Resident Mad Scientist
You know, nobody's mentioned it but I thought of something that's rockin' our world right now: e-readers. Kindle, Nook, etc. I have a Kindle app on my phone and can read just about any book I've heard of. But I've always owned REAL books. I have at least eight bookcases. And I need more. My wife and I have maybe a couple thousand books.
As e-readers become more commonplace, what will become of books? For instance: how many people do you folks on the forum know who have over a mere twenty books? I've never thrown any out, so I haven't even counted them.
I will miss books if they go away.
As e-readers become more commonplace, what will become of books? For instance: how many people do you folks on the forum know who have over a mere twenty books? I've never thrown any out, so I haven't even counted them.
I will miss books if they go away.
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