66cc engine tear down, setting it for high performance setup

man oh man look how thin your already thin cylinder is. I have noticed they like to break off right where you grinded
i wanna know where i can get those seals man i cant find em locally

i bought some 6202 sealed bearings couldnt fint the top end connecting rod bearings either
Some exhaust mods:

Crankcase polished (not mirror finish because of hard work location, but its pretty smooth :) )


The engine is already mounted. Im going to polish the head, and mount the clutch part and magneto,

Some photos soon.

Cant wait to put this little beast in the road
That will improve the travel speed of the flame front, help reduce the formation of carbon buildup, and reflect more heat down into the combustion chamber while slightly reducing the temperature of the cylinder head. As for increasing the combustion gasses ability to flow to the exhaust port, no it won't really do that.
The pits left in the casting from the factory will accumulate carbon buildup and lead to hot spots which can cause pre-ignition; especially that large one near the edge, right in the middle of the squish band.
man that engine is gunna purr i want to see a video of it just hear it run

whats the benefit of smoothing out the crank case
That is really sweet! I think the benefit of smoothing the crankcase is that the gases move around smoother and it might help with lubrication too, I don't know O_o...
The oil seals i get from a great store here in Portugal. I can send to anyone at the price of their cost, just send me a PM

Yes, that polish in the crankcase will increase the speed the gas flows.. ;)

Soon the engine will scream (maybe not scream because of break in period, bu the first start i will make a video
I can't wait to see the vid! You have some serious tuning talent! Where did you learn about engines?