66cc engine tear down, setting it for high performance setup

Thank you mobike91!

Yes, maybe one day i can install a high perf cylinder, piston, cyl head, and so on, the problem is that in Portugal there is no such things, and the shipping iss too expensive to afford a project like that!

The engine is complete now, i will take some pictures and post here! ;)
Here you go guys!







First cold start soon!
Very nice job! I really like your setup. Did you "balance" the crank on this one? Have fun, and I can't wait for a video :D
thank you mate!

Not really, only installed a new set of crank with rod, hope it stay fine by 5000km like the previous did!

Updates soon :)
Cool! Yeah, those good bearings should help a lot, but if you want to get higher revs, balancing is a must. I'll try it this summer and tell you how it goes. Peace
And the carburetor is not tuned yet :) Only installed the old main jet of NT carb, #70

thank you, i'll keep you updated!
What is the part # on the double lipped seals please......that would help greatly

it looks like the # on the one seal in the pic is # (103393) is that correct?

I'm fixing to build up another engine and I really want to use the better seals in it along with the better wrist pin bearing and 6202 cranl beraings, but I would really appreciate it if you could tell us the number on the seals and maybe we can use it to locate them here in the US.

Thank you

Thanks LS614

I have a motion industries about 2 miles from where I work so I will check them out about those seals.

Isnt there a thin seal and a thicker seal in these engines?

I was thinking that one of the seals is thinner than the other but maybe I'm wrong on that.....?????


Motion Industries - Keeping Industry in Motion

one guy had luck with a 29 mm od by 17mm id by 5mm thick seal made by skf that you can buy from them for $2.60 a piece. You need to see the size of your seals :)
I've destroyed, erm torn apart...disassembled...(no no)... rebuilt 3 of these engines now, and from what I've seen they can be very different. Some people have a 15mm crank and others 17mm. I think the thicknesses on one were diff on one and the same on another, it depends :)
I've destroyed, erm torn apart...disassembled...(no no)... rebuilt 3 of these engines now, and from what I've seen they can be very different. Some people have a 15mm crank and others 17mm. I think the thicknesses on one were diff on one and the same on another, it depends :)

Thank you sir, I haven't had issues with seals yetas far as replacing them, so I'm not sure what the ngine I plan to upgrade will have in it, I will just wait and measure and go from there then, sounds like the best way for sure....thanks again for the help on this.

my troubles so far have been bearing failures, so wether or not I find the right seals or not I will be replacing the wrist pin bearing with the high quality bearing (K10X14X13-TV)

I've had one lower failure last year but it was a factory defect I believe, engine had maybe 15-20 miles on it and one of the lower needle bearing broke into and a piece came up through the transfer port and you already know the rest of the story.......LOL!

Thanks again LS614
No problem mapbike, I heard rumor foureasy found a lower bearing but he never told me if he is selling them.
No problem mapbike, I heard rumor foureasy found a lower bearing but he never told me if he is selling them.

yeah I wondered about a replacement on that lower bearing, I guess that crank would have to be pressed apart, I've never messed with taking a crank apart on one of these engines.