couple of test spins around the yard the past couple of days and I stopped into the garage to see how the tri car was doing. I always look at it and think of all the fun I had getting it to this stage.

Depending when the surgeons set hands on me again I'm planning to get as much done as possible before they Christmas Spirit sets in here and I'm dragged off to help with other things.
I probably have January and part of February before they have a go at me again.

I keep telling myself that I'm glad I'm not a horse but then again that doesn't work since the next go around will be #4.

I even went to look at the front seat which is in the trailer I tow the bikes in and pondered putting it on the bike to get some photo's. My niece and her partner will be up from Australia for Christmas and then there will be enough young people around to help.

How is you build coming along? Hoping now that summer is there your able to get out more.

Allen Wrench,

Thank you for the push I needed. I still don't know how I did it but looking at it today it is pretty nice.

Maybe we'll get to make a guest appearance in your home town and you can ride it. Travel plans will be made upon completion.

Glad to see that things are not left to rust. I have my 2 year reg for my offroad motorbike now ready to paste on another sticker for the next two years, since the last few months. Then I can be legal again and do winter riding in CA, US National Forests.

Things about places to work on finishing a fish covering for slow parade use have a hold on them as I am in the middle of things like finding work and such.

The cold temps give the engine a boost, but camping when at early am hours for me a wimp 29 F degrees.... eh maybe for 2 days. Summer and a week long trip and carrying extra ice is not necessary, you can gather some small amount of snow and wild turkeys well they are a bit noisy, but use ear plugs.

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Hi Measure Twice,

The tri car has been in the garage all this time thankfully but all I've done is go in and dust it off once in a while for the most part.

It's good to hear that yours is getting used on a regular basis. Camping is great but the 29F does leave a little to be desired. Wild turkeys do make a lot of noise for their size. A friend of my sons raises them free range and 50 of them can make a terrible racket especially when someone walks by with a 5 gallon pail and they think it's food time.

My son said watch this parade and picked up an empty bucket and walked across the farm yard with the turkeys following him. As soon as he put the bucket down and they realized there was no food they all wandered off.

The art fish will come I'm sure but it does seem to take forever doesn't it.
