I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

The boss's kitchen looks like a plucked chicken.

This might look like a kitchen to you, but it looks like a Stealth Bomber to me.
i am so glad you posted this. our 35th anniversary is in November also, you and your wife both know each other like a book and its all in fun. i didn't want no divorces over a motorized bicycle lol
I just pulled the dishwasher out from under the countertop. They're coming in the morning to wreck the kitchen out. I'm glad to get this rodeo started.

With a little luck the kitchen will be done long before my bike shows up. I'll be able to lay low for a while, and let the boss bask in the warm glow of her new kitchen.

In November comes rapid fire holidays for us. Among which my birthday is one, and so is the boss's. Plus our 38 year anniversary, and don't forget thanksgiving. With all that going one who's going to notice a little old Stealth Bomber parked in the garage next to all my other bikes?
What? Why? At least you can ride a motorized bicycle without it nagging and complaining all the time.
looking good. when the wife is happy we are happy and you will be even happier when your new motorized bicycle arrives. it will be stealth and she will not see it lol
The Stone masons came and measured yesterday like the contractor said they would. The countertops are supposed be installed next Thursday. I'm liking this guy, he's really on the ball, and keeps to schedule.
Dude if you want the sickest electric mountain bike I'll build one to your tastes for half the cost of a Stealth. I'm thinking about making myself an electric motorcycle for the street actually.
Dude if you want the sickest electric mountain bike I'll build one to your tastes for half the cost of a Stealth. I'm thinking about making myself an electric motorcycle for the street actually.

I'm pretty sure that can't be done. I could believe maybe $7000, if all the labor is free. Getting a frame is going to be the hardest, and most expensive part.
A Bomber is like an M1 Tank of electric bicycles. It'll be hard to make a bike as tough as one of these without a dedicated frame. This isn't your grandmothers conversion bike lol.
It's looking like the boss's kitchen will be complete in three days. My contractor worked hard to be done ahead of schedule, and he's doing a good job. After the dust clears I'm going to hide out in my man cave for hopefully a few weeks.
Ain't that the truth. Haha
It must be a Cali thing!

I think it'll be 3 weeks Friday. I feel like I was real lucky to find this guy, especially on the internet. He's doing a good job for a fair price. When I look at his work I can tell he's been doing this a while. This week he's working pretty long hours to stay on schedule. He estimated originally it would take 3 to 4 weeks, definitely before the end of the month. If it's only 3 weeks he's a good man.

3 weeks is a long time to be without a kitchen. I'm starting to get tired of drinking out of the toilet.
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