Growing up without a cell phone

I have a lot of both, vinyl and CD. We splurged on a new table recently (AudioAdvisor is right around the corner from us) but it's not classic rock that we are spinning. I'm old but we are playing My Morning Jacket and Radio Head on LP a lot lately. Sounds great. That having been said, we also have a fair amount of music on the now getting hard to find SACD format as well as the more common DVD-A format, both are high resolution and I would but up against any LP system. When we have company and we are just hanging around not listening critically then here is nothing more convenient than having all of our music on the iPad and playing it via the airport. Doesn't sound as good when the room is empty and quiet but in a party, who can tell? I like the technology of today and yesterday so why not have both?
I thought about getting a book reader hardware device. I have checked with looks on display as how crisp, clear, and if color ect. I was about to get one of these and though 6 inch was acceptable, but still seemed a little small.

Holding the tablet seemed a bit lighter than some hard cover books, but the thickness being thin made it a bit strange to hold ergonomics-wise. Maybe I can make a holder that with some added ballast can approximate a book feel, but of the lighter variety.

See things come full circle, sorta;)



I did get lazy even back then with TV, but actually went down to the basement to the shop and modified the TV to have a remote cabled connector to adjust sound when commercial came on. I even put an appropriate fixed valve resistor in with the rheostat to not leave the output of the sound amp to an unloaded state. It all used the ear plug connector so I did not have to go into the set except to check what resistance the speaker was so I could choose one for my modification.
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My kindle is in a book like cover, the top flap folds back and the magnets hold together as a stand.
You know, nobody's mentioned it but I thought of something that's rockin' our world right now: e-readers. Kindle, Nook, etc. I have a Kindle app on my phone and can read just about any book I've heard of. But I've always owned REAL books. I have at least eight bookcases. And I need more. My wife and I have maybe a couple thousand books.

As e-readers become more commonplace, what will become of books? For instance: how many people do you folks on the forum know who have over a mere twenty books? I've never thrown any out, so I haven't even counted them.

I will miss books if they go away.

I'd probably have about that many too, if I didn't have a "problem" with giving them away after I read them. I love real books and read at least 100 books a year. I'd be surprised if there was such a thing as zero books around anymore, at least any time soon, but I know what you're saying. It's only a matter of time.

I do like e-books, but I'll be the first to say that they're not the same and sometimes a little rough on my eyes too. I wanted to read "The Count of Monte Christo", but who can afford that volume set? I found it online at classicReader(dot)com and that's how I got into reading online books.


Well, although the old days were the best days, you have to admit that without the internet, this site that makes our motorized biking an added benefit to our rides, well..............I'm thankful I've lived to see this day!

My Brother did exactly that. Brought back Sony or Toshiba,,,, I Tried to get it from him to record some songs I wrote so I could add some lead. Hey I know there are better and more advanced ways but I really liked the sound that Reel to Reel put out! He Veto'ed that idea....LOL He knew Id keep We used it when he brought it back to the states new... It was awsome