Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
On the other hand the building looks wonderful. You do have wicked good skills and I'm looking forward to the bikes that will be rolling out of the new workshop.

That and now he needs "Wheelie Bars"

on'tday entionmay imhay ettinggay away awyerlay!

(don't mention him getting a lawyer!)

I can't afford another pet related law suit. Honestly, how can dogs and cats demand over time?
Think Oliver was watching the phone because we were hearing about tap water, not bottled and the food being room temp and not heated.

Nipped that in the bud before there were any phone calls made. I left the S.P.C.A web site up for a while on the How To Surrender Your Pets page. Food is disappearing at a regular rate and there seems to be general contentment with the watering hole.

Might want to try that with Stewie De Cat. I'd leave a pen and a pad of paper by the computer as well, just in case he has a change of heart.

Took the toe rails off so the roof is truly done now.

Kinda weird, yrs back I had about 4 months off a year. (But worked more hrs annually then the majority of Americans) so in my off times, I would work odd jobs just to keep busy. A lot of them were as a laborer in construction. I just never got how happy some folks were when done and looking at completed projects. Even with out doors or widows yet, I get the sensation and feeling those guys were feeling. Very cool feeling.

For the bat-house, I want to try this;

Another thing that is gonna need some research. LOL, "STOP, YOU MAKE BIG ERROR!" From reading the comments below.

Honestly, the interweb adds so much to folks like us. Instant and easily found information.
Set up the solar panels. Wholly Mother of Good is the mounting cheesy! But will hook it up to a batt and the charger tomorrow or soonest.

The sidling on the peak, the front of course, is slightly off and you can see the lines are not st8. Is just barley noticeable and am hoping that when I cut out the windows, it is not so visible. Just could not get it right by holding/nailing/balancing on a bouncy 2x12.

Was to dark to work at 4:45/5 ish.

Most of the caps have laid down but gonna glue some down if they are not happy with their lot in life soon.
Dan are you going to cap the corners? One by fours are what I have used. Or I should say make it look like corner posts and cover the ends of the siding.
Oh yea Greg. They were cut, polyied and nailed on. Look sharp.

I had to take em down to do the siding on the peaks. LOL, great learning sort of thing. Plan ahead, don't get ahead of my self. (But I am so dang slow)

The only reason I have yet to put em back on is I was not sure I was not gonna take another run at getting the front peak siding perfect.

Truly, being a novice at this, I greatly appreciate you and you guys/folks pointing stuff like that out.
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its all good,Dan.
solar panel,eh? well i hope the demand is less than the supply.we use a panel to charge a 12 volt car battery for a remote 2 way radio.its on 24/7 in the summer,holds up fine.
i just scored a 24 volt wind powered dynamo,it had a prop on it,but i guess somethin broke and it fell off the tower it was mounted to.guess im going to try my hand at prop building.24 free volts dont sound like much,but paired up with a solar panel i may get some free energy myself.
Cool TJ. Side note, check out boat yards for old ones that you can buy for scrap prices. The marine ones have funky props that are governed (RPM) by a really cool weight clutch thing. I have a design in mind for a silo one. Rather then props, it will spin vertically. LOL, another "someday" thing.

The solar thing is in part wanting to learn it, run the 2 lights that come with it and the heating/cooling fan. It is 45 watt and expect much less. On a good day, might be able to charge a laptop or cell phone. I hope.

But all the machinery will be hard wired.
i have a pellet burning stove heating my house,my plan is to build a 12 volt one using auto parts,like the fans and controls for room fan and smoke exhaust fan.temp sensors to shut it off if it gets too hot and a wiper motor/delay switch to run the auger.
batttery power to run it and a solar/wind charging system.

heat garage for little or nothing is my goal.

a wind powered pellet mill,now that would be awesome.....i have a source for raw material to make them from.

any links on the vertical wind generator?
Cool, cool, cool TJ! Ya gotta share your thoughts on the mill thing. I have more wood then I can deal with. Have some stacks that the wood has turned white, they have been sitting in the sun so long.

I have no links or prof the vertical wind gen would work. Which leads me to think there is some thing I am missing. One of the very, if not the only weird thunk I have had and can't find some picture from yrs back that some one else has tried it.
Emmmmm, steam fired electrical shop energy too!

