Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Framed one wall today. This is just a blast. Would that I could do this every day for the rest of mine.

Man, 16' 2x4's do not like being straight or at lest uniformly out of whack with the rest of the class.

Huge lesson learned here. Never order a bunch of wood by handing some one a list and waiting for a truck. But a really good progress day.

Instead of ripping 1/2 plywood, I gaped the end 2x4s with three 18" scarp pcs. each. Seemed stouter. (read the plywood was under 89 2x4s, lol)
Dan we always used a #8 nail between sheets of decking, tacked them in the joists to space sheets then after nailing the sheet we pulled the spacer nail out. Felt under the shingles is kinda like a shock absorber and a another vapor barrier.
we use H clips,they slip onto the sheets between the rafters, helps support the sheet.
the paper is another line of defence from rain.only thing,the so called self-sealing shingles bond to the tar paper or felt and not to the wood structure.when i did my roof,i used 30 year fiberglass laminated shingles,the edge has a random cut,like cedar shake effect.

it was a hot sunny day,if you didnt place the shingle where you wanted it,grab the putty knife and lift it carefully.those particular shingles stuck like - crazy.
last roof i have to do on my house.

bottom three feet get ice and water shield,a rubber membrane to prevent leakage from ice dams.last winter was bad for it.

progress sounds good,Dan.keep poundin.
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Like TJ said clips in the middle of the span between trusses spaces the sheets and reinforces the joint as well. Here we only use clips if the trusses are set on 24" center, not if we use 16" centers.
I could not find clips local. Only mail order. The trusses are 24" OC. 1/2 sheathing too.

Got a wall up. Well just the framing. Was kind of an accident. I just wanted to put it upright then beat it as the plates were so twisted hit one end, the other end would pop out. But got it leveled & plumb so just left it up and braced. Was heavy enough with out the 4 sheets of siding. Gonna get the side 12' wall up tomorrow. But supposed to storm here for the next couple of days, yay. But want that wall up to help secure.

A buddy stopped by. Took right over with the "*we* gotta do this" and *we* gotta do that" Really got on my nerves. Just stopped working, took off the belt, sat down and agreed with every thing he said. Think I hurt his feelings but man... just PMO.

Solar panels came today. Very cool.

pics soonest.
i ususlly tack the bottom plate to the floor,toe nail doesent move then.
i like sheeting the wall (horizontal sheets) and squaring it at the same time.
at least put the bottom sheet on.
if you cant get the h-i mean-H clips then blocking will help support the roof from snow load.2x4 on flat would be plenty.
ahh cool. Thanks guys. Gonna pick em up tomorrow.



Gotta remember to tilt the cell, lol.
LOL, woke at 05:30 and couldn't wait to get out there. It started raining at 5:50.

The radio is, of course saying there is a chance of rain. It is pouring with thunder & lightning.
LOL, woke at 05:30 and couldn't wait to get out there. It started raining at 5:50.

The radio is, of course saying there is a chance of rain. It is pouring with thunder & lightning.

Reckon it'll miss a heck of a chance if'n it don't rain.
Dan if it is raining that much on your project I wish you lived next door to me, they say we are in a drought situation here.
Crazy eh? The weather across the U.S. last coupl'a yrs.

Had a mini job early this morning. Sun rise was beautiful. Sunny, light breeze. Get home and clap of thunder and as soon as I got in the garage, it started pouring again. Like it was timed to do just that.

Ever see "CaddyShack"?

"... the good lord, would never interupt....the best game of my life ." zaaap*

Tried to scan and post the wall plans. No second 2x4 top plates or reinforcements on top or below windows. The trusses only top the studs on the rear wall and are all over the place on the front. Gonna add 2nd top plate 2x4s, reinforce the windows.

..and it stopped raining in the time it took to typ this, lol.

Will post a pic of finished framed walls.

Not putting on the siding until walls are up. Prolly should have. they are pretty heavy. Hold one side and nail the other......
i hope you are squaring it and strapping it diagonally at least.
the walls get tough to square if you start nailing the walls together.
Dan TJ is right, I like to square the wall then nail on one sheet at the corner. This way the wall is not that much heavier.
Hmmm, just squared em. Put em up and checked levels.


Fun day yesterday. 4 jobs and really like new design.
Excellent progress! Thank you for sharing the picture.
Looking at the rear wall and right wall I am surprised to not see windows. Getting cross ventilation through the room sure would help with cooling on hot days, unless you are going to have air conditioning in it.

Say now, that blue shade canopy is awfully short. You actually fit underneath it without ducking your head?