Indian Tadpole

Because standing for very long is hard for me to do I use an old office chair to wheel myself back and forth in the garage as I work. My nephew and his wife bought me a rolling garden seat for my birthday to use since it sits up higher and has large wheels that roll easier. Really comfortable as well.

Took about ten minutes for that age old question to arise. Gas or electric?


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I've working on the bike slowly. It's about finished with the new gas tank painted. I have to wait for a few days for the paint to set up and then I can put the lettering on it and hook it up to the motor. Meanwhile it's shop clean up and working on the electric tri car in between rain storms. The Wet Coast has returned.


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Epic Steve! I'm ready to see it setting in all it's early day glory and road approved, even though not allowed in your provinces or territories. Even here in Indian Territory, actual rural America, I seldom ride my Harley "Pea shooter", though it has pedals, it's so obviously out of motor bicycle compliance. I'd hope your e-tri car would fall in a legal area that's allowed. I've decided to register and tag the Simplex for highway riding and retro fit DOT approved wheels, hubs, tires and upgrade the brakes to 203 mm rotors. This just makes sense in light of legal issues and the addition of a sidecar that has DOT approved running gear already on hand. The Harley might follow.

I see forced registration of all bicycles in the future, e-bikes first and all gas powered pedal bikes laws soon enforced everywhere in the U.S. but hope it's later than sooner. Never would get my vote and perhaps I'm wrong in thinking my government capable of allowing a little personal transportation freedom in my old age...just dreaming!

Rick C.
Welcome to my world, Rick.
I voted to leave the EU in the hope it would help put the brakes on ever-encroaching restrictions aimed at outlawing home-built transportation. Hopefully I'll not live to see the day coming when I have to build TWO of everything so one can be crash tested prior to applying for registration.
Because standing for very long is hard for me to do I use an old office chair to wheel myself back and forth in the garage as I work. My nephew and his wife bought me a rolling garden seat for my birthday to use since it sits up higher and has large wheels that roll easier. Really comfortable as well.

Took about ten minutes for that age old question to arise. Gas or electric?


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Electric still needs charging, but a discreet tube to a carb should certainly let you use the gas, just remember to give it a shot of oil every now and again.
Epic Steve! I'm ready to see it setting in all it's early day glory and road approved, even though not allowed in your provinces or territories. Even here in Indian Territory, actual rural America, I seldom ride my Harley "Pea shooter", though it has pedals, it's so obviously out of motor bicycle compliance. I'd hope your e-tri car would fall in a legal area that's allowed. I've decided to register and tag the Simplex for highway riding and retro fit DOT approved wheels, hubs, tires and upgrade the brakes to 203 mm rotors. This just makes sense in light of legal issues and the addition of a sidecar that has DOT approved running gear already on hand. The Harley might follow.

I see forced registration of all bicycles in the future, e-bikes first and all gas powered pedal bikes laws soon enforced everywhere in the U.S. but hope it's later than sooner. Never would get my vote and perhaps I'm wrong in thinking my government capable of allowing a little personal transportation freedom in my old age...just dreaming!

Rick C.

It's here in Canada Rick and as usual I'm sure it will creep into the U.S. as well. The political clown car rolls on with the occupants certain that everyone not in the car is in dire need of their expertise to be saved from anything that makes sense.

The electric tri car will be legal unless a police officer says I need to pedal as I use the electric motor at such a time I plan to point out that it is indeed a mobility devise and the old lad will never pedal again and as much as I've searched I can't find any description of just what that is. The typical mobility scooter that is seen everywhere is the norm but I will be in touch with the issuing powers to make sure that there aren't any standards that need to be adhered to with a letter to back this up.

It will probably grind to a halt when I ask for a signed letter since government types are free with opinions until there is a chance their name can be attached to it.

Electric still needs charging, but a discreet tube to a carb should certainly let you use the gas, just remember to give it a shot of oil every now and again.

Ludwig, I have indeed thought about this I assure you but the law hounds here would gleefully load it up and have it hauled off and hand me a summons for a large sum of money if there was the slightest hint of exhaust fumes. However with electric I can plead that it is a "mobility devise" {I love that term} that I made for myself because of the high cost of a commercial one.

It would require brakes, lights and a horn but that's reasonable. Electric air horns would be my preference. Anything less than 6" of air under the victims feet when they elevate would require louder horns.

Thanks to Curt's kindness a differential is in hand to be used to propel it.
A large battery would be used to insure long distance travel. Mine, not the air horn victims. An enclosure to keep the occupant dry would be a consideration. Winter is closing in upon us and the Wet Coast is back.

Measurements have been taken and materials considered. An old office chair has become available just by chance recently.

Satan is pushing me forward.

A worthy book indeed Tom. It may require me purchasing a copy as well. The tri car is finally where I want it and it is now a matter of hooking everything up and pushing it outside when the paint is fully cured on the tank which should be later this week and running it through it's paces on the work bench before it's put on the ground for the riding trials.

There are no more improvements to improve on at the moment. We'll see what happens when everything is turning under power.

Because standing for very long is hard for me to do I use an old office chair to wheel myself back and forth in the garage as I work. My nephew and his wife bought me a rolling garden seat for my birthday to use since it sits up higher and has large wheels that roll easier. Really comfortable as well.

