Indian Tadpole

I beg to differ Mr.B. the HD shed of 4" car siding and shows no decay. Chimney indicates wood or coal stove. The later I suspect, coal being cheap as it was what town homes were heated with. The HD boys would love my Modine heated shop.
Glad you responded to this thread Mr.B
I lost track of your awesome YouTube.and build.
Are you in Wisconsin too?
Tom from Rubicon


Hi Tom!
I'm in Iowa, but i can see the south western corner of Wisconsin just by looking out my window.

And i thought Rubicon was a river in Italy?

Actually my Daughter went to school in Milwaukee so i would of been over near your way several times a year then.
Nice little museum they've got there for the Harley fans!

A bit of a drive, but you could consider joining us for the 5th annual Scarecrow run!
Hi Tom,
I restored 4 vintage travel trailers over the years. First one just had a little rot in it and by the time I was finished chasing it there was a pile of metal, a pile of black, rotten, soaking wet wood and a trailer frame. Also a severe lesson in the dangers of black mould as well as a months long battle with a lung infection from the mould. I did restore the trailer.

They said my lungs were then "compromised." Not the terminology I used. I've had a few rounds with pneumonia with equally frightening results. It truly is amazing just how ill a person can be and still live isn't it.

This is just a serious cold but the effects seem to linger on for weeks. My temperature peaked at 103.9 degrees. My brother the funny guy wakes me up out of a sound sleep and starts measuring me with a tape measure, just in case it doesn't go well.


Hi Tom!
I'm in Iowa, but i can see the south western corner of Wisconsin just by looking out my window.

And i thought Rubicon was a river in Italy?

Actually my Daughter went to school in Milwaukee so i would of been over near your way several times a year then.
Nice little museum they've got there for the Harley fans!

A bit of a drive, but you could consider joining us for the 5th annual Scarecrow run!
Rubicon, WI is about three miles from the Rubicon River, and I live on Rome Rd. . Strange but true and we are 25mi NW of Milwaukee. Your Scarecrow Run interests me.
Tom from Rubicon
Hi Tom,
I restored 4 vintage travel trailers over the years. First one just had a little rot in it and by the time I was finished chasing it there was a pile of metal, a pile of black, rotten, soaking wet wood and a trailer frame. Also a severe lesson in the dangers of black mould as well as a months long battle with a lung infection from the mould. I did restore the trailer.

They said my lungs were then "compromised." Not the terminology I used. I've had a few rounds with pneumonia with equally frightening results. It truly is amazing just how ill a person can be and still live isn't it.

This is just a serious cold but the effects seem to linger on for weeks. My temperature peaked at 103.9 degrees. My brother the funny guy wakes me up out of a sound sleep and starts measuring me with a tape measure, just in case it doesn't go well.

That black mold is something else, got some moldy straw years back and used in my chicken coop. Didn't do me or the chickens any good. I hope I don't up like folks you see with those little Ox bottles.
Tom from Rubicon
Rubicon, WI is about three miles from the Rubicon River, and I live on Rome Rd. . Strange but true and we are 25mi NW of Milwaukee. Your Scarecrow Run interests me.
Tom from Rubicon

It's hosted by forum member ckangaroo70 (Ray) in London Mills Il.. It's been growing a little bit every year, but i think it might have the potential to really blow up into a big deal someday!

Rome Road near the Rubicon river? Makes sense!
Is there a Julius Caesar street?
Steve hope you're on the mend. I'm somewhat hobbled with the back thing at the moment. Never is good timing for health issues, but I'm missing out on some great building days as the weather has been quite mild. On the positive side I've put in quite a bit of study time & I'm a happy camper!

Rick C.
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Hi Rick,
My cold is letting up finally and I'm getting a few things done. Sorry to hear your back is flaring up. That is debilitating pain at it's finest and just to poke you in the eye it happens when a bit of decent weather shows up.

Glad to hear you're feeling better Steve. I got out a bit yesterday and managed to mount a tube in the 4" rear of the fat bike I'm piecing together and located a new chain for it and a couple of other bits that were missing. Ordered some more parts for it as well. It may well end up with he 100 cc Lifan and a cvt or a 3D clutch...perhaps just a 1500 watt 48 volt front hub. At any rate not a unique project I want to start a thread on.

Then applied some creative staring at the sidecar parts, with measuring etc. thrown in. I've changed the design so many times in my mind that I'll not speak of it again till I've actually committed & begin piecing it together. There are so many ways to go about this & I'm pretty sure none of them are actually terrible, yet I'd like to keep it as simple as possible and still work. It's more difficult to backtrack once the welding begins, though I would, just rather not have to.

