Commuting or Cruising?

How often do you ride?

  • I mostly use my car, MB is for fun

    Votes: 40 33.9%
  • I use my MB and my car equally

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • My car just sits there, I rarely use it

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • I've no car, but get a lot of rides

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Bumming a ride is the last resort

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • I never get rides, MB only

    Votes: 8 6.8%
  • I only ride MBs in the nice weather

    Votes: 20 16.9%
  • I ride year-round no matter what

    Votes: 40 33.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
The distant sound of birds & MBs are signaling the return of spring at last, as the snow melts and the scent of burnt two stroke oil fills the air - it's time to trade boots for sneakers & knobbies for balloon tires. Yet, I can't help but wonder - just how many of us stabled our steeds for the long cold dark? How many stalwart souls jus' kept riding on?

Just how many of us ride for just the sheer joy of a nice day and a well runnin' motor - how many of us ride all the time no matter what out of determination, dementia, desperation or merely disgust with all of the automotive-related shenanigans?

Please do share your adventures, the poll is multiple choice - pick w/e fits your situation the closest. Obviously "car" could be a truck, motorcycle or whatever vehicle other than an MB you may use and "never" can include the rare exception of course.


Motorized Bicycle Senior Technologist
Jul 7, 2008
i always ride my MB whenever i can. I have no car, so i have to make my MB as reliable as possible. So far, no major breakdowns for a year now and still using my 3rd engine. I guess it took me 2 burned engines to learn how to increase reliability. It's better than not learning anything at all. However, i'm planning to buy a used car probably by end of the year. Laws are getting tighter here. Maybe i made my MB too visble and caught a lot of attention especially at the speeds i was going...


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Ride all year long, commuting everyday and I ride just to cruise around and have fun.

I use my MAB for simple errands as well, the bank, grocery store, visit friends, ect.

And I go to the track whenever I can, I get bored doing 20mph all day every day.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I ride on the weekends! I have to do a lot of running around for the bike business during the week & I can't carry everything on a bike.
I LOVE THE BIKES & I look forward to every weekend to ride them up & down the beach! :)


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Oh right lol, here I made the silly poll an' didn't mention my own riding habits :oops:

Yea, year-round daily commuter, no car (don't want one) & no rides (ain't worth the headache) - bout 6000 miles a year at a conservative minimum & this spring is my third year so far...

Yes, I live in the frozen northlands
Yes... I ride all winter long
Yes... *sigh* I may well be insane lol



Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
I usually ride year-round, but if I'm living in a state like North Dakota, I can easily get around with friends vehicles in the winter. I have a truck, but it's real scary on slippery surfaces!

Everything aside from 100+ mile family visits, iMaB. I voted "Bumming a ride is the last resort" tho.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Ah yes fishtailing on two wheels riding through that freash foot and a half of snow at 10 mph. Getting drenched by rain. Getting called insaine by my coworkers. I love it and ride all year. Now that the gas prices are all going up they want me to build them for em. Ha. Happy, safe, and fun motorized bicycle riding everyone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2009
Culver City, Ca
I ride all the time, also commute everyday to work on MB. On the weekends I hook up with Venice MB and we ride the beach area, hit our favorite tavern. I also do a morning coffee run into downtown CC and hook up with friends for a chat.
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New Member
Oct 14, 2009
Buffalo ny area
Wow, two guys that actually ride all year up here.
I can't imagine doing that -especially with the typical 100 inches of snow we get. The motorbike sure doesn't like road salt either.
Are you guys in a rural area?
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New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Rural? Well, yea - but then again alla Maine is "rural" heh

I'm sure there's more than us two, but yea - the road "salt" is a killer, they're using some funky new snow melt stuff and it seems far worse than just salt ever was - I hafta relube my chains twice a week minimum or they'll bind solid w/rust o_O Fortunately, the faithful Schwinn has an aluminum frame and it at least doesn't seem to care.

Cables freeze, rim brakes just don't work at all... but really the only "problem" with commuting in the snow is the lack of a shoulder (plowed snowbanks), which puts you in traffic, which is often having just as much a problem as you are... if not more. Interestingly - in a storm/blizzard when the plows can't keep up or there's even just a coupla inches on the roads I find myself passing cars with alarming frequency as they crawl along, unsure of the road, their car and themselves.

"Playing" in the snow is something I think anyone who can - outa, including car drivers... it teaches a bunch ina hurry lol

It doesn't even require extreme arctic gear, I don't run studded tires - just knobbies (lotsa lil lugs w/good spacing), A pair of thin, supple but insulated leather gloves (levers & whatnot), my regular work clothes w/a hoody (ears), a small scarf tucked in (nose freeze) & jus' my raingear over it on the worst, coldest days (around -30 °F).