Took about ten minutes for that age old question to arise. Gas or electric?


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I love that seat. I have a mechanics seat that had little wheels, so I put shopping cart casters on it and now I have to fetch it out of the street because it rolls away on its own.
I love that seat. I have a mechanics seat that had little wheels, so I put shopping cart casters on it and now I have to fetch it out of the street because it rolls away on its own.

Shopping cart casters. Absolute genius, Sir. Roll away they would indeed and the seat occupant with them. If I didn't have this seat I'd be looking for some.

Harbour freight has this same seat without the steering for $60. A simple frame with steering with this seat added to it and engine/electric motor for power would make flea markets/auto jumble sales fun to cruise around and with a trailer attached easier on a person.

I'm certain it would take a lot longer to get around since everyone would want a closer look

I was idling around the provincial governments web site to see there were any rules about homemade mobility scooters or any information at all for that matter. None, other than it's no legal to run anyone over.

Then lo and behold I came across the official website describing exactly what the different ebikes and motorized two wheel vehicles have to have and what they are and are not with different equipment and motors. As of September 24th they have spelled out what exactly what is what and there are absolutely no "Gray Areas."

The cop in the story I posted was wrong and the province said so. No pedalling needed while under power.

Link below. Electric tri car is on.

I was idling around the provincial governments web site to see there were any rules about homemade mobility scooters or any information at all for that matter. None, other than it's no legal to run anyone over.

Then lo and behold I came across the official website describing exactly what the different ebikes and motorized two wheel vehicles have to have and what they are and are not with different equipment and motors. As of September 24th they have spelled out what exactly what is what and there are absolutely no "Gray Areas."

The cop in the story I posted was wrong and the province said so. No pedalling needed while under power.

Link below. Electric tri car is on.

That's a bright spot you see shining from the Canadian legal codes Steve lets hope some low level legal roach doesn't spot this flagrant socialistic oversight to totalitarian authority.

Rick C.
I was idling around the provincial governments web site to see there were any rules about homemade mobility scooters or any information at all for that matter. None, other than it's no legal to run anyone over.

Then lo and behold I came across the official website describing exactly what the different ebikes and motorized two wheel vehicles have to have and what they are and are not with different equipment and motors. As of September 24th they have spelled out what exactly what is what and there are absolutely no "Gray Areas."

The cop in the story I posted was wrong and the province said so. No pedalling needed while under power.

Link below. Electric tri car is on.


Be sure to keep a copy of this with you while riding!

On a somewhat related side note, but at risk of another thread drift- LOL!

Building & flying an FAR 103 (Ultralight) aircraft in the states is amazingly unrestricted! Less so that building a street legal homemade car or motorcycle.

Follow the guidelines for weight, performance, proper fly zones and your plane doesn't need to be registered, inspected or even a pilot's license to fly it.

Seems the FAA doesn't want these little birds driving down their accident statistics so several years ago they set up some clearly defined guidelines and then washed their hands of it.

Regardless, it's an incredible rare little sliver of actual freedom that i find very very appealing!!!!
Pete we're all expecting a good deal of information coming out of the maiden journeys....especially photos Steve, ahem, and detailed stories of those who stand amazed at the tri-cars magnificence. I 'd say a pox on provincial magistrates that would constrain such a road worthy conveyance! Here, here...

Rick C.
Ultralight and microlight flying in Britain is subject to more rules and regs, those of you who live here or have been here will know how little distance there is between places. Even what is regarded as open countryside has places with names like Much Groping, Little Groping and Groping Knightly within a mile of each other, and two miles from Handshandy-next-Bedding, so I suppose regulation is necessary. Even so, the CAA is sometimes referred to as the Campaign Against Aviation. Heaven knows what Americans call the FAA.......
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The delay has been caused cleaning up the garage. To make room for some of the tools on the floor to find a home I had to shuffle a bunch of things around. I can't lift my arms much above shoulder height empty without considerable accompanying pain. Top shelf was empty and I ignored the printing on the box that said this box may weigh more that you think. The top shelf is also at the end limit of my normal reach let alone what it is today.

Classic case where I have to give it a final heave to get it on the shelf or it bounces off my head. All 40 plus pounds of it. As a result lifting a mug of tea requires considerable resolve and planning.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will yield some time and ability to work on some small things on the bike to get it ready to run. I need to enlarge the hole for the crankshaft to exit through the chain guard and the chain tensioner for the pedal chain needs to be reinstalled after painting and with luck the gas line reinstalled to the gas tank.

Ultralight and microlight flying in Britain is subject to more rules and regs, those of you who live here or have been here will know how little distance there is between places. Even what is regarded as open countryside has places with names like Much Groping, Little Groping and Groping Knightly within a mile of each other, and two miles from Handshandy-next-Bedding, so I suppose regulation is necessary. Even so, the CAA is sometimes reerred to as the Campaign Against Aviation. Heaven knows what Americans call the FAA.......

Heh, heh, us Yanks, vulgar for certain, one can only wonder...FAA?

Place names in Indian Territory, Washita, Gotebo, Cloud chief, Bessie, Two baby, Breathwait, no Groping or Fondling going on