Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
OH! Turns out hood ornaments are hard to come by according to local junk yard. So gonna make a big arse Mercedes thing on the mill. Goin' big, bad and bling with it, lol.

Be kinda cool first/learning project on a mill.
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Very cool Ilikea (and thanks!)

Am on my way to buy a battery for it. Thinking as big as I can get, deep cycle? What do you think? Gotta buy one for the dang mower too. It took 3 junk mowers to build this one and it looks like it, lol. Putting a hood ornament and umbrella on it, hopefully today. Yep, said that last yr. Live in a very,,, lets say reserved area. When I work on the yard, people ask me how much I charge. So gonna ride my junky lookin' rider mower with a Mercedes-Benz hood ornament, Hunter S. Thompson sunglasses, beach umbrella/shade devise while sipping some exotic looking drink with it's own lil umbrella with, what ever I am, pride. snork

What were we talking about? LOL

Dan "never on topic" Keav

I use a deep cycle battery and they last about 5 yrs....
Framing the walls today. All crown out(.?) Kinda exciting. Really starting to look like some thing. Must sound kinda silly to the pros and well practiced but is the biggest and most complicated thing I have built.

Question, the studs fall in between the floor joists according to the plans. Is that right? I was under the impression that each wall stud rested directly on top of a floor joist.

Dan, in most construction you have a bottom plate that you nail your studs to.......
Very cool and Thanks again Ilikea.

Makes sense now that you thought about it, lol. The bottom plate spreading the the load over 2 joists rather then pointing the weight onto one.

Am gonna go with the deep cycle.

Wohoo, just got a job (courier) Little one, but pays just enough to pay for the day. Life is good!
Also, from what I recall and I could be wrong, the studs are usually differently spaced than the floor joists. I've seen studs at 24 inches on center and joists 16-18 inches on center. And any job can be different than the next. Make sure you check the local code for stud centers and joist centers, you wouldn't want to find out, after they're built, that they aren't according to code.
Works out perfectly so they, the studs are exactly in between the joists. Kinda threw me Nunya. The inspector really liked the plans. So Just gonna go with it. Although I did read on the internet they had to align.

(LOL, pet peeve of of mine is the phrase; "Well I read...")

Side note, sending that thing out today and Carol says Hello.

Yay! It's Hammer time!
(Get an hr or 3 to pound nails)((This time, hopefully in the right places))
I quit using nails for framing. I started using drywall screws. It's a little slower than nailing (especially if your using a nail gun). But if you make a mistake it's a lot easier to take out a screw than to pull a nail. In fact some of those coated nails you can't pull without tearing something up....
I quit using nails for framing. I started using drywall screws. It's a little slower than nailing (especially if your using a nail gun). But if you make a mistake it's a lot easier to take out a screw than to pull a nail. In fact some of those coated nails you can't pull without tearing something up....

A friend and I were talking about that same thing, nails vs. screws. We both have seen broken screws, in framing, never broken nails. Bent nails, yes but never broken.

And Dan, tell Carol I said hey, and thanks again.
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yep,crown up,studs line up wherever.i prefer nails and screws,depending if i ever need to take something apart.when you put the sheeting on the walls,don't forget to drop it 1/2-3/4".it helps keep the rain out.on the topside,whatever you drop the sheeting will be covered,as the soffit hides the top few inches.there's plenty to nail to if you used studs,they are shorter than 8 feets due to the bottom plate and double top plate which amounts to just around 4-3/4 inches.
hpoefully you have the foam gasket that goes between floor and wall.
yep,crown up,studs line up wherever.i prefer nails and screws,depending if i ever need to take something apart.when you put the sheeting on the walls,don't forget to drop it 1/2-3/4".it helps keep the rain out.on the topside,whatever you drop the sheeting will be covered,as the soffit hides the top few inches.there's plenty to nail to if you used studs,they are shorter than 8 feets due to the bottom plate and double top plate which amounts to just around 4-3/4 inches.
hpoefully you have the foam gasket that goes between floor and wall.

Cool and thanks. What is this "foam" you speak of? Some thing like this?

LOL! Go to start framing. So move all the wood from where it was to the build site only 100 feet or so but around trees. Any way, I have 6, count em six 2x4s! But I have enough PT to make another full length mudsil.

So is another $200 for studs and plates. (not bad) Truss guy called and they come tomorrow. Solar panel comes next week.
OH! bought a fancy-dancy, waffel headed, made in the U.S. framing hammer. Purty nice. Pricey but so well worth it. Only 2oz more (it is 22oz) but makes pounding nails so much easier.

