Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Har snork Bubu...

Tom there was a thing on NPR about Bulwinkle. The guy who voiced him started this sort of joke thing about a fictitious island called "moosylvania" that he wanted made the 52 U.S. state. A town so bad the Americans said it belonged to Canada and the Canadians claimed it was part of America.

"Moosylvania is a fictional island between the U.S. and Canada, in Veronica Lake, a fictional body of water in Rocky and Bullwinkle.[1] Its governor is Bullwinkle J. Moose. The U.S. claims that it is part of Canada, and Canada claims that is part of the U.S. because neither country wants to own it. Bullwinkle vacations in Moosylvania because "after two weeks here, anyplace else feels like Heaven."

But so this guy drives up to the white house gate and asks to speak to President Kennedy. He actually did this! The guard does not let him in and they end up arguing. The guard unsnaps his side arm which just POs the guy and he wants to argue more. Latter that day President Kennedy announces to the public the nuks were being shipped to Cuba!

Talk about timing, lol.

I have every Bullwinkle and Rocky show stuffed animal character and can't wait to adorn the shop with them. LOL, trying to explain why the mention of a 60/70s era cartoon made me launch in to this wall of text
bullwinkle,thats the name the CO's gave the hunting decoy.
they are just starting to chase the "bad" hunters now.

they are just starting to deploy "fluffy" the deer.
When I was still working there were two guys, one a six foot three production manager and the other, his boss, was the five foot four operations manager. They were known behind their backs as Rocky & Bullwinkle because the of their size and demeanor. The little guy was the know-it-all micro manager and the other one was slow and not so quick on the uptake.

One year we convinced them to attent the company Halloween party as R&B. The little one wore a leather flying helmet that I loaned him and the big guy wore a set of moose antlers. They came in the cafeteria where the judging was to take place dressed in business suits that they wore daily and the big one said, "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat." The employees were already on the floor laughing when Rocky said, "That trick never works". They won first prize.

Not kidding, the house just shook. We live in dead center Connecticut and just had an earthquake. Nothing on the news yet but I am sitting on an old stool on a cement slab floor in the garage and literally was swaying side to side.

The year (this one) I decide to blow my life savings on a work shop, we have had 3 tornado warnings and a minor earthquake!

Once again proving my theory that who I pray to, has a sense of humor.....

But another great day. Just chronicling again. Got the last little bit of sheathing up on the southern part of the roof and the starter/under shingling on one eve and bottom.

I used some of the milk crates that supported the scaffolding to cut the sheathing. I didn't realize I cut threw them and then climbed up the rig with out putting them back. Snork. But was a great day! Gonna go out back now and see if any thing shook during the tremor. Only lasted a few seconds and was not bad. Just really funny. I grew up here and is the first time I can remember tornados and the earth shaking.
no toxic snakes,no earth quakes,no poisonous spiders.i'll keep my 16 weeks of extreme cold and four feet of snow.

dont think i could handle the eartshakes.

Was recently talking to a friend who lives in the Caribbean. A storm/near hurricane was headed his way. We were teasing him and he replied; "Go shovel yer snow" Cracked me up.

When I was still sailing for a living, we ended up in Sullom Voe. It is in the Shetland islands and where the gulf stream ends. Think it is around 500 miles south of the arctic circle but it is around 65F year round!

I really wanted to move there. The people were great! It was nice year round and really pretty. Sailing out on the 3rd largest and at one time the largest oil tanker in the world, we hit a storm that at that time was the worst on record for northern Europe, lol. Kinda decided I was gonna stick with safe old CT, U.S. That decision does not seem to be working out so great in oh so many ways.
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Was pretty dramatic GN. Really was sitting on a cement slab and it moved a good bit.

LOL, wouldn't have bothered folks out your way a bit. We only get em a time or 2 every couple of hundred yrs and are easily worried I guess.
dunno if this is going to work.quite a shed. nope didnt work.
crap,i had an e-mail containing pictures of a shed,if you can call it that,
was a showroom inside,full of classics and memoribilia.
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Sounds cool TJ.

Another good day. Well, I only got maybe 1/4 to a 3rd of the shingles up but just so nice out there. I woke, did 3 jobs (courier gig) and the rest of the day just roofing. Really, really liking this low pressure lifestyle.

While up there today, (read drinking a beer, smoking and not working, snork) I came up with an idea for a 4 stroke transmission.
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Heh heh, I can just picture a bird house looking box for the trann'y, shingles and maybe some beer caps for decoration :p

That earthquake must've felt like a convoy of heavy trucks going by, eh?


Never Forget :)
Really was a WTH?! moment Killer.

LOL, "Work shop" or "beer fueled den of inequity"

Only time will tell.....
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