66cc engine tear down, setting it for high performance setup

Hey guys!

Yes, maybe are differente engines, but the most of engines, the oil seal are thinner in the magneto side, i mean, the left side of the engine, it has near 4mm of thickness.

The part number on my high qual. seal it says 103393, but i think its made here in Portugal.

I use the same double lip seal, at the right side, and the left side. The left side, it only takes 1mm , and there is no such problem. The magneto connects easily, and the oil seal do their job.

The lower needle bearing, it needs a press, and some "high" instruments and machinery, and it is a thing that i dont mess with. If it has clearance, a new crank with rod is the best way.

There is two qualitys in the roller bearing, that connects rod to piston. The first quality - K10X14X13, it has lots of improvments over the original roller bearing, i use them in my 2x engines, and its perfect. It has also another roller bearing, the top of the qualitys, it holds more load, more RPM, and so on, and it is the KBK10X14X13, double the price, but its the best we can put on these little engines

There is two qualitys in the roller bearing, that connects rod to piston. The first quality - K10X14X13, it has lots of improvments over the original roller bearing, i use them in my 2x engines, and its perfect. It has also another roller bearing, the top of the qualitys, it holds more load, more RPM, and so on, and it is the KBK10X14X13, double the price, but its the best we can put on these little engines


what do you think of this one? gilardoni needle bearing - 10 x 14 x 13
Gilardoni, i think its a trully high quality roller bearing, compared to the original. The price is near the high quality KBK10x14x13, so its a good deal for that roller bearing, and a good investment
pretty nice though

that kbk10x14x13 is the way to go

yesterday put that little devil on work..the sound is so...crispy! i have to make another video
SKF Crank Seals:

(so much of my searching led me here for part numbers, so here's some SKF part numbers)

17X29X5 HMS5 RG SKF/CR SEALS SMALL BORE SEALS 0.019 LB $1.58 563933
17X29X5 HMSA10 RG SKF/CR SEALS SMALL BORE SEALS 0.019 LB $1.77 563935
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Those seals will not fit on HT engines. The 2x seals of crankshaft are 15x27x7 for right side, and 15x27x4 for left side.
Hey there guys!

Sorry the late, here are some pics, need some final adjustments!





Went for a little run yesterday, and this beast has so much torque...gourgeous

Did 67km/h down a street with no much throttle, but the acceleration is the bottom line of this engine.

At the moment, need some re-adjustments, and then its ready for some street action.

Have to do some vids :D
Hi guys, I also had the factory small end bearing fail after not a long time,,, replaced it with an INA 10x14x13,,, however I recently came across a 15 mm wide bearing,, IT 10x14x15 which appears to be roughly the same quality as the INA bearing,,, far superior to the original bearing & being 15mm wide elliminates it drifting between the piston wrist pin bosses. For those here in oz it is available from sunstate bearings, Maroochydore, QLD
Hey heyy .... I just recently bougt a 66cc A80 engine ... is there any thing i need to do befour u take it on a my fisrt run ... shuld i adjust anything ... i havent got the engine yet it shuld be here in about 3 more days =) thank you !!

Check out the thread entitled ''Pre-build checklist all new owners should do''. I'm not 100 percent on the title but it shouldnt be to far wrong if it is. I'm not sure who the supplier of your motor is or if they do any kind of servicing befor shipping the motors but I personally think the bearings can be of poor quality in these motors, especially the small end bearing. If u have the ability change out all bearings with quality ones, except the big end. Use a 10x14x15 bearing for the small end, it will elliminate the bearing drifting from side to side. Lightly grease the gears with molybdenum grease. If you do change out the bearings replace all crankcase fasteners with high tensile socket head stainless steel ones. Torque the main fasteners to 75 inch pounds ' use locktight blue on all fasteners. The carb will most likely need to have the jet changed, they are usually to big