Well-Known Member
Should have given me a call man.....I'm a stone mason and could use a little trip to Texas.....
Well shucks, it's too late now. I didn't know.
Should have given me a call man.....I'm a stone mason and could use a little trip to Texas.....
I just pulled the dishwasher out from under the countertop. They're coming in the morning to wreck the kitchen out. I'm glad to get this rodeo started.
With a little luck the kitchen will be done long before my bike shows up. I'll be able to lay low for a while, and let the boss bask in the warm glow of her new kitchen.
In November comes rapid fire holidays for us. Among which my birthday is one, and so is the boss's. Plus our 38 year anniversary, and don't forget thanksgiving. With all that going one who's going to notice a little old Stealth Bomber parked in the garage next to all my other bikes?
Dude if you want the sickest electric mountain bike I'll build one to your tastes for half the cost of a Stealth. I'm thinking about making myself an electric motorcycle for the street actually.
Post some pictures of that bomber kitchen for us to see if this is a fare deal.
Ain't that the truth. HahaThat kitchen remodel was fast, contractors don't work that fast in my part of town.
Ain't that the truth. Haha
It must be a Cali thing!
I'm pretty sure that can't be done. I could believe maybe $7000, if all the labor is free. Getting a frame is going to be the hardest, and most expensive part.