any one wear helmets?

Does any one where a helmet on there bike? and if so do you where a real helmet or do you where one that goes on a bike? I am asking because my dad wants me to get one for my bike. I don't have a problem with a full face one but the bike helmets look so stupid and don't look to have a hole lot of protection. The thing is he wants me to buy one for my self i told him i'd sell the bike before i bought one for my self. So is it worth it for me to buy one?

Hey buddy please do yourself a favor and buy a full faced dot approved dirtbike helmet. I wish i had pictures to show you but my wounds but trust me its not worth landing on your lid. I crashed a little over a week ago with no helmet on my motorized bicycle and had to go to the hospital. i was 12 miles from my house and landed on my chin and right ear at around 30mph. I not only had to ride home bleeding profusely from my chin but also had my ear torn apart in 2 pieces bleeding really badly. thankfully i was coordinated enough after a concusion to still ride but found my self quite disoriented for a few minutes. once i got home i then had to go to the hospital. I ended up with 12 stitches in my chin and they had to sew the cartilage in my ear back together then use medical super glue to attach the skin back to my ear. they said i was verey close tyo needing a skin graph. a dot dirtbike helmet can be had for 80 to 100 dollars. much cheaper than the pain or hospital bill. Plus i was a very lucky case. there are many ppl who are mentally handicap after a bicycle head injury. happy riding and please protect your dome.
Just ordered this one today. Not the most expensive but it is DOT approved will look good with my newest bike :)

Here's my two. I like the Easy Rider one but for best protection the full face black one is the ticket. It's comfy and the full face shield beats sun glasses or goggles. Both are DOT approved.

Post photos of your head protection. It would be fun to see what everyone wears.



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I wear a motorcycle helmet, dirt bike chest protector, forearm/elbow guards, dirtbike gloves, knee/shinpads and leather boots.xct2
Here you go Tom, I promise I didn't know yours had "the red white and blue ". Kinda ironic to me, a patriotic helmet riding a non U.S.A. manufactured bicycle!


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This is my cheap brain bucket.....a Schwinn Traveler. It actually looks decent. At $20, can't go wrong.

Also, the OP stated that he "wasn't gonna buy it with his money" selfish is that?

I'll give you some advice ---- buy one then tell your Dad that this is his Father's Day gift. I guarantee that you'll gain his respect and solve both of the issues.

Good luck!


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Just thought of something here.
Canada has a national health care system, the USA does not.
Canada has mandatory helmet laws, USA does not.

Think about that one for a moment....

Part of the issue with 'free healthcare' that people have is it comes out of their taxes. That means either taxes go up, or some other service gets degraded. However this also means that your tax dollars are paying to fix other peoples stupidity, including Smoking, excessive McDonalds, and yes, even not wearing a helmet. So it makes sense to demand safety first by law.

However here in Saskatchewan, Canada, there is no law for a helmet. Manitoba if I remember correctly it's optional as well. Saskatchewan is the only place I cant find even a hint in the lawbooks about gas powered bicycles, so the police treat me (and I imagine any others) as an E-bike: that is bicycle laws, with an undefined "reasonable" speed cap (basically the speed limits posted for cars).

And a side note: No, I don't wear a helmet. As another said, not by choice. I, however, have to special order one, which is quite costly, because of my XXXL head -_-
Here's some pics of mine. It's a Voss motorcycle helmet with a built in tinted visor that swings down. Most of the time I wear a pair of goggles when riding meaning sunglasses won't work, it's nice to be able to swing that down when the sun is in my eyes.

I recently put a Schwinn mirror on the side of it, it's a style that works well for me.


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Too hot for summer. I'll be looking for something lighter with goggles. I Like the cop helmet look. I'm still looking-But will always wear one.
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edit: it's a 'Bell Rouge' helmet. they market as a 1/2 helmet.

I cant wait til this gets approved for Australia.
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Consider this: (1) At any given time 5-20% of drivers on the road are DRUNK! (2)When a car hits a bicycle the car always wins no matter who is at fault. After the accident usually the driver of the bicycle goes to the hospital and the driver of the car goes home to look at the dent the driver of the bicycle's head made on his car.

Wear a helmet!!
Your head into a solid metal, or concrete object at 30mph!!! Why would you even ask such a silly question? Unless your name is Clark Kent from Smallville.
We all thought we were indistructable when we were young, You sound young. Nothing wrong with being young, We ALL were at one time. But PLEASE take some advice from people that's been there, Done that. And not that it's good enough, but even a bicycle helmet is better then nothing at all. DOT approved is the way to go. DOT approved helmets start at around $30, You spend that much or more on a sprocket upgrade. Or if you REALLY ARE too cheap to buy your own, I'm sure your Daddy will spring for it. And you'll be saying "Thanks" to him when you turn 30.
Many injuries occur because a rider did NOT wear his helmet correctly, or didn't wear one that fit him/her properly.

Note the right and wrong ways and remember them! Be informed...and be safe!


A couple guys had some fun with that image and made this one.


It was commented that the top of the head was still vulnerable so it was upgraded to this.


Despite the poking fun I won't ride ride without a brain beanie, even on a a 25MPH electric trike.

If, After reading all of this you still elect to not wear a helmet, please do not expect me to visit you in the hospital. I really don't like watching someone drool on themself.