For Old Guys Only

Steve, you mentioned that once before in a previous post and I replied saying I'd stopped off in Bennington once before while driving from Brattleboro, VT to visit another pal in Reading, PA., taking the backroads 'scenic' route to avoid NY traffic.
Yeah Steve, winters in Vermont always sounded romantic to me courtesy of Hollywood movies. But the reality was much harsher. My buddy Bill lives on almost the summit of a mountain in Dummerston, about 4 miles out of Brattleboro. The drive up to and down from his place via a steep, winding, dirt road was a real white knuckle rollercoaster I would never have dreamt of attempting. Always made that part of the journey as passenger in Bill's 4x4 truck in which he hurtled up/down that coupla mile stretch like a World Ralleye Champ driver. Made all the more hair-raising by Bill pointing out hazards and trees saying 'that's the tree my son plowed into last year' or 'that's the ditch my neighbor skidded into'.
Reason for our stay in VT every year in Feb back then was to exhibit at the largest train show in the US - the 'Big E' at Springfield, Mass., usually held over Presidents day weekend. Following an early breakfast, we'd set off from Bill's on Fri/Sat/Sun mornings for the two hour drive down to Springfield. One year, another pal, Paul, from Yorktown, VA who was also bunking at Bill's, was told to stick close behind Bill's truck on the way downhill pre dawn. After about a quarter mile, Bill looked in his mirror and Paul was nowhere in sight. We slowed for a while during the descent, but Paul still didn't hove into view. Then Bill's phone rang and it was his wife Angie saying Paul had flipped his couple of months old Toyota Tundra truck onto its roof into a ditch within sight of leaving the house. We returned back uphill to find Paul standing at the roadside unhurt, but shaken, staring at the underside of his virtually new Tundra half buried in a snow drift. So yeah, New England winters are not for the faint hearted.

Best to mind your manners.
This used to be part of the Cycling Proficiency Test back in the day.
By the time I sat mine in the 60s, they were contemplating replacing this out-dated manouvre with the much more relevant....'Head-butting an argumentative motorist using a cycle lane' .
Got Facebook back again after being removed for the 3rd time for what ever fancied reason for a considerable period of time. Who knew Facebook had "Community Standards." Personally, I was amazed.

Went through my old contact list and emailed Ludwig ll. He asked to be remembered to everyone. The reason he hasn't been here is due to the fellas where he is working on his bike are both caring for family member who are vulnerable to the Covid Virus and they don't want to take any chances so they are in a very low/no contact situation.

Both Ludwig II and his wife went through a round of the Covid Virus and as he said he's had chest problems and a heart attack and they were nothing compared to the way the virus bulldozer and trampled them.

They are better but it seems that if you haven't had it you have no understanding how bad it is.

That's all.

"Got Facebook back again after being removed for the 3rd time for what ever fancied reason for a considerable period of time. Who knew Facebook had "Community Standards." Personally, I was amazed."

Welcome to the club Steve, I've been censored a few times. Toolmaker grade profanity does not get a pass. :D
Mom's go to was iodine. Small brown bottle with a glass rod attached to the top as the applicator. Never spared using it and it always hurt more than the cut it was treating. Then a liberal application to the gauze bandage just in case. I always felt there was a "Mom School" that all mothers were required to attend. We all went through the same thing as kids.

Greg that is brutal! Mothers love, passed generation to generation. That,that does not kill us makes us strong
I figured out when I got older that in her upbringing the idea was if you were sick "you needed a good cleaning" to get rid of the germ's. I hated it, my brother on the other hand didn't, if he wanted to stay home he would voluntarily take it.