Rick C.
It's hosted by forum member ckangaroo70 (Ray) in London Mills Il.. It's been growing a little bit every year, but i think it might have the potential to really blow up into a big deal someday!

Rome Road near the Rubicon river? Makes sense!
Is there a Julius Caesar street?

I've followed your ride posts and video of the run and it looks a great event, one that I'd enjoy making without doubt. We need events and everyday riding behavior that promote a positive image of motorized biking to the general public or we could soon find ourselves legislated out of existence. Thanks to all who build and ride responsibly.

Rick C.
Design changes. If I had just stayed with the plan myself I'd have been far better off. So many brilliant ideas and must haves appeared on the forum over the years and I'm so disgustingly easily distracted by shiny things.

So close to the end though. Thursday morning I sat down at the tri car and undid the mount for the primary chain adjuster and the anchor for the clutch. I couldn't get a straight run with the drill so off it came and went into the drill press vise. Just started to drill holes in it and the power went out for 23 hours.

Worst wind storm off the Pacific Ocean in memory with winds touching up to 75-80 mph. Lasted all night and most of the following day. Looks like Sunday is the next work day.

fasteddy, "went into the drill press vise. Just started to drill holes in it and the power went out for 23 hours.

Worst wind storm off the Pacific Ocean in memory with winds touching up to 75-80 mph"

.Wow! Inland hurricane. There are still leaning pine trees in the upper Mid-West from a similar blow forty years ago.
Tom from Rubicon
The changing weather here creates problems sometimes. Increased rain one year turned a village 10 miles away on a hill into an island for nearly a week. On the plus side, freezing conditions are much rarer.
75-80mph would be some force to deal with. Don't think isobars had been that much scruched together while last week at the Southern Oregon Coast. Cape Blanco was near by where I laked sailed my windsurfer, as Pacific was not for me at the time. Just across the dunes on the lake waves poured salt water into the lake. Prior checking my old gear I put practically no torque on some cap head screws and one just twisted off. Better it happen then so I could swap in some better hardware and the mast base would not come loose while sailing. Heat was off when I got home, but nothing froze. I plan to use and old computer uninterruptible power supply and a car battery to keep the small amount of power necessary for electronics and the fans on the kerosene heater going as power outages are expected in the Winter.


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Weather in getting warmer here in B.C. as well Ludwig. There seems to be more snow earlier on top of the mountains but the lower levels are getting warmer and the storms more violent and heavier rain. Because the winter rains have softened the ground, trees are uprooting easier and power and telephone poles are coming down.

Trees down in the neighbours yards like never before. Some of them are 4' across and 60' tall.

There were 300,000 without electrical power in British Columbia after the storm.

Hi M.T.
Wind surfing would have been a treat here during the storm. We see people out during storms but this one was just a little little to much even for the most die hard wind surfers. If you could have stayed on the board you would have had a ride to last a lifetime.

We rarely lose power here and then only for a couple of hours or so. Family has been here since 1979 and this has been the most violent storm we've seen.

We also had straight winds here this week with gusts 50 to 60 mph, two days worth & afterwards I saw no sign of even tree damage (we have a lot of mature trees here). I'd say Steve's storm carried quite a bit more force than what was officially recorded. We experience occasional straight winds with 60 to 70 mph gusts and sustained winds of 45 to 50 mph & these normally cause problems & damage, and infrequently we will have isolated gusts up to 100 mph but effecting extremely limited/isolated areas. These take large parts of structures with them. I really hope you guys don't get any more of these strong winds for a long time, like never! When you get hammered you know it and no weather forecaster's average estimate should override ones personal observation....very few old timers will willingly live here without a storm cellar and those who've survived a tornado, like the one that hit this small city in 2001 ( weak F3 category), make sure they have a good one in place for future cyclonic events!

Rick C.
Ludwig that chart showing the 1911 record wind at corresponding altitudes is very informative. I looked up the Oklahoma record which was occurred at El Reno Okla. in 2011which is about 400 meters in altitude. One hundred fifty mph gust with a large amount of damage. Think of what that might have been at 1500 meters.
Of course this is slight compared to a category 5 meso cyclone at over 265 mph to 300 mph plus sustained not a gust...that is a full blown tornado! 1999 metro Oklahoma City tornado was the highest wind speed ever recorded at 301 mph.

Rick C.
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