any one wear helmets?

KC>>>>Still laughing at "WRONG" 1st pic
love it!!
A crash of some sort is pretty inevitable at some point, more likely if you have crappy brakes, but with a helmet on at least you might get a happy X-ray ;-}

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lol I love it kc. and yes I wear a helmet. reason most don't is they want to look good. however most (like I had to) should look in the mirror. middle aged and over weight do you really think the helmet is gonna make you any worse? protect the head when riding a motorized bicycle
And a side note: No, I don't wear a helmet. As another said, not by choice. I, however, have to special order one, which is quite costly, because of my XXXL head -_-

"not by choice". HUH?

Hopefully, this person changed his mind and bought a helmet. No matter the cost, he is worth it.

If I had to, I'd spend $1,000 for a helmet. I'm worth it.
lol I love it kc. and yes I wear a helmet. reason most don't is they want to look good. however most (like I had to) should look in the mirror. middle aged and over weight do you really think the helmet is gonna make you any worse? protect the head when riding a motorized bicycle

Heheheh, I am at the age where outlandish golf course attire or 'Hawaiian tourist' looks fit me just dandy in public, especially if there are 'pants on the floor' t'weens, they think they are making a fashion statement to be cooler and I did the same thing with the trend in my time, now I just dress for comfort and teasing the kids, especially when I laugh and point at them for their 'look' ;-}
I'm at the age where I choose function over looks, safety over fashion and comfort over speed.
I have a vintage Bell that I love but, do MC helmets expire? I know hard hats have a born on date and expire after awhile(although OSHA doesn't really monitor it). I like the vintage look but if it's just gonna split my dome due to age I'd buy a new one.
I have a vintage Bell that I love but, do MC helmets expire? I know hard hats have a born on date and expire after awhile(although OSHA doesn't really monitor it). I like the vintage look but if it's just gonna split my dome due to age I'd buy a new one.
I've not heard of any expiration on a helmet but in the booklets that came with all of mine they say that if the helmet has ever been subjected to impact or shock, even minor, they should be destroyed and replaced.

The reason is that minor/invisible cracks in the internal structure can lead to failure of the helmet to provide protection in the event of a crash.
This theory was proven when I decided to repaint and old helmet I've owned since the 70s. It had a thick metalflake coating and when I sanded it off I found the undersurface spider webbed with small hairline cracks. To my knowledge it had never hit the ground but it was an old helmet that had seen weather, hot sunshine and cold and sat on a shelf in my garage for a long time.

The DOT probably has some information on motorcycle helmets but it will be in government speak, much like OSHA and be confusing.

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Yeah I'll leave it where it hangs on the wall. Still don't have my first build up and running so i'll buy myself a nice new one when the time comes.
Ok guys there is know need to keep adding to this, i got a standard motorcycle for riding mine, I'd like to get one with a visor on it like the enduro riders have
I always wear a skateboarder style helmet. I don't go that fast but I may invest in a DOT helmet after reading this thread
I don't use my bike to travel at fast speeds. Most of the time I'm travelling under 15 mph on the shoulder of the road. I wear a regular bicycle helmet and a safety vest so drivers see me better. I live in rural routes but the road is still busy.
I do not care how cool you think you are or
how safe you think you are or
how well you do gymnastics or acrobatics or karate or swim
anyone not wearing a helmet doing any moving -on a motorized bicycle or other going down the road- skateboard- roller blades -red wagon without a helmet is a fool!!!!
-and endangers not only themselves- their loved ones and perhaps the innocent who scrambles their lifeless body because of some such unprotected wonders stupidity!!!
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The first time I road my motorized bicycle I didn't wear a helmet and I wiped out while rounding a corner with some gravel strewn across it. I should have been wearing a helmet, and long pants too. I now wear a DOT approved half shell helmet and long pants. Always... It doesn't matter whether your bike goes 20mph or 40mph there is more then enough force to pop your melon.