Indian Tadpole

Money is being quietly put aside a bit at a time for a looped frame and tank from Pat. I'm thinking that a sidecar will be added. Electric power disguised as a V twin would certainly deepen the appeal. Most likely the path I'll follow.

I look at the tanks the later Indians had and I agree with you about purchasing one. I have seen some that were beautifully made then I consider the work involved. As I've said before I also will be buying the major components from Pat simply because they are first quality and he did the heavy hauling in designing and building them. The coffin tool box will be perfect. No more having to worry about fit and finish. This build will simply be a motor bike with no known build in mind.
I simply have to follow along and put them together.

I will most likely build the camel back gas tank to see if it can be done and see if I can find a frame for it. Probably build it as a single and save the V twin efforts for Pat's frame.

Considering a trip to a large motor home gathering in Arizona in January and after that a trip over to Pat's and pick up the parts if it's possible. That way I can order and pay ahead of time and have it waiting.

All I need to do now is live to 95 in good health to get it all done.

Hi Rick,

I always told my kids to do everything while they were young because when they were old all they would have is the memories. So much of what I knew and the people I shared the times with are gone. Lost another friend in June. At least he made it past his early 60's. He was 75.

Had the gas tank and the oil tank primed and started to put the final coat on it and the paint spit out of the spray can and ran down the side of the tank. Had to sand blast them and we'll try tomorrow with the fresh can of paint if the weather holds out.

There has been a real blow out here In British Columbia over ebikes/escooters with pedals being ticketed by the police. Unmentioned in our provincially run auto insurance companies web site of what is legally what is the fact that you can only ride an ebike if your pedalling at the same time.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police who police the province outside cities that have their own police force are now enforcing this. The fine is $600 and the insurance people won't offer insurance because they say you don't need it.

I'll try and find the story and add it here. Shoots my idea of using the electric trike to get around.

Looked at the story again. This was in Victoria which is the capital of British Columbia. I believe they have their own police department but they are well known to be not nice to motorized bicycles, gas or electric.

Steve the universal problem of politicians and cockroaches, redundant terminology and a quite insulting comparison to the roaches.

I'd think the problem starts in Ottawa and floods downward, as it does in the states and D.C.. I'm having the devil of a time trying to see how governments can reconcile the stated goals of low emissions/cleaner planet/decreased traffic congestion & noise pollution; with the obvious and ongoing effort's of centralized and complete authoritarian governmental control of every facet of an individuals daily routine. Literally thousands of laws on the books that render compliance impossible and which, as a result, makes every citizen an easy target for conviction under some arcane statute or many.

Cockroaches and cock@#%&*%'!

Rick C. (and still having fun!)
Rick, one thing I saw recently said that circuses are having a hard time find replacement clowns. It seems that all the top prospects are choosing to go into politics.

As always in politics,stupid starts at the top and by the time it passes through local politicians it has achieved maximum velocity.

The Yoga pants about made me fall off my chair Steve.
Be aware that your jocularity has more power than you imagine and I am loving it.
My wife Ramona, was contesting the yoga pants until I pointed out to her that when the first yoga pants were marketed the weave expanded and became somewhat transparent.

lululemon was started in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1998. They were making yoga wear and invented yoga pants. The early ones did indeed become semi transparent if required to do more than should have been asked of them. That caused the company a great deal of problems and at the same time a lot of laughs.

I've working on the bike slowly. It's about finished with the new gas tank painted. I have to wait for a few days for the paint to set up and then I can put the lettering on it and hook it up to the motor. Meanwhile it's shop clean up and working on the electric tri car in between rain storms. The Wet Coast has returned.


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