I haven't missed a single day of work as long as I've been riding the MBs, which cracks me up as my coworkers will call out fer jus' a coupla inches of fresh powder lol Heck - my boss STILL isn't used to it, every time there's a big storm he says somthin' like "I didn't expect to see you today" to which my reply is usually, "Dude, been a coupla years now an' I've still not called in" o_O

*shrug* I won't lie tho - I'm psyched fer spring to say the least :D

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
I ride once per week. If the weather is nice, I make the 18 mile round trip commute to the bus parknride. If the weather stinks, I take a shorter cruise.
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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I ride my bike to work nearly every day and get there faster than a car. It's 8 miles to work, and I take the path that runs along the canal. The path has underpasses that cross the major traffic streets & I-17, so there's no traffic and no stopping. When I get onto Hatcher, I go as fast as the cars. On cave Creek Rd the cars barely walk away from me. I'm doing 30-35 the whole way.

I have a little over 250 miles on my bike and have only put two gallons of gas in the tank! I'm going to filler up in a few minutes and go riding around.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
I ride my bike to work if it's rideable and I don't have night school.
I ride if it's not raining. I'd hate to fall at 25-35 mph.
Parking is over $100 monthly, but free for the only bicycle among 200 employees.
Gas is $4.18/gallon regular for my Tanaka engine.xct2

I cruise to Waikiki Beach, about 10 miles away. It's such a crowded highway.
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Jan 31, 2008
Juneau, Ak
Rural? Well, yea - but then again alla Maine is "rural" heh

I'm sure there's more than us two, but yea - the road "salt" is a killer, they're using some funky new snow melt stuff and it seems far worse than just salt ever was - I hafta relube my chains twice a week minimum or they'll bind solid w/rust o_O Fortunately, the faithful Schwinn has an aluminum frame and it at least doesn't seem to care.

Cables freeze, rim brakes just don't work at all... but really the only "problem" with commuting in the snow is the lack of a shoulder (plowed snowbanks), which puts you in traffic, which is often having just as much a problem as you are... if not more. Interestingly - in a storm/blizzard when the plows can't keep up or there's even just a coupla inches on the roads I find myself passing cars with alarming frequency as they crawl along, unsure of the road, their car and themselves.

"Playing" in the snow is something I think anyone who can - outa, including car drivers... it teaches a bunch ina hurry lol

It doesn't even require extreme arctic gear, I don't run studded tires - just knobbies (lotsa lil lugs w/good spacing), A pair of thin, supple but insulated leather gloves (levers & whatnot), my regular work clothes w/a hoody (ears), a small scarf tucked in (nose freeze) & jus' my raingear over it on the worst, coldest days (around -30 °F).

I haven't missed a single day of work as long as I've been riding the MBs, which cracks me up as my coworkers will call out fer jus' a coupla inches of fresh powder lol Heck - my boss STILL isn't used to it, every time there's a big storm he says somthin' like "I didn't expect to see you today" to which my reply is usually, "Dude, been a coupla years now an' I've still not called in" o_O

*shrug* I won't lie tho - I'm psyched fer spring to say the least :D

Woah, I can identify with the frozen cables etc in Ak. We also use sand that comes from glacier deposits. Some of it is very fine and gets into everything. Actually had a carb shaft seize solid from dust getting sucked past the bushings. Added a little excitement to the winter drive with the throttle consisting of the kill switch. When it dries, it sticks like concrete. Have to beat it off chains and frames. :>(


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Canada, Bc
... I use it to get all my food and most of my stuff. ...brr....brrrrrrr...brrrrrrrr... No thats not the sound of the motor, that was the sound of me riding in -15c weather this winter, wishing my exhaust ran through the seat, Can't even hear the sound of my motor anymore over my own teeth. Runs a little lean at -15c too :) Needed to keep fiddleing with the choke to keep it running.. And tryed some castrol 'snowmobile' 2stroke oil. (Did'nt seem to help any, but blue fuel is pertty cool.)
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New Member
Oct 17, 2008
Charleston, SC
I have 2 MB's & ride only for fun. My daughter likes to sit on them with me & ride around the neighborhood. I call'em "My Burrito Get'rs". I will also run them to the Post office.
I think its great that lots of folks here are using them to save gas by not running the car, especially as gas prices continue to rise.
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New Member
Apr 18, 2011
My 1st post but here goes - I work in NYC and commute ride an eBike 4-6 days per week.

Kinda bummed about the poll choices - I don't ride when snow covers road/bridge but as soon as it's melted enough that tires can grip I'm back out there. Past winter I didn't ride maybe 10 days. And I can't ride into work in drenching rain but I care less about the trip home. Choosing between "nice weather" or "no matter what" is a pretty big jump IMO. I begrudgingly chose "nice weather", err...

But for "nice weather" I also get to frequently eBike cruise in San Diego and SoCal beach areas but that's just for fun and grins.

Also member of Endless Sphere and found this forum due to the Tucson Death Race this past weekend - gonna have to make one of those someday soon! Maybe something cooking in SoCal sometime? Something on the East coast would be good too!

Ride safe - dirty side down!