Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
looking good,Dan!
i got inspired to put in my garage has a 7"high concrete footing i needed to grind back a foot.that really sucked.look like i aged 20 years in an hour from all the dust.
new hole is framed.door goes in tomorrow.trying to decide whether to gut it and re insulate.i dont think wood chips are as good as rockwool or fiberglass.
Wood chips? I use those in my grill when I do ribs. Cherry and apple are great. They stink up the neighborhood but everyone wants to know what I'm cooking. Oh, and soak them in water before throwing them on the coals. :)

i dunno if you would want these,served as bedding for flies for the last 40 years.
suprising how little they settled in the walls,though.

my co-worker is big into smoking-meat,fish and turkey is his gig.
smoked goldeye is my favorite.
i feel a topic slipping away.......
sorry Dan.
did i mention nice job on the shed?
LOL TJ. Is kinda a rule, any thread that I happen to be the OP, it is law that we end up talking about cartoons, pets, bat poop, some sort of inappropriate dating practices and now wood chips. Ask Goat.

Is all good and the more winding the thread, the more we can make fun of each other for.

all about the snork or other complete irrelevance that is intriguing, engaging or just funny.

The best threads ramble!
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i forgot to mention the best part.whilst removing the old door,a single panel 8x8 overhead door,we removed all hardware and door was standing in the hole.
i went outside to move the truck as it was a little close to just push it out.
there was a chain in the back of the truck,i thought what could possibly go wrong??

quietly hooked chain on the door pull,other end on bumper.
buddy is inside sitting having a soda and a smoke,should have seen the look on his face when i drove away with the door-priceless..

i'm usuall the calm collected kinda guy,it takes prodding for me to do something redneck.
so this was a real suprise.

That would be pretty upsetting. In an enclosed space and all of a sudden one of the 4 walls suddenly drive away. Wish there was a vid. Bet it was funny.
LOL TJ. Is kinda a rule, any thread that I happen to be the OP, it is law that we end up talking about cartoons, pets, bat poop, some sort of inappropriate dating practices and now wood chips. Ask Goat.

Is all good and the more winding the thread, the more we can make fun of each other for.

all about the snork or other complete irrelevance that is intriguing, engaging or just funny.

The best threads ramble!
Hey I was just thinking back to the rabies vaccinations...
even have immunity to zombies in the future? Dunno? That whole chewing and biting thing. We have not covered that one yet? Bats that eat birds:) and now Zombies lol laff

Don't forget this guy! better watch out for him !!

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Finished siding the end trusses and first coat, stained them. Color is far different then it appears in picture.


Have morning work and court thing with law suit. The guy already won but hope to start the trusses tomorrow afternoon.
I thought you were building a shed. That looks more like a hang glider!!!
If I remember right you were going to build a flying motorbike. Are you trying to pull one over on us? :)

color looks like Magenta.
interesting choice for a shed.

i chose cheap white vinyl siding for my garage.
it is slow going,today it hit 100f .
its still hot outside,and humid
hard to get motivated after working all day.
that and central air is cranked,and just had to try out the new plasma tv.
Picture does not do it justice. It is far, far uglier in person. Was trying for barn red. Wet, it looked very, very festive.

But this morning darkened a bit. No where near barn but approaching lil red school house red.

This is expletive hysterical! The directions say mix often and do not apply in direct sunlight. My tinted, exterior stain can not be applied during the day.
Got flashlights? LOL, I have this mental image of you and Carol out there tonight, flashlights taped to your heads.

"Do you see any place I missed, honey"
"No, Dan, but I don't think I want the grass stained red."

Got flashlights? LOL, I have this mental image of you and Carol out there tonight, flashlights taped to your heads.

"Do you see any place I missed, honey"
"No, Dan, but I don't think I want the grass stained red."


LOL, Wholly Good Tom! That is almost verbatim from last night!

Too dang funny. She just pulled up. Gonna crack her up. (I am in the garage avoiding actual work)
some stain can be difficult,i remember doing a two story,could see every place i stopped to move the ladder,the more visible side of the building i went up and down,like painting one panel from top to bottom.
Could one put this stain in a device such as a Wagner airless sprayer?
Or why not a regular sprayer if an air compressor is available?
I think doing so could help avoid the "ladder marks".
But I could be wrong...
Finished siding the end trusses and first coat, stained them. Color is far different then it appears in picture.


Have morning work and court thing with law suit. The guy already won but hope to start the trusses tomorrow afternoon.

I love the Delta wing configuration............