No kidding, I wanna build a steam powered pusher. I really need to hit lotto......
Solar panels/charger works! The whole solar thing fascinates me.

The only spare battery I had was for a scooter or small lawn mower but just testing any way. The directions say to charge for 3 days initially.

Also, they say to disconnect the battery when not there. Is this the overly cautious China liability thing? ("Plastic bags are not toys and will kill your..." lol, never mind) I left it all hooked up any way. So might be reporting a big ol' oops tomorrow.

Fun day. Always is when new toys & stuff works.
thats a pretty serious solar panel ya got there,Dan.
should charge a good size battery no problem.
if it was me,a 4 d deep cycle would be on my wish list.
i'd build a vented box and keep it outside,though as a
charging battery releases hydrogen gas.
makes a big boom when ignited.
i accidentally overcharged a battery in a shed way back
to the point it almost melted.the worst smell,rotten egg.
went to house and cut power then ventilated shed.

once i test the dynamo,i will start experimenting with props.
Very cool and thanks TJ. I really would feel better blowing up a box/shelter then the dang shop, lol.

Too funny and think I should have your nicname but have no doors or windows yet, so I of course just ordered this;

Needed a bushing, so I bought a mill/lathe. Needed some place to work with the mill lathe so I built a shop. Needed to light the shop, so I bought a solar charger.....

Really could have made the dang bushing out of brass with grinder. So a $3 part has cost around $4k and counting.

And I have yet to make the dang thing!
(I know I'm repeating my self but gets funnier in my head every time I type that)

I am thinking this would make a good short story. As the guy finally sets the material on the mill to bore it out, after tornadoes, freak storms, a flood, an earth quake and running out of money, he has a massive and drops.
Ya know, make it a comedy.

Too dark? lol

Not that I am actually complaining! This, all of it was the absolutely most satisfying and fun things I have ever done.
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well i'll tell you,my name is appropriate.
i refuse to work out in the cold,my garage is heated to the point of almost too hot.
i bought a 1947 south bend model 9a lathe last year,new nothing about machining.
it came with all the tooling,taper attatchment and a toolpost grinder.
dont think i have done anything with it that someone would consider useful.

made a few morse tapers and cut some threads.
got it figured out,now im building parts for my sheet metal bead roller (something else i dont really need),its mounted to my english wheel.right beside my home build 4 foot brake.i built the brake two years ago,this summer i actually made a few bent pieces for a little project.

when i worked in the parts store,i bought some kind of tool almost every payday.
then as a mechanic,tool purchases were a necessity,and also the need to have tools at home,i ended up with something near two sets of tools.
25 years of spending more or less than 1000.00/year is an addiction.
shoulda bought booze ,i'd have more room in the garage....
Har, snork TJ!

Really and truly though, if it is bringing you joy and you and your's are not gonna go hungry, not a bad thing.

I mentioned this before but in response to some remarking how much time I spent in the garage, Carol replied to them "He's not sitting in a bar, chasing woman or doing any thing wrong. He is in his element and happy. Let him be" I am blessed with a great partner for sure but my point is, it still beats golf.

(I gotta stop saying that but always cracks me up)
Dan,it just dawned on me,i recall being up in the attic,and the vent was going like crazy.
i wondered how hard it would be to stop,that whirlybird almost took my fingers off,good thing i was wearing a driveshat to a generator may be just the ticket.
as well as venting my attic,i could make a little free energy.what a concept.

Golf,what's that?
That is a cool thunk. Way back I was unclogging a condensation line in a 6 story building. It was in doors but the heat rising could hold the clean out cap on in the cellar with out threading it in. If in the sun and/or with mirrors heating a pipe, you could get some good flow.

That was in 1998 and when I came up with the ideas about heating and cooling using naturally occurring events like heat rising. Suck the hot air out. Blow cool air in. (If warm is the absence of cold and cool is the absence of heat)

We have a large exhaust fan at the top of the stairs on the second floor. If I close all the windows and doors and open the cellar door, is like central AC. My thinking is if the 60F' ish cellar air could be brought up to the year round, to the attic, cheap and efficient heat. Even if not warm enough, still cheaper to heat warm air then cold or cool air.

In the summer and to exhaust the hot air from an attic, a steel box or piping, painted black and in the sun. A check valve like a wood stove that sucks the air out to replace the hotter air rising out of the box or pipes