Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
With it that high off the ground I see another project to come. A ramp to get bikes in and out.

Is a blast Killer, thanks.

Excellent progress! Thank you for sharing the picture.
Looking at the rear wall and right wall I am surprised to not see windows. Getting cross ventilation through the room sure would help with cooling on hot days, unless you are going to have air conditioning in it.

Say now, that blue shade canopy is awfully short. You actually fit underneath it without ducking your head?

Thanks GN.
There will be many small windows that open and have screens (for lighting & air flow on mild days) but ventilation, warming and cooling will be done via a solar powered air induction system. The air will be "conditioned" by drawing it threw pipes buried in the ground. It will actually be cooler/warmer (as needed) when all "buttoned up"

LOL, the canopy is a funeral for really little people at the near by mausoleum.


With it that high off the ground I see another project to come. A ramp to get bikes in and out.


LOL, I am the only one in the house that can climb stairs and ramps easily. This is the only shop ever built deliberately to be hard to get in to. Lets just keep that our lil secret. snork
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Made a derick with 2 blocks from Ace, some rope and boards. The way it is set up, needs only 3 screws to hold it and hoists from dead center so the siding rises into place plumb. Worked really well and am very happy with it. Gonna do the same thing to hoist the trusses.





Weird thing. A sickly fox hung out near me for over an hour today. Was truly sad. He had fleas bad and looked skinny. Really wanted to throw him some food but don't want him getting comfortable around humans. dunno, maybe I should have. Was an actual moral dilemma.

What? I got feelin's. lol

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When I was a kid living in a small town, a friend of mine had a pet fox. His Dad was the town vet and someone found the baby fox by it's mother who had been hit by a car and brought it to him to do something with.
Of course the fox was kept in the house/office just until it was old enough to be set free but by then it was my buddies best friend. He would sneak down at night and bring it to bed with him and then sneak it down before anyone woke up.

Pop caught on pretty quick and the fox was fixed and soon became leash trained and rode in the bicycle basket where ever he went. The best part was that foxes do some of thier best work at night and that got old really fast.

We moved away after a couple of years but I would imagine the fox lived out it's years being well cared for.
The look on the tourist faces as the two of them rode through town was a laugh in it's own and when it was on it's leash everyone wanted to pet it. Every dog in town kept it's distance since Rufus taught every one of them a lesson when they got close. They learned what quick as a fox meant.

Dan I imagine there would have to be some sort of a humane society where you are at? I knew some folks that rescued an owl one time. A bad rain storm got to him and some how the bugger got it wings so muddied it could not fly any more. Found it running on the ground and it had been going hungry.

Fellow caught it with a good pair of leather gloves on. Which does not do much good. Those claws were made by God to make a true mockery out of leather lol. Put it in a horse trailer over night and had to catch the darn thing again.

It went in a dog kennel to the local vet . Vet cleaned the guy up and it still resides on their ranch today! There was some Indian Runner ducks they kept there. One of them liked to walk out at night by itself and stare at the moon or something? Owl got dinner.
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Cool stories.

The fox is cute little critter. Was kinda worried he was rabid. Day light and not afraid of humans.


Later, he curled up and took a nap. Had to turn down the radio for him. Looked up a while later and he was gone.
May have been rabid or maybe had distemper or some other ailment. It's a shame but nature only leaves the strongest.

When I was younger I donated plasma for money a few times. They gave me some kind of rabies vaccination to save lives. I am prolly rabies proof to this day. lol.
LOL Goat. I was hitch hiking around Fla as a kid. Guy told me ya could sell blood. Just sounded nutz to me. Then we ran out of beer money....

The walls got outa whack. Half a bubble off. (No, the walls) So put a free swinging brace and just yanked it straight. As I pulled, the brace moved forward but dug in as the framing tried to move back. Worked really well and all was back to plumb before I sided the back wall.


