For Old Guys Only

I was one of those kids who never missed a day off school in my life. Fate dictated if I was ill, it was always during school holidays. Back in the 50s-60s, the go-to remedy prescribed by our family doctor for anything ailing kids was 'The Mixture' - a thick, creamy pink goo which wouldn't pour and had to be shaken out of the bottle onto a spoon. Tasted bitter and chalky and clung to the insides of your mouth long after trying to swallow it promptly. I reckon the general idea of it was so kids said they were feeling much better - even if they weren't - rather than prolong the dosage. I also recall spending many a school holiday confined indoors with chicken pox or measles and being camouflaged from head to toe with dollops of calomine lotion. I was always convinced it was the exact same pink gooey stuff as 'The Mixture', just labelled differently!
Speaking of sunburn....I regret not applying the factor 50 on yesterday's bike ride.:D
scorcher out there today.jpg
When I was a kid I thought my granddad was the smartest man around, he had an apple tree with three different kinds of apples. He grafted limbs to his tree, I still remember the wires with a piece of garden hose around it to hold the limbs up, and something that looked like pine sap or epoxy sealing each limb to the tree.
Interesting clip Curt. As a Brit, I consider myself lucky to be able to say I've visited all those cities - including Portland, Maine (and yes, Portland OR too) - shown in the clip apart from New Orleans. Fond memories.
They were my glory day, I was born in 41, I built a Go-Kart, Mini bike, had a factor Monark motor bike, motor went bad so built so I built one. Then traded it for a model A, then the girls come along. We won't even talk about the body injury's, broke my arms 3 times and so on. I have been puttsing on a build and will post a little later, when I get further along.............Curt
The year was May of Forty-one the war had just begun. The Bismarck was the fastest ship and had the biggest guns. The Bismarck stated firing a 15 mile away, we had to sink the Bismarck because the world depends on us. We hit the decks a runnin boy and spun the guns around. We had to sink the Bismarck was the battle cry… . Do you remember Johnny Horton singing songs about the times when you were born? He was born on a dirt farm and died on a country road when he was 35. This twenty-first century got nothing about that.
Speaking of Forty One....wish I still had this '41 Buick Sedanette in my life. A one year production run only, before US auto plants went over to making tanks and planes for the war effort. Wife Jen's care requirement's meant I had to shelve running my business in late 2016 so I could concentrate on looking after her. The proceeds from the Buick's sale, after only a year of caretaking her, meant we could manage. UK garages definitely weren't cut out for these leviathan's. It was a tight squeeze that involved sawing away part of the garage door architrave so the Buick fitted in with an inch to spare either side.
