any one wear helmets?

My state does not have a helmet law for motor cyclists of any kind, except for those carrying motorcycle permits. These do not apply to mopeds or motorized bicycles. However, I still wear a DOT half-helmet at all times. Being alive and having all my faculties is more important than looking cool or what people think of me. I've had people make fun of my helmet, guess what, I could give a ****.
I never wore a helmet, not by choice them things costly. No issue with the local LEO doing over 250 miles on motor.
I always wear a helmet, as I've posted before on the forum you can get hurt severely at any speed. I crashed a dirtbike on our property while working on the carb, the front tire washed out on pine straw I went down at 12 to 15 mph maybe. I broke 3 ribs busted my spleen and did a pirouette on my head from which I still have scars today, this was February 2008. The total price of my crash, 71,000$. A helmet would have helped a lot.
The springer front end on my motorized bicycle broke. I hit my head hard enough to crack my helmet and knock myself silly. I don't remember the crash or about 15 minutes before or after. I broke my right wrist in 7 places and missed 3 months of work. If I didn't have a (bike) helmet on, my skull would have been cracked.
It was a skater type helmet, and did it's job as well as it could.
Several years ago, I was riding my Honda cruiser when an older lady pulled out in front of me. My evasive act took me onto gravel and I slid down on my side, slapping my helmeted head on the road. I was dazed (some road rash) but that helmet saved, well, who knows what??? At the time I was doing about 20 mph.
you got the idea. :)

i could buy a good used car with the cost of my deductables and other expenses, and then we could've argued about seatbelts.

never gonna tell anyone how to ride, but i'm sold on wearing a helmet...
yeah, it wasn't fun. spent 1/2 hour moving stuff out of the garage so i could work on my new race bike.

welded a seat post together, then spent another 1/2 hour moving everything back in 'cause i'm still hurting.

at this rate, my bike should be done next year.
I didn't wear a helmet when I first put the bike together in 2009, but after a few months I had a close call with a car pulling out in front of me so I've been wearing one ever since. Too easy for people to see a bike and think it is going normal bike speed. Plus, my wife says if she sees me riding it without a helmet she'll take the bike away from me. LOL
well all I can say is chicks dig the helmet and I'm pretty happy not sitting on a park bench like a vegetable with my tongue hanging out drooling all over myself waiting for the bus because I didn't where is Skid Lid .
I never go biking without my helmet... it'll be uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to it and soon enough, you will feel uncomfortable without it.