Do not ride a motorized bike without a license!

Says electric powered motor, not capable of making you go faster than 20mph..
And as I'm sure you know, just about any china girl will definitely propel you faster than 20.
I think that's the main distinction between the gas and electric.
And that's what the 316.003 says... Only electric helper motor. No gas mentioned anywhere. :(

That was a point of argument from my lawyer, but it did not do any good! the prosecutor had two closing speeches ( my lawyer had one), the jury initially had a 4-2 split but had to be unanimous and after deliberating more the 45 minutes came back with a final decision of guilty as charged> Driving a motor vehicle without a license.
That was a point of argument from my lawyer, but it did not do any good! the prosecutor had two closing speeches ( my lawyer had one), the jury initially had a 4-2 split but had to be unanimous and after deliberating more the 45 minutes came back with a final decision of guilty as charged> Driving a motor vehicle without a license.

So what kind of DL would you need to ride your motorized bicycle legally? A motorcycle DL? Regular DL? Seems like their decision left some unanswered questions...
I've heard that different counties are interpreting this issue differently. I'm sure there's always a way around it.. I'm guessing it just depends on where you live and what tag office you go to.
The issue was that the OP was hoping that the jury would say no DL required.
From a PDF I saw, the head office DMV states they are unregisterable...
Whether a local tag office will allow you to register one as a homemade moped, is apparently a different story.
From a PDF I saw, the head office DMV states they are unregisterable...
Whether a local tag office will allow you to register one as a homemade moped, is apparently a different story.

I already told you, contrary to (mostly) popular belief, registering a homemade "moped" has been done.

x, if u have a license, search the topic, and get yours registered.

just my 2 cents. :)
heere we have no law about this and dont need a liscense or registration.
ITs not popular again heere and i never saw a motorized bike on road.
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If you live in Canada its completely against the law to ride an motorized bicycle. Ask Terry Blow at
I've said it before and I'll say it again. GOD I'm glad I live in California.
Yeah, lots of laws on the books for motorized bicycles, But nothing insurmountable. And you can ride 300 days a year with weather like this.
It's getting a little harder for 2 strokes with the CARB laws, But there are still legal ways around that too.
This kind of thread is why I follow the state law 100% of the time, I'm not bashing anyone that thinks different but I want to fly under the radar as much as possible. I ride a 48cc and wear a dot helmet, I also have a valid Ga drivers licenses. These are the requirements in Ga. I also have flashers front and rear and a headlight.
I didn't think of it before but most bikes do have a VIN, it is stamped at the bottom of the BB on the frame.

I like to take a pic of them for future reference, this is my Big Reds BB number.


If they want a motor VIN all the new Skyhawks come with one.

Just a thought guys, I don't need one here.
There is a huge difference between a VIN number and a serial number .
The point that a few people kind of bypass is the fact that the limiting speed (at least in Florida) is 20 mph for a bicycle and 30 mph for a moped.
Anyone with a gas powered bicycle, knows that 20 mph is easily bypassed by just about any china girl.
That would preclude it as a bicycle, since 20 is the max.
So the only other alternative is a home made moped.
Now the problem arises that there are no VINs for bicycle frames, so people will make them up. (You are aware that a VIN is the determining factor for DOT approval). And yes, I know that there are a few bicycles out there, that you can achieve speeds higher than 20/30, BUT they are SPECIFICALLY made to do so, and on NONE of those, would the manufacturer say, "Yeah, throw a motor on it" as it would then not be the same functionality, as the structural integrity would be compromised and it wouldn't be structurally sound with the added weight/torque.
How many of you with the "homemade mopeds" have, DOT approved frames, DOT approved tires, DOT approved lights, fully working directionals, stop/brake lights, etc?
(Everything that is required for a moped to have/be in order to be used as such on the roadway..)
Also, mind you, you're not allowed in bicycle lanes (or sidewalk) with the motor running, which was ultimately the OP's initial problem and what eventually lead to him needing a license.
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A legal V.I.N. number has 17 letters and numbers in it. Usually the D.M.V/State will assign you a number when you apply for your ownership and title if they issue them for mopeds. Some will let you make one up but if they don't that may cause problems later on if they think it was a manufactured vehicle and you have no papers for it.

I've run into this when registering old camper trailer frames that I made into utility trailers. Your going to make it a lot easier if you let them do the work unless your state want's a V.I.N. number from you.

ill admit after the first few pages i skipped the rest so sorry if this is irrevelant, but here in Utah, you NEED a DL, you dont need an endorsement(i have one anyway) you dont need insurance or registration, as long as your under 50cc, not on a roadway posted above 40mph, no helmet laws, but you do need to abide by traffic laws, ie, dont drive on the side walk or bike paths. the bike paths every where i have lived say NO MOTRORIZED VEHICLES. Where i grew up in Michigan it was illegal to do anything on the side walk other than walk, wether it be bike, skateboard, or roller blade, heck it was illegal to spit on the sidwalk. Also in Mi, people make the laws, one of the few states that the peoples vote make law, no court, jury, judge, or leg. can deny the people.
The underlying issue the OP had was that he still had the motor running while he was on the sidewalk...
Now, to me, logic would dictate that the only reason to have the motor running at that point, was that sometime in the very near future (seconds later), he was planning on getting off the sidewalk again and was going to release the clutch and continue on down the road...
There would be no reason to still have the motor running (even with the clutch disengaged) if you are about to continue on the sidewalk and/or stop at your destination. I, personally, would have hit the kill switch if I was arriving at my destination.
I'm sure there is a detail or two, that we are missing.

Whether you need a DL or not, is moot at that point, as no matter what, the engine shouldn't have been running when he was on the sidewalk..

This is my opinion on this whole matter.

Edit: This is for Florida.
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P.S I'm still waiting on those that registered their "homemade mopeds", to show me they have all the required safety equipment (e.g. Directionals, brake lights, etc.) and what cc their motor is and what their top speed is)

Which brings me to another point.
The other issue is that when people start taking advantage of the laws, that is when legislation gets more strict.
(i.e. Above 50cc and 30mph+ capability)

P.P.S. I don't expect a response as I'm expecting not too many people to be fully compliant with the law.

Edit: This is for Florida.
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Your shyster used a losing agrument. That's the reason you lost. Other people in Florida have been ticketed for riding a motor bicycle without a license and prevailed in their court action. You could have too, but you didn't use the right argument. You (your liar) tried to claim some bs about an eBike which had nothing to do with this case.

You bike isn't legally a motor vehicle in Florida, because in Florida all motor vehicles are considered self propelled. Since your bike isn't, that makes it a bicycle. The problem is you didn't let the jury know that in the trial. If you had they would have had no choice but to find you not guilty.

You can still use that argument next time if you are ever ticketed again for no license on a motor bicycle, but I suggest you avoid using a shyster and defend yourself. You can't do worse then he did.

I do realize that Florida has a hard on for motor bicycles. In the other cases the prosecution decided to dismiss the charges rather than lose in court, because they already knew what defense the defendant was going to use. Even though they know this they still choose to try to keep motor bicycles off the roads. Florida sounds like an F'ed up state for sure.
You can slip clutch a happy time off the line if you want. And video it for the jury. On a bike w/o pedals for even more dramatic impact. Lots of guys ride them that way.

There goes that argument.