Coming along well and am happy.


rafters by the weekend?.
a 2x4 nailed to the end wall to stand the first rafter to will make it easier to deal with.
a couple nails to tack it in.
mark the top plate for the rafter placement,start both walls from the same end.
how much overhang on the gable ends?
"a 2x4 nailed to the end wall to stand the first rafter to will make it easier to deal with."

That is cool information, thanks!

Bought premade trusses and regret it. They are kinda ratty looking. Not a huge deal but will annoy me forever, lol.

If I am understanding correctly, the plans call for 1" of over hang.

Really like the 2x4 as guides thing! Can prolly get em all up in one good day.

Thanks again TJ. That is gonna make life a whole lot easier.
Dan if you use 2x4's for the barge rafter put bridge blocks in between the rafter and the truss, this makes the overhang sturdy and prevents sagging over time.
1"? or 1'?
i imagine its a typo.
greg is right,its kinda difficult in the air,but to build the ladder on the ground attatch it to the gable end truss will make it easier.
there are several methods,notching the truss for 2x4's on the flat and cantilevering the blocking out the foot-doubling the length of the blocking makes it really strong.the sheeting supports the the end load.
when putting up rafters,carry in through door upside down,poke one end up on wall,then the other.leave em hang upside down and flip em up as you need them.
dont make a stack,mind you its a small house but my neighbor decided to make a big stack of rafters on his walls and the whole works collapsed under the load.
trashed about 30 rafters 40 feet long.i told him it was a bad idea.
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Dan if you use 2x4's for the barge rafter put bridge blocks in between the rafter and the truss, this makes the overhang sturdy and prevents sagging over time.

Cool, good to know, thanks Greg. Had to look up "barge rafter",r:19,s:0,i:135

Great learning thing, here.

1"? or 1'?
i imagine its a typo.
greg is right,its kinda difficult in the air,but to build the ladder on the ground attatch it to the gable end truss will make it easier.
there are several methods,notching the truss for 2x4's on the flat and cantilevering the blocking out the foot-doubling the length of the blocking makes it really strong.the sheeting supports the the end load.
when putting up rafters,carry in through door upside down,poke one end up on wall,then the other.leave em hang upside down and flip em up as you need them.
dont make a stack,mind you its a small house but my neighbor decided to make a big stack of rafters on his walls and the whole works collapsed under the load.
trashed about 30 rafters 40 feet long.i told him it was a bad idea.

Ahh, I did misunderstand the question. The over hang of the siding is one inch. Have to look. total is a few inches from the rake

My buddy stopped by again. Kinda funny and I am really glad you mentioned it TJ. He just advised me to put all the trusses uptop to make em easy to grab.

That tree that is rotted has to go. $200 bucks. Not bad at all. Is big and requires a bucket truck. I was gonna try a ladder then last night there was a thing on "Modern Marvels" Talked me right out of it, lol. Whole lotta kills em stuff.

Really was a rookie mistake. Should have checked every near-by tree. Lesson learned there. Dang thing is beautiful on the side you do see. (bad side is next to prickers and bushes) Walk around and it is an empty shell up to about 4 feet.

Can't post pics of progress but got the second long wall sided. Router and table are due Friday. Hope to be close to doors/windows by then
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good progress,for doing it yourself.
when yer done there,you can come help me put in my overhead door (opening needs to be widened)
build a floor for my rescued shed
install a window in my living room
re-insulate the pumphouse.
fence for my dog run
shelving in my shed
uh-oh,i think i'm running out of summer.......
i have to go do brakes for my carpenter buddy,i guess a little trading is in order...
Oh man TJ, the running out of summer thing. Not a fun thought.

But big time exciting. This is the coolest thing I have built. Dunno, just really fun and coming out well. (in large part thanks to you guys, the academy, global warming and preparation H)

Tree guy might be here today. Gonna be relieved.

Found these weird things growing in the yard next to shop. There is 5 of em. Harder then a fungus or mushroom but softer then wood.

Pod people?
