Do not ride a motorized bike without a license!

P.S I'm still waiting on those that registered their "homemade mopeds", to show me they have all the required safety equipment (e.g. Directionals, brake lights, etc.) and what cc their motor is and what their top speed is)

Which brings me to another point.
The other issue is that when people start taking advantage of the laws, that is when legislation gets more strict.
(i.e. Above 50cc and 30mph+ capability)

P.P.S. I don't expect a response as I'm expecting not too many people to be fully compliant with the law.

Edit: This is for Florida.

Hi X,

a. I've got - (above copy/ paste):
"...required safety equipment (e.g. Directionals, brake lights, etc.) and what cc their motor is and what their top speed is)..."

b. Top speed 29.99 MPH

c. No, NOTHING is DOT Approved.

d. I have NEVER been stopped or ticketed.

e. I HAVE spoken to ONE Local Police Officer on the subject, and as far as he can tell, there is no issues or concerns.

f. So, I think its as compliant as compliant gets.

- WorksmanFL
You can slip clutch a happy time off the line if you want. And video it for the jury. On a bike w/o pedals for even more dramatic impact. Lots of guys ride them that way.

There goes that argument.

First off, if you don't have pedals, you're already illegal, because with no pedals, your bike by definition would have to be considered self propelled since there's no other way to ride it except using the engine.

Next, the court has no way of knowing whether your bike can be ridden off from a stop without pedaling unless you're stupid enough to tell them. Just because you can do that on your bike doesn't mean I can with my gearing. I'm going to tell the court in can't done on my bike without ruining the clutch, because it's not made to be ridden that way, which is the truth.

I can also tell you from experience that a youtube of someone's bike doing something isn't going to be admissible in court even if it helped your case.

As long as the cop can't say he actually saw you riding off from a stop without pedaling, there's no evidence you can.
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Hi X,

a. I've got - (above copy/ paste):
"...required safety equipment (e.g. Directionals, brake lights, etc.) and what cc their motor is and what their top speed is)..."

b. Top speed 29.99 MPH

c. No, NOTHING is DOT Approved.

d. I have NEVER been stopped or ticketed.

e. I HAVE spoken to ONE Local Police Officer on the subject, and as far as he can tell, there is no issues or concerns.

f. So, I think its as compliant as compliant gets.

- WorksmanFL

There's an old saying...
No video, It didn't happen.
Screen shots?
Video of your directionals (operational) and brake light (actually working)?
Proof that its incapable of the motor pushing you past 30 (would love to see how you govern it, mechanically.. (And no, YOU being the "governer" is not legally the thing that makes it not CAPABLE of greater than 30mph.)

I also noticed, you forget to tell the cc's.
Lets all be honest here. LOL
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There's an old saying...
No video, It didn't happen.
Screen shots?
Video of your directionals (operational) and brake light (actually working)?
Proof that its incapable of the motor pushing you past 30 (would love to see how you govern it, mechanically.. (And no, YOU being the "governer" is not legally the thing that makes it not CAPABLE of greater than 30mph.)

I also noticed, you forget to tell the cc's.
Lets all be honest here. LOL

The way the court knows whether you have turn signals, no brake light, or can do over 30 mph is when the cop is on the witness stand and tells the court he witnessed it. The cop is the states witness. Most of the time the cop will tell the truth.

A judge is not going to allow a youtube, or pictures.
There's an old saying...
No video, It didn't happen.
Screen shots?
Video of your directionals (operational) and brake light (actually working)?
Proof that its incapable of the motor pushing you past 30 (would love to see how you govern it, mechanically.. (And no, YOU being the "governer" is not legally the thing that makes it not CAPABLE of greater than 30mph.)

I also noticed, you forget to tell the cc's.
Lets all be honest here. LOL


Don't get your point?

g. 49cc's ...
Just get a moped motor with spec sheet. I know there's one with a stated top speed of 30mph. Or get over it. We all know RonB was wrong. Quit beating a dead horse,its not running no more races.
Just get a moped motor with spec sheet. I know there's one with a stated top speed of 30mph. Or get over it. We all know RonB was wrong. Quit beating a dead horse,its not running no more races.