Question, at the corners, between the end studs, the plans call for a pc of 1/4 plywood. I don't understand why they need to be in there. Wouldn't just two 2x4s nailed together work just fine? The plywood is just supposed to be sandwiched, separating them.
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With some practice you should be able to, with a few taps, set the nail and then drive it with one good blow. "Tap, tap,wham!" and that nail is set. Makes things go much faster.
Dan if you are going to add drywall or maybe osb board on the inside you need to use corner posts on one end of each wall. cut three blocks of 2x4 about a foot long then sandwich the blocks between two studs one on each end the other in the middle.When you slide the next wall up to the corner you have a stud to nail drywall to. To see what I am talking about stand three studs on edge then lay one flat to the outside edge the resulting ninty degree would be the inside corner if that makes sence.
the sill gasket is exactly what i was talkin about.3.5 or 5.5 inches depending on wall thickness.
i tried a search on california corner framing,it uses less lumber and is more energy efficient,but my dern interweb is not cooperating tonite.
gives room to stuff insulation in the corner.

my brother in law insulated his garage he framed in a 45 degree angle where ceiling meets wall,so he could run a full bat continously from wall to ceiling.
aparrently it makes for lots of energy savings.

Nice thread and building with new material is "more gooder"! Remembering straightening used nails and used lumber as a youth. "The Good Ole Days!! lol

Waffel Hammer!!! Hit my thumb with one yrs ago, thumb looked like a waffel!! Owie!

Set the walls and roof on House Boat with my "Tonka" truck. Most of my tree trucks were painted yellow.

Last week, bought an 8000 btu ac for my "$500." 12 ft x 20 ft insulated, wired, sheet rocked textured and carpeted shop. "Previously Owned" lol.

Hauled it 30 miles on the Interstate Hy with 30 ft boat trailer. Would still be in jail if DOT got me.

Been dragging stuff out there and started stripping the 140cc clone for the stretch cruiser.

Maybe should fix mower first, can`t hardley find the outhouse ect.

Ron ......---...cvlt1

PS; At the lumber yards here, the straight 2 x 4`s are free, but you have to buy the crooked ones!!
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The trusses arrived this morning. Right in the middle of my 2 hr wake-up coffee break. Really are worth it. Time and cash, very happy.

Right then a buddy called to let me know this guy I'm suing is all sorts of PO'ed. Should'a made me happy but it was another interruption to my break. So I had to start it all over.

Just got back from picking up 65 2x4's and four 2x4x12's. Had to rent a truck but was only 20 bucks. The cashier and I had a grand ol' time making fun of each other's math skills. (really was fun)

Dan if you are going to add drywall or maybe osb board on the inside you need to use corner posts on one end of each wall. cut three blocks of 2x4 about a foot long then sandwich the blocks between two studs one on each end the other in the middle.When you slide the next wall up to the corner you have a stud to nail drywall to. To see what I am talking about stand three studs on edge then lay one flat to the outside edge the resulting ninty degree would be the inside corner if that makes sence.

AHH! Got ya, cool. Knew there had to be a reason

the sill gasket is exactly what i was talkin about.3.5 or 5.5 inches depending on wall thickness.
i tried a search on california corner framing,it uses less lumber and is more energy efficient,but my dern interweb is not cooperating tonite.
gives room to stuff insulation in the corner.

my brother in law insulated his garage he framed in a 45 degree angle where ceiling meets wall,so he could run a full bat continously from wall to ceiling.
aparrently it makes for lots of energy savings.

Was thinking about some thing like that TJ. In a retractable fashion so as to be seasonally adjusted. Gotta think about this some more.


Nice thread and building with new material is "more gooder"! Remembering straightening used nails and used lumber as a youth. "The Good Ole Days!! lol

Waffel Hammer!!! Hit my thumb with one yrs ago, thumb looked like a waffel!! Owie!

Set the walls and roof on House Boat with my "Tonka" truck. Most of my tree trucks were painted yellow.

Last week, bought an 8000 btu ac for my "$500." 12 ft x 20 ft insulated, wired, sheet rocked textured and carpeted shop. "Previously Owned" lol.

Hauled it 30 miles on the Interstate Hy with 30 ft boat trailer. Would still be in jail if DOT got me.

Been dragging stuff out there and started stripping the 140cc clone for the stretch cruiser.

Maybe should fix mower first, can`t hardley find the outhouse ect.

Ron ......---...cvlt1

PS; At the lumber yards here, the straight 2 x 4`s are free, but you have to buy the crooked ones!!

LOL Ron. Bottom of left thumb nail is already turning black from Monday. Not looking forward to whacking it again with "Buster" That gonna hurt.

Should go stack the 2x4s. So far I have spent more time moving wood then beating on it with a hammer. But really is great for the brain and surprisingly relaxing.
2x4's all stacked and covered in their blanky for the night. Trusses too.

Forgot to mention, the building permit came in the mail today. Mrs asked about it 3 times. She thought they might come in and make me rip it all down.
Started pouring about a minute after I got home from doing a mini job. Made $17.50 today, lol. Ah well. Monday I will be complaining about to much work.

Got a cover for the foundation. Put the trusses on the foundation and under the tarp. Then the sky opened up. Tornado warnings here! It is crazy. Don't remember this any yrs b4.

So I got nothing done all day but sit in the garage and catch up on email and a few contract proposals.

Only good part was it was raining 2"s an hr for a bit. Will know/see if it is settling funny or unevenly.