any one wear helmets?

Thanks all. F there S 1 topic that demo's the common sense of this forum v the "other" 1, it's this. Ironically FU spend some time on THAT 1, U can C that THOSE folks self sort as MORE needy of helmets. Some even off the bikes.

I KNOW the experience is freer without, and that they R eschewed in the big biking countries. I have also seen the anti helmet "studies". But;
(1) the loss of sensation is almost nil - U forget U have a helmet on after a minute.
(2) those relatively helmetless countries have their whole road systems set up 4 biking
(3) those "studies" R BOGUS. Petroleum engineers (IR1) R about half statistician, by necessity. These "studies" R (a)selective, and (b)do not make use of available linear/logarithmic regression techniques 2 tease out the relative influence of many, many, variables.

IM going with my gut and with the advice my 20 year ER nurse wife. Helmet on. I will also, reluctantly, pay the higher insurance premium from the passed on costs of those wild free helmetless motor assisted bicycle riders who flip. burn, concuss/fracture, show up in the ER, shrug, and turn their pockets inside out.
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Besides a helmet I also wear high above the ankle steel toe hiking boots when I am trail riding. I looked at the additional clothing that riders wear that have fiberglass or something as part of the material to protect the chest and knees. I know I can get inexpensive knee protectors. The clothing and the boots bought from motor cycle dealers for offroading are quite and investment. Buying online could save money I guess, but return costs if you have fitting or other issue make me wary. At some point I think to expand what I have besides helmet and boots.

@Measure Twice

U set the standard 4 common sense. I admire U - I mean it. And in case I came off pompous in my last post, let me tell on myself. On my slow (20 m/h tops) motor assisted bicycle, in the hot summer, it's shorts, tank top, and, since I'm geared so low I needn't pedal, sandals. But ALWAYS the helmet. I can hear the ancient admonition now, "With a helmet and that much exposed skin, U won't die in a crash, but U'll wish U had". True, true, true....
A guy in town I knew wouldn't were a helmet and I would joke to him where is your helmet and he would chuckle I don't need one.
Last I read in the paper is he is learning how to talk and how to use crayons . Probably wearing a diaper too.
I always wear a helmet when riding through the trails and streets with my fast bikes. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for helmets. Sometimes it just doesn't take much to put a crack in your melon. My record is 3 cracked bike helmets in one year. Lots of neck pain. I went over to Bern helmets and those can take quite an impact. My head is still in one piece. I just recently went over to a full face helmet when I ride my heavy fast bike. Only fell once with that one, but managed to roll off the fall and didn't damage the helmet not my melon.

Full face on clearance at Jensonusa.

This is one of the Berns that I ride with. Can be found cheap on Amazon.

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Manly helmet, but fit for 50 m/h purpose. Mine is only a bike helmet, but I'm not even in the same game as you, speed wise. Wise beyond your years, and cool lookin' bike. Mine is more curious than cool, and I'll post pix as soon as the snow melts off the tarp it's under.
On my slow (20 m/h tops) motor assisted bicycle, in the hot summer, it's shorts, tank top, and, since I'm geared so low I needn't pedal, sandals. But ALWAYS the helmet. I can hear the ancient admonition now, "With a helmet and that much exposed skin, U won't die in a crash, but U'll wish U had". True, true, true....
Like you Bob I wear shorts and a T-shirt for my most of my riding, like this shot of me riding just now, the day before VALEntines day.


Helmet, shades, gloves and good shoes and I'm good to go, and since I seldom wear real shoes all 4 share a special place by the door.
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A helmet? - yes I wear one whether I'm riding one of my vintage pushbikes or a powered bicycle. I wear gloves too as I don't fancy having skinned palms should I fall off my bike.
I'm sure I have said this before but I went over on a motor bike and under thirty miles and hour. Broke six ribs a collar bone and collapsed a lung. Of yeah I also cracked a hike helmet but didn't get so much as a scratch on my head.

I rolled an experimental trike I was building and popped my knoggin in the drive way. "Honey I don't need my helmet i'm just doing down the drive. wrong.

I rolled that same trike again about a half hour later. after it came over on me it jumped up and down. The heavy sla batteries fell on my chest. I got a year of lower back pain which persists to today. Now it is arthritic. even though I banged my head hard on the pavement. I was wearing a helmet so there was no brain injury.

my latest helmet is like from a sports team. It is like lacrosse or some such thing. It is not aerodynamic but it looks like a dot. It is lighter and has air holes. It is my compromise and show of rebellion against rule. and I know a bike or other Styrofoam helmet work I done been there and done that.

So my advice is wear a helmet even in the driveway.
Certainly. Almost all the local riders in Mesa don't wear helmets, and zoom down the busy roads. I stand out with my full face dirt bike helmet.