What Was RonB wrong about? Not Needing a drivers license to operate a motorized bike? I knew there would be some idiot`s here that would not acknowledge a decision by a jury that a drivers is Required in Florida ! But i did not realized just how thick headed some are! Well" like i stated before it is your business what you do! some just have to learn the hard way! just do not be spreading your BS to others unless you have something more concrete other than speculation or hearsay!
What Was RonB wrong about? Not Needing a drivers license to operate a motorized bike? I knew there would be some idiot`s here that would not acknowledge a decision by a jury that a drivers is Required in Florida ! But i did not realized just how thick headed some are! Well" like i stated before it is your business what you do! some just have to learn the hard way! just do not be spreading your BS to others unless you have something more concrete other than speculation or hearsay!

It seems from what was recently posted about FL law there is NO WAY to ride a motorized bicycle legally in the state, DL or no DL. Just face it FL residents, you live in an out of control police state, they rule over you and control your life like a mean old nanny!
These bikes are NOT mopeds, don't have the VIN numbers needed to register them as a DIY moped, and would be near impossible to make a home made bike meet the safety standards of a moped, therefore you are screwed by law and have no legal way to ride.
I would suggest you Floridians start bending the ears of your law makers (senators and congressmen, not cops, judges and jury's) and ask them to write into your vehicle code a section that directly addresses the motor-assisted bicycle like so many other states have done, such as my state of Illinois. Here they are legal to ride, and you do NOT need a DL...
Its not speculation that you had your motor on while on the sidewalk. And the jury decided your case,not everyone elses. No need to get a case of slick mouth.

Oh,by the way;I was pulled over for running a stop sign and was informed bythe cops in my town and the county Sheriffs office that I dont need a dl or insurance or anything else to ride a 'Motor-assisted bicycle'. Someone already said you needed to word your defense differently. Not my fault you got the thickest head of all.
It's a matter of, IF you CAN register your gas bike as a moped in FL, by ANY means, whether it be in a particularly "truthful" way or not, or in an ambiguous way (by keep saying "homemade moped" and not "gas bicycle" and by being "vague" as to its manufacturing, THEN do it.

But, honestly, the MAJORITY of people who NEED (not "want") a gas bicycle to NOT be a moped are the ones without DLs.

From the DMV PDF, they are being intentionally vague, with the "motors on bikes, keep them bicycles".. Because if you read between the lines.. Motor = electric. ENGINE = gas.
(You'll notice it doesn't say "engines for bikes", now do you?

Also, the DMV letter sent to someone ALSO states, that putting a gas engine (or, if you want, "gas motor") on a bicycle, does NOT make it legal to be used on public roads.
Its not speculation that you had your motor on while on the sidewalk. And the jury decided your case,not everyone elses. No need to get a case of slick mouth.

Oh,by the way;I was pulled over for running a stop sign and was informed bythe cops in my town and the county Sheriffs office that I dont need a dl or insurance or anything else to ride a 'Motor-assisted bicycle'. Someone already said you needed to word your defense differently. Not my fault you got the thickest head of all.

Here is speculation ya" You are not in Florida so your laws may differ! secondly you missed the hole point Driving a motor vehicle on the sidewalk does NOT carry a jail sentence so the charge cannot be appealed to a jury trial! Driving a motor vehicle without a License does carry a jail sentence therefore can be appealed to a higher court! If any one takes this case to a jury and convinces the jury these motorized bicycles are not motor vehicles and wins? the second charge(operating a motor vehicle on the sidewalk) would be and should be automatically dropped, I have wrote this several times in here but since you insist on who has thicker scull My vote goes to you! by the way do you run stop signs often? I cannot count how many times i have almost been hit by idiot`s running stop signs missed the hole point Driving a motor vehicle on the sidewalk does NOT carry a jail sentence so the charge cannot be appealed to a jury trial! Driving a motor vehicle without a License does carry a jail sentence....

