For Old Guys Only

I feel you pain Greg ! I had a 68 Chevelle with a stroker small block built for 1/4 mile drags. 4 speed with 12 bolt positrack .I didn’t get beat very often on the street and went to the drag strip almost every other weekend, until I got married in 78 . Sold it to a neighbor kid who wrecked it .
I bought a 900 Kawasaki in 76, fastest production bike at the time. I was flying down the highway at about 65mph and went to pass a car in front of me. Gassed it as I was swinging around the car, the bikes front end came up so fast, scared the bejeebees out of me. When I got back home, I sold it !! That bike was to big, to heavy, and to powerful for me at the time !!
I would of loved to keep my 1970 fastback 302 Mustang, But it would be a pile of rust by now
It was all rusted out by 1990, I drove it from 1982 to 1990 in Hawaii

I bought that car for $500 and invested another $1,500 in paint, wheels and performance
I learned then Bondo don't last long LOL
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The 302 was/is a strong engine, so was the 289. While working at the machine shop a friend started adding performance parts to his 67 mustang, after changing the cam,intake and carb, adding headers and a 3000 stall converter along with a shift kit and 462 rear gear it was bad fast. That was a 289.
The 302 was/is a strong engine, so was the 289. While working at the machine shop a friend started adding performance parts to his 67 mustang, after changing the cam,intake and carb, adding headers and a 3000 stall converter along with a shift kit and 462 rear gear it was bad fast. That was a 289.
I had a '66 Fairlane 4 door with the 289... Dual exhaust and a Holley 500 2bbl. Was all I did to it and the transmission...
There was a counselor at the VA hospital who had a 67 Galaxy same color... I was rebuilding the cruze-a-matic transmission at the time and once a week went to the hobby class and was making a gun stock... I mentioned I had a similar car... The counselor put in my notes that I was delusional and grandiose mental nutter and didn't have a car like his... When I got it done I showed up early to the class and parked it in his spot... I had the hood up and a long time janitor was coming over telling me to get away from the other dudes car... So I jumped in and smoked the tires a little and left... They called the cops for a stolen car.. ;) I came back about 1/2 hour later to see this galaxy swarming with fed state and county pigs... Him out of the car with his arms waving around... So I pull up behind this **** show and show one of the officers the 'mental he doesn't have a car' like that paperwork... And my registration... The guy was stunned... So I looked straight at him and asked the cop "do these 2 cars look similar?? After that they shut down the hobby class and erased my records of me ever going to the recreation center...
I got kicked out of the PTSD group for scaring the other veterans... Once a week I went there for counseling... One day this new guy started flipping out at the sight of me... Had to be straight jacketed... I then realized about 5 years before I saw this girl crying with a broken nose... Asked about it and she directed me to her boyfriend who worked at a restaurant who did the job on her... I went to the back and asked for him... He got thrown in a dumpster with some trash on top after he got knocked out... o_O
Does riding a Kawasaki Triple 350 2 smoke on the LIE into Manhattan up a slight grade and seeing Minimum Speed 40mph take issue?

No Hwy Patrol around luckily.

Yep when one of three 2 stroke oil injectors has bubbles in it, you expect some damage might have occurred already.

I do however remember before the hand me down bike the original purchaser had it run down some from hard use.

Later after I got it from my bro it still had something. But of course in only 20ft down a driveway popping it from first to second and getting the front wheel off the ground and then slamming the brakes before the street gutter, could have had something to do with it too.

It was mentioned by a by stander thinking I had a 750, but it was just leaks in the mufflers. Should I had my MIG welder then, at least I would have fixed it. Found the arm cast tape/cement stuff they sell for mufflers, it does not wrap around the crease they put in the tubes for the way they mfr the muffler.

Fun for a while, but prefer dirt biking trails.

Oil injection was the worst thing... High maintenance and if you use premix you're crank bearings and transmission don't get the straight oil as intended... Which is the point of it anyway... Cleaning out the oil injection from old oil and the wrong oil brings me back a few decades
I did not know much about the Kawasaki to work on much, but I did mess with points and condenser and spark plugs. Cylinder head spark plug threads had me find it less expensive to repair than replace the whole head when thread galled. Let a machine shop do the job, then learned it myself for many other things. Parts purchased from dealer in my teens could be too expensive and riding in rain I did on expressway to work, but ice and snow, never. Did see guy riding electric trail bike while at Hollister Hills CA OHV Park when I went there 2 weeks ago. Would have liked to see it not on just roads in the park OHV allowed, cause although 1 biggest hill climb was closed, next to it was course with jump for air time. They do have a wind sock flying. The way the turn of the handle bars and back again, after a fraction of a second out of true with direction of travel was impressive to see. No loops, not sure the State Park allows that?
She lives


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