Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
LOL TJ, ya made me think. Those wind turbine things to vent attics are always silver when simply painting them black would greatly increase the efficiency.

(Carol just IMed me. Asked if I was having fun out here in the garage. Was funny and timely.)
Dang ya TJ!, lol. now am thinking wind/heat rising generator silo thing.

Kinda a good idea me thinks. One is more often present in the absence of the other. So would have more up and running time as apposed to a singularly propelled generator.
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Dang Tom. Just sent you a PM in answer but missed the parabolic thought.
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I can't wait to hear what your neighbors are going to say..............:)


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LOL Tom.

Thanks Dave. I almost feel guilty about it. Could only imagine what you and folks with your skills could do. Hope to get there or at least close.

Yesterday when I adjusted the solar panels up, it immediately started generating another watt. So started wondering how to go about tracking the sun. What I came up with is put the unit on a lazy susan table thing so it can pivot. Then get a solar powered fountain pump thing and turn a water wheel that via gears, turns the table to follow the sun. A counter weight to bring it back at night when the sun stops pumping the water to the wheel.

If it pumps to fast under perfect conditions, the solar powered pump would stop or slow down until it was again aiming at the sun and would catch up.

Only down side is that if it does not start turning due to clouds in the morning, would have to be manually set.... Or stop it at the night position at south x south by east which would be about optimal (for early in the day) if stationary any way. (LOL, just answered my own question)

Am sure I could just buy some thing to do this but that ain't "Roolin`MB style" The whole functional art thing.
Went out today thinking I would make the doors out of the scrap from the roof sheathing. (another "just for now, ha ha) Then thought I should build the ramp 1st but then realized I should start with the transom window above the doors before any thing. Go to Home rut-row and buy the Lexon and plastic caulk. Go to get to work and realize I should build a proper work bench inside. As I start the work bench, I run out of sunlight.

So pretty much diligently marched around in circles for the day.

Plugged in one of the solar lights. Lasted about 40 mins. I tested it during the day. Yet another, not a well thought out part of the day. Still was a fun one.
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so,the whirlybird isnt propelled by the rising hot air,but the gentle breeze outside,the bonus is the wind action draws out the hot attic air.a small driveshaft would easily drive a dynamo in a breeze.

aiming panels-incorporate an air bag of sorts,black in color,as sun hits it use the expansion to change position.

or if it can be balanced so it turns easily,a clock mechanism,like the ones used on a household water filter has a clock of sorts,runs on 12 volts,it has a fair amount of torque to activate the rinse cycle valve.
its a filtersoft timer.
We've all done that at one point or another, or many times over. But hey! At least you have a bench now :)

LOL Killer, (and thanx!) the beginnings of that work bench is still balanced on milk crates. But the cool part is, I can walk out there tomorrow and start banging some nails. Alls I need to do to make the transom is cut the plastic and 2x4s to be the frame. So really do need a bench work on. I haven't snapped plastic since I was a kid. Not that it is real hard but don't want to destroy material. (again, snork)

Carol asked why this was a big deal and why not start with the ramp. My thinking is (correct me if wrong) it will be easier to start at the top to get every thing to fit and work together. (doors swinging) and to shed water. The last being the one builder's concept that has always stuck with me.

Side note, Killer. Could you please make me "Happy's" next stop. He (That one) was on my MB when I bought my first big ticket tool, to build MBs. Then rode around on my car dash board for 2 yrs. So, when I finish this crazy, just want a picture of him with the evolution of the insanity.
trivial details... all that stuff.

Since you're gonna be out there all the time, now, I wanna know if you put in the cement walkway from the house to the shop?'s Carol gonna bring you important stuff when you need it?


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LOL RC. Carol is gonna love that.

Funny you asked. We have been talking about a walkway. I wanted a driveway but that got vetoed right quick.
Woman, can't live with em. Dang sure can't over power the wife. (What? she cooks)
Shouldn't be too difficult...
Especially at the low rpms of the wind generators..mof, that's part of the problem... they won't spin fast enough to use automotive alternators... they must rewind them...
Anyhow, them windmill blades are not pitched quite as much as other props, yet you .could. purchase an rc airplane prop and copy it on a larger scale with a jig and a router. Somewhere in the pile I got xeroxed pages of how to make the jig.
Hopelessly lost, but it can, and has been done.
Plenty of info from the greenies out there on the web.
Good luck!
Forgot to take more pics! arghh. Am a bit frazzled brain wise. Might have a grant to go to school for machining. (CNC, mill, lathe, multi dimensional blueprints and general machining) Might almost know what I'm gonna be when I grow up, snork.

Installed a regular 2 bulb, florescent shop light. Little battery I am using with the solar is shot and only runs lights while charging during the day. Kinda defeats the purpose.

Put on of the corner trim boards on one corner. Looks sharp. When I took em down, did not mark em so am trying to match em up by nail holes. Took 2 hrs to do one corner. That was another lesson learned and 2 dang funny.

Will get some pics up soon.
Messin' with the cook, sea story. I heard this probably 10th hand so can not vouch for it.

I was working on the NY Harbor tug, the Esther Moran. She was so old she had been converted from coal to diesel. Including her stove. The cook used to warm his shoes under the stove at night. The boys go up the street one night to hoist a few.

After a few to many, they come back to the boat. A deckhand decides to mess with the cook and does some thing in the cook's shoes that one normally needs to sit in a small room alone to do.

Next day every one turns to. Cook makes breakfast and is wearing said shoes. A few days later the crew gets relived and all are walking up the dock.

The deck hand asks the cook if he ever figured out who **** in his shoes.

The cook says; "Nope, but I know who ate it"

True story. As far as I know, lol.


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