I think you kinda miss the point, over and over again!. DRIVING A motorized bicycle ON A SIDEWALK will get you pulled over, and if you don't have a DL it could land you in a jury trial! LOL I would think you would have learned at least that from your experience!

Even before you got all wrapped up in this nightmare, you knew you had no DL, so why take a chance riding the motorized bicycle on the sidewalk? That is the first big question? The rest of what happened is a result of where YOU chose to ride and how YOU decided to represent yourself to the police and the court. Just because you screwed up and lost your DL, then screwed up and rode your motorized bicycle on the sidewalk, and apparently didn't deal with the officer well so he became the "arresting officer", then didn't represent your self in court well with good defense, doesn't mean the world is crashing down on ALL MOTORIZED BICYCLE RIDERS. The world just crashed down on YOU, cause you screwed up, multiple times. The rest of us will keep motoring along happily, including many in your authoritative nanny state of Florida....
Apperently it's legal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk in Florida, so the first cop was correct.
It changes every time...
1st it was they don't allow appeals
Then it was they don't allow appeas on non-jail sentence type crimes.
Then it was well, it's a jailable offense (so he gets a jury trial)
Now he doesn't get to file an appeal?
This story changes more times that I do my underwear and I change my underwear a lot.
I wish I could see the transcript from the trial..
4 to 2 against, then they re-evaluate?
I think the jury just wanted to go home and went with majority rules..
I'm guessin no documents were introduced by the defense? There's plenty of cases in Florida where the people had their cases dropped, either pro sequi or entirely.
Horrific defense after being able to prepare for a year. I would appeal on the basis of a crappy lawyer (or whatever the legal term is)..
I was under the impression, ESPECIALLY with a jury trial, you would have the right to appeal to a higher court. I thought THAT was the ONLY way to have "case law" on the "books"? Maybe the OP just doesn't have the money to appeal? (Btw, I THINK, you can appeal AND ask for monetary reimbursement, if you win on appeal?)

It's interesting to watch how you keep trying to come out on top of this when you really do not have a dog in this hunt and neither do I for that matter but I'm not retrying the court case here. Just some personal experience inside a court room in front of a judge.
Who, much to my dismay and expense, I always found to have the final say in the matter.

If you want to get into the should and should not's of this type of case you only have to go and ride on the side walk with your bikes motor running without a drivers license and then you can regale your attorney as well as the judge and jury with your brilliant grasp of the Florida Motor Vehicle Laws.

I'm sure they will be as astounded as we are.


It's interesting to watch how you keep trying to come out on top of this when you really do not have a dog in this hunt and neither do I for that matter but I'm not retrying the court case here. Just some personal experience inside a court room in front of a judge.
Who, much to my dismay and expense, I always found to have the final say in the matter.

If you want to get into the should and should not's of this type of case you only have to go and ride on the side walk with your bikes motor running without a drivers license and then you can regale your attorney as well as the judge and jury with your brilliant grasp of the Florida Motor Vehicle Laws.

I'm sure they will be as astounded as we are.


LOL.. I KNOW, NOT to ride on a sidewalk with a motor running...
That's a given just about anywhere in the USA..
I'm just giving my opinion on the matter at hand.
Trying to give alternate views and opinions.. You have to look at ALL the viewpoints and decide for yourself, what the best course of action is, in your daily life.
AND it's ALWAYS, best to get a Lawyer... Public Defenders are generally viewed as not as interested in your case as a personal lawyer would be.
Your personal lawyer would be more interested in justice for his client as Public Defenders work for the state and in my opinion are mostly interested in just getting each case over as quickly as possible.
If you ultimately have to pay court costs/fines, where do you think that money goes? Maybe into paying the salaries of the Judges, SAs and public defenders office? To ME, that sounds like a conflict of interest.
(Or am I completely WRONG about the Public Defender's office being funded by the state?)
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