66cc engine tear down, setting it for high performance setup

Thank you guys, apreciate the encouragement :)

All new gaskets:
very nice.

guessing that using sealed bearings like that will cut down on the need oil mix in the gas.

In no way will it reduce the need for the pre-mix. The rod bearings and cylinder/piston will still need it.
Also as for the bearings that will support the crank shaft, the seals will have to be removed from those bearings on the side that faces the crankshaft before they are installed in the cases.
The rod/roller bearing/crank will be replaced (have a little clearance in the roller bearing)

A new really high quality piston/rod roller bearing, made by SKF:
Ooooooo! Did you actually find the big end bearing made by SKF or is that for the small end?

This is the roller bearing that connets piston to the rod. This roller bearing is the big problem in these engines. If broke at high rpm's..you know what happens :(
This is the roller bearing that connets piston to the rod. This roller bearing is the big problem in these engines. If broke at high rpm's..you know what happens :(

OK, so it's the same bearing as the INA I listed, only made by SKF.
If you don't mind me asking, what's the SKF number for it?
I know that most bearings are marked with universal numbers, but depending on the manufacturer there can be subtle differences.
Thank you guys, apreciate the encouragement :)

All new gaskets:

Jus' a tip that ya may have already thunk of - ya might wanna carefully trace out all those gaskets onto a sheet of paper as templates, save ya a bit of fuss and bother should ya ever need to make yer own ;)
do any of you guys have any thoughts on the post i put up yesterday??

It is considered poor etiquette at this forum to hi-jack someone else's thread.
This may be why you haven't received a response?
Try starting your own thread with that question and you most likely will get a much better response.

I venture a guess though that they would be compatible, but I really do not know for sure.

Any moderator can delete this here post as you see fit.
Sorry for the hi-jack.
Ok yeh thanks gearnut, i appreciate you giving me the heads up, had no idea about hijacking, just thought you could add posts/comments at anytime. I thought i mustve been doing something wrong
Ive never been on a forum before, dont even know how to start my own thread! buy will work it out eventually
Ok yeh thanks gearnut, i appreciate you giving me the heads up, had no idea about hijacking, just thought you could add posts/comments at anytime. I thought i mustve been doing something wrong

You have done nothing wrong...post away thats what this forum is about.