Indian Tadpole


Old Granddad could get pretty noisy when he was sipping Wild Turkey. His standard complaint was that they put the neck to close to the bottom of the bottle. Mom wouldn't get him a Texas Mickey which he would have loved.

I'll let you know those turkeys jumped and kicked my tent, but forget about it and kick back! Photo shows how!

Now the bob cat I just watched from a distance when it was on the trail side as I riding in its direction. Then after a while I went the other way as it was a staring contest I suppose.



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Started ordering all the parts to finish the tri car. A lot of them I've had to call the company directly and order the parts because if you live in Canada they don't have it set up so you can check out. U.S. sales only.

I would guess that the are afraid that I'm going to pay them in beaver pelts. Might be cheaper. A U.S. dollar now costs me $1.30 Canadian and there is no free shipping.

If there is any way I can help, let me know. I could order parts for you and pay for them, have them shipped to your drop off in Washington State and you could then pick them up there and sneak them across the border into Canada hidden in your shoes or underpants. We could square up $ at summer camp. There would of course be canine interest charges to be paid for in dog biscuits. (Miss Mooshie is staring at me as I type and has once again achieved inter species telepathic communication... what a dog she is!) If there's a way to save you some doremi, let me know. I'm so glad to hear of progress on the tri-car! Moosh says hi & I'm waggin' me tail.

I would definitely give you a call if need be. This was a bit of a personal rant because when I bought some parts from Stanton's they had a checkout where you could send parts anywhere in the world including Botswana.

I go to check out at what is probably the largest go kart and related parts manufacturer in the world and they only have it set up so you can buy in the U.S. with out calling in your order. This isn't the first time either and it just makes me wonder out loud what is going on.

Standard joke in Canada is that they're are afraid that the delivery people won;t find our igloo and then we want to pay them with beaver pelts or maple syrup.

Please toss Mooshie a cookie for me. Tell her I'll make up for the lost summer next year.

Isn't that always the case when your just about done you find all the good pictures, just enough that you may have to make some small changes.

I have been to Canada half dozen times, twice to Jasper. Most awesome beauty in the western part. and a lot of Canadians come here to winter in the south. We are suppose to be good neighbors,and yet so much different. Seems so funny you step across that line and so much different.

Good to see you are at least getting somewere on it,such a neet build..............Curt
Hi Curt,

There is an old saying that we are two nations separated by the same language. It's fun when you have lived in both of them to compare the difference.

We had a Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, who said that when your a mouse sleeping beside an elephant it's hard not to notice when the elephant moves. With the largest country after Russia but with 10% of the U.S. population we are indeed the mouse.

Therefore the amount of business that U.S. companies get from Canada is much smaller and they don't make accommodations for sales from Canada on their web sites.

Getting closer to the end of the build. Silverbear and I have a victory lap to make up to Bears Head State Park when they are done. It will be well earned.


Your welcome. Glad you are enjoying it. Thanks to Allen Wrench who pointed out that a lot of people are following the tri car build I've been pushed off the comfortable seat and on to completing it so we can all have a ride.

Pretty much getting the parts together now and the action begins in the New Year.


It is a beauty. It will be interesting to see to see what it sells for. The last one that is considered the the most original one left sold for $167,000 I believe.

If you want your springs nickle plated like this one let me know. I have a can of spray chrome left and I'll do them before I bring then down. :)

If you click on the Facebook link and then when it comes up click on the heading where it says 3 new photos and it will take you to his web sight that is full of antique motorcycles and cars.

The seat would be great Silverbear. I'll ask my son once again if he can find someone who could make one while he is in South America.

Quick update. After purchasing blank sprockets to have the machinist fit them to a Manic Mechanic hub adapter and thinking about it over Christmas and New Years I Emailed Pat at Sportsman Flyer and ordered one of their hub adapters and a 72 tooth sprocket.

I just feel more confident that their 3 piece adapter and sprocket will be the best for strength and durability. The jack shaft part will a while since I have to go to the metal supply to get some aluminum round bar to send to the machinist.

Quick update. After purchasing blank sprockets to have the machinist fit them to a Manic Mechanic hub adapter and thinking about it over Christmas and New Years I Emailed Pat at Sportsman Flyer and ordered one of their hub adapters and a 72 tooth sprocket.

I just feel more confident that their 3 piece adapter and sprocket will be the best for strength and durability. The jack shaft part will a while since I have to go to the metal supply to get some aluminum round bar to send to the machinist.

The sprocket and adapter arrived from Sportsman Flyers on Tuesday morning. Beautifully done and I'm going to make the effort to go down and put it on the bike tomorrow and get a photo of it.

The only thing around here that is slower arriving than tomorrow is me. I did get the back wheel off the tri car a couple of days ago and managed to get the hub adapter and sprocket changed around. I can't say enough good things about the Sportsman Flyer hub adapter but brace yourselves because I'm going to try hard to.

When I bought the motor from Rick at Rick's Rides I asked him what sprockets he'd used on his bike. Since Manic Mechanic doesn't make custom sprockets I had Rebel Gears make one for me and since I couldn't find out where I'd put the paper with the gear ratios I took a chance and was ten teeth off what I needed. I ordered sixty two teeth instead of the seventy two I needed. My thought when I saw that are best kept to my self but I will admit to doing the "Not happy dance." Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers would have been proud.

I put off doing anything for the summer and then I became sick and didn't do anything for a long time. I visited the Sportsman Flyer site when I decided to get the pedal crank assembly. I looked at the hub adapter and saw that they did custom sprockets and when the time came I went with theirs.

What a fantastic piece of workmanship. Not to that Manic Mechanic doesn't produce fine work because they do and they work well for everyone for thousands of miles. It's just that Sportsman Flyer had taken it to a much higher engineering level in my mind.

First there are three parts to the adapter so you have the clamping load spread more evenly. The adapter is wider so there is more clamping surface and the bolts holding the sections together are heavier.
The towers that go through the spokes that the sprocket bolts to are longer so you have more reach. The hole in the sprocket is wider so the brake arm clears the sprocket better.

The 72 tooth sprocket and hub adapter cost me another $30 over what the standard set would have cost. I received the sprocket adapter and the sprocket for what just the sprocket would have cost me to have made to fit the Manic Mechanic adapter.

The adapter hub is over all more ruggedly built and the price difference between the two is less that $10 for the hub adapter and the standard sprocket sizes at the time I wrote this.

I am writing this simply because I'm impressed with what I received for my money and wanted to pass the information on. I feel if you purchase a Sportsman hub adapter and sprocket you will be equally please and happy with your purchase.

I have posted photos of both of the adapters on the tri car site. There are comments below the photos.

Click on the Photos to enlarge them.

Steve. Tri-car Build/