Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
I can see this cave will require a porthole... to drop the loomies through so they fall into the recycle container beneath.
rc's one on evilbay

Item number 130783848211

just for that touch of a nautical theme on the aviary
...probably pick a used one up at a boatyard for $20 there in CT.
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Beer fueld den with a 3 Card Monty Game going to take care of overhead and expences.


LOL Steve. Do gotta pay the bills!

I can see this cave will require a porthole... to drop the loomies through so they fall into the recycle container beneath.
rc's one on evilbay

Item number 130783848211

just for that touch of a nautical theme on the aviary
...probably pick a used one up at a boatyard for $20 there in CT.

Wow, that is cheap for a brass porthole. Am pondering bidding.
In re-reading this thread, I feel obligated to say that the forum does not support stereotyping or that all Canadian bears are drunkards. Even though, they are.

As opposed to the very temperate Alaskan Polar bears. Who of course enjoy coke.


Got nothing done today on the shed/fort against drunk bear invaders. Woke and it was raining. Forecast called (by hr) light rain, light rain... 'till noon. After noon was TStorms, tstorms and then "Build an Ark.....
It's because our beers too strong, keeps us mellow, that's why we're so nice. Oh, and real men don't need mix, maybe an ice cube if around women so they feel like they fit in.

Rain, rain, go away, let me friggin' ride today!

Don't forget about the zombie apocalypse, bears are easy to shoot, zombies need that crucial headshot.

Heh heh...
LOL Killer. I was just PMing you to ask that you make a crack about American bears and their habits so I wouldn't look bad. Snork, like there are boarder crossing guard bears or some thing.

The right to arm bears....

Dang, I had not considered zombies while building or conception.

It's so bad here that we call the League For Bruin Decency to have them picked up. It's the only time those slop tanks are on the wagon as they are towed back out into the forest.

They are narrowing it down to the mountain lions that are supplying the sauce. Seems they feel that it's the only time that the bears can dance.

The rest of us just have to wait for fall hibernation. That's why the bears in Alaska don't have to. Clean living.

Brought to you by the letter L and the guy typing.
Finished the shingles! Still have the ridge to do but have tomorrow afternoon, I hope.

Really looks good. Now if they stay on for the winter..... lol.

Pics tomorrow. Do look sharp.

Gonna ask ya Tom, photoshop a "Snoopy" on top? Gonna blow it up and frame it
looking forward to the updated photos.
my weekend was fun-filled,my pumphouse re-decorating.yanked out all the old mouse chewed insulation,sealed all the holes and re-insulated.for extra warmth added 4 sections of freezer panels,4'x7'x 4"thick,foam covered in sheet metal.north and west walls are no longer the coldest.
another project off the list.
Cool TJ.

Feels so good to get stuff off the list.

I really should have been a little more aggressive getting the shingles on. Got some dark spots on the deck/floor. Gonna regret that forever or until I get some real flooring on. (read forever, lol)
Finished the shingles! Still have the ridge to do but have tomorrow afternoon, I hope.

Really looks good. Now if they stay on for the winter..... lol.

Pics tomorrow. Do look sharp.

Gonna ask ya Tom, photoshop a "Snoopy" on top? Gonna blow it up and frame it
That will be fun. Looking forward to it, Dan.

That will be fun. Looking forward to it, Dan.


Awesome Tom, Thanks!

Will send you one. With out windows, it really does look like his dog house from the side. Gonna be funny.

I can see Carol rolling her eyes now, snork.
Had a really busy, for lately, day. 4 jobs. But as soon as I was heading home, it started to sprinkle. Then a light rain on and off.

Peeked inside and no leaks. The ridge and all of one side are covered with plastic so not a great test but heartening nonetheless.

Supposed to rain pretty good tonight but hope to finish the ridge tomorrow, afternoon weather permitting. Is a really steep roof and don't want go up if slick. Not like there is a major rush now that the shingles are up.

Thinking about mounting the solar panels on the roof. Cut a couple of branches and will catch a good deal of the morning sun. After 1:30, all of the afternoon. But would wait for spring. Shop faces south west by west so not ideal.
Got the roof done! The ridge caps have not laid down yet but looks awesome. For a very short while I worked as a laborer in N.C. doing roofing. It was in the summer just to add to the fun. (really hated it. Way to much like work, snicker)
But don't think I have ever been this aware of how shingles/roofs look.

Also got the siding up on the rear peak/"bird house" side. I really do think that's funny. Carol is hoping I forget it. Like changing the medallions on her Camry to Lexus ones. Just another thing that cracks me up and makes her roll her eyes....


"Bird House" side.


Future home of Snoopy.


Purty, purty roof! Just realized, the guy who I got the "Purty work" thing from was who I worked for roofing in N.C. ("whom"? I hate trying to talk right ((rite?)) in what we speak-th)

LOL Rusty. Ain't that some *stuff*? The year I build a shop, we have had tornados, an earthquake and now the perfect storm/hurricane!

I mean seriously!? In Connecticut?

The really great part, I forgot to call and put it on the insurance Friday. Just 2dang funny. I am having visions of going out Monday morning and finding it on it's side....

Vote and vote often. Now I really need the money, snork.
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Forgot! Gonna build a porch that looks like a dock on the "Snoopy" side. Dig a ditch and put the boat in the back-ground in it. Again Carol rolled her eyes and said "Really?" Then I promised to gut her, (the boat, not Carol) and make it a hot-tub.

Now it is a go!

Note to self; any time I want to build some thing crazy, promise it will have storage space or double as a hot tub. Carol is a "collector" and a fan of bathing in public.


The boat was purchased to be a floating hotdog cart and is as old as me. The only thing it is good for any more is to breed skeeters in the bilge. The engine is awesome and will be used on another project..... Snork, I have way to many to ever actually do.
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Your dog house is looking great, Dan!
I don't know much about roofing but it appears that you do. Good job!
LOL GN. and thanx! Up close, the lines ain't what you would call straight, even or close to rite. (right?)

But the choice of shingle makes it look deliberate.
Re: Building a Dawg House

Dangit GN! Ya cemented a thunk I had. When I said "Snoopy side" thought could do the doors like a dog-house. Rectangular with an oval above. Both painted black like a dawg house entry.

When Carol gives me that look I am gonna say "Blame GearNut" and point both palms upward with an innocent look.

No worries, she likes you. Me, much less as time goes by.