Indian Tadpole

I was certainly hoping we could do it this summer, Tom but Sue sold her house in Wisconsin then they moved temporarily into the first house they bought in Ely so the second house across the street that they bought could be painted and the floors sanded then they moved into the second house so the first house could be painted and the floors sanded and it could be listed with a Realtor.

Moving boxes, furniture, unpacking and setting up everything has/is eating up the summer. Like I said they are struggling to get it all done as well as get the gardens in shape.

The restaurant sounds great. I hope the line up isn't outrageous.

A reluctant pup at the vets. Not exactly the stuff dreams are made of. My last dog was a border collie and lab. When she went to the vet it could best be described as passive resistance. However the vet had her number. It was simply amazing when he showed her a cookie how easy she became.

Yes, a Barley Pop does help with the creative staring. Practised at Bike Camp as part of the regimen. I can imagine just what the rear wheel was like. I'm interested to see how the rear wheel on the tri car does. I'm planning to leave it on the work bench and let it run while in gear for a while. Then I will be able to inspect it to see how it's wearing in before it's on the ground.

When the tri car is finished as you suggested I'm going to gather up all the photos and post them at the end in a separate section. Then I list everything I should have, could have, would have done differently in case someone wants to follow and make one.
Just a simple tri car without the copying a period build wouldn't be that hard.

I'll have the electric tri car sand blasted and primed and painted in a couple of weeks while the weather is still good. I can assemble it over the winter.

The gas tanks are together. I took the easy way out and spot welded the last two. I bought a 120v spot weld on a clearance sale at Princess Auto, Canada's Harbour Freight. It cost $118 Canadian or $89 U.S. I've had it for a while and hadn't set it up. For a cheap welder it is surprisingly powerful. Much like the one Harbour Freight sells.

I just spot welded the bottom and front of the gas tank in place. I'll solder them up in a couple of days. Canning season is upon us and I'm the prep guy.
They recommended sanding the tip on the spot welder every 4 welds since I was welding galvanized steel.

The zinc contaminates the copper so some 180 sandpaper wrapped around a paint stir stick cleaned it up nicely.

Now it's a wait for the tank liner.

Tom tool shop stuff that are must have for bike guys are cone wrench sets. I'd wondered about the wear on your aluminum sprocket and thought you might have chain misalignment and wheel wobble is just that with a twist thrown in to boot. Now you know frequent checking of rear wheel side play is an important part of routine bike maintenance. I had one loosen recently after just one extended ride that was fine when I left and real bad on the return.

Coaster break arms deserve the same visual inspection before rides; they are great deal "breakers" that also kinda' slow us to a stop when attached.

Rider walk arounds and pilot walk arounds are really worth the effort.

Rick C.
Mr Rick is right on the button with a pre flight check every time out. Having been an F-4 plane capt. I learned that gig to the t and it served me well operating the farm equipment over the years and I have sub consciously continued with our vehicles and the motorbike. Can't go wrong taking an extra minute or so before take-off.

Mr Rick is right on the button with a pre flight check every time out. Having been an F-4 plane capt. I learned that gig to the t and it served me well operating the farm equipment over the years and I have sub consciously continued with our vehicles and the motorbike. Can't go wrong taking an extra minute or so before take-off.

Thanks Dan for your service!

Rick C.
Tanks are soldered together other than the tail piece to mount the rear of the tank to the fender and the gas outlet. Have to do a soapy water test to check for leaks. Spot welding them together made the last two go together much more quickly.
Here are some photos.



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Tanks are soldered together other than the tail piece to mount the rear of the tank to the fender and the gas outlet. Have to do a soapy water test to check for leaks. Spot welding them together made the last two go together much more quickly.
Here are some photos.

Triplets are normally slow delivery Steve. That's a lot of work to this point on the tanks. In the old days galvanized metal & paint weren't the best of buddies. Have you decided on a modern paint/filler that will hold to galvanized metal? My knowledge of painting is extremely limited and on cars, trucks and motorcycles I've relied on experts to finish my mechanical creations and my bike builds normally get very little paint and that being black...

Rick C.
I have primer that was made to bond to galvanized metal. In the past I had some interesting and not happy experiences with paint making it's unplanned escape from galvanized metal. I went to our local auto supplier and bought what they recommended. Supposed to hold onto galvanized metal like the taxman onto your pay check.

I have primer that was made to bond to galvanized metal. In the past I had some interesting and not happy experiences with paint making it's unplanned escape from galvanized metal. I went to our local auto supplier and bought what they recommended. Supposed to hold onto galvanized metal like the taxman onto your pay check.

Glad to know a primer product exists.

Mr. B's suggestion on sanding is probably wise, but wear a mask while sanding & wiping down to eliminate breathing the galvanized metals dust as it too is toxic.

Rick C.
Sue and Silverbear's visit this fall has been put off until next June. The logistics of getting to getting to the train in Canada is mind boggling. Seems you can't just go to the nearest station and buy a ticket.

Stars align indeed Rick. Want to do as much travelling next year as I can.

Waiting for the tank sealer to get here and cleaning up the shop to make room again. It's been convenient to push everything to one side as I go. Probably be finished today and back on the bike tomorrow.

Stars align indeed Rick. Want to do as much travelling next year as I can.

Waiting for the tank sealer to get here and cleaning up the shop to make room again. It's been convenient to push everything to one side as I go. Probably be finished today and back on the bike tomorrow.

That is were i am at, put 20,000 on the newer motor home in the last 2 years. Got to do it while i can......Curt
Hi Curt.

If we don't do it now when will we do it.
I'm packing up a load of parts that I'll never get to and sending them off to my son. He better remember the mail delivery person when Christmas rolls around. I've made them as light as possible but when this is over the mail delivery person will certainly remember him.

Made a couple of small changes on the gas tanks. I always hope that I'll learn to leave well enough alone when it's working. This wasn't the time. Took all day just to build the small oil tank that sits in front of the gas tank so it matches the gas tank that sits 5/8 " higher. I think it looks better and more like the original but I'll decide when it's finished.

I hope to have some photos tomorrow.
