100:1 Mix

I am bumping this old thread because it is only 97 pages long. No, but seriously I read the first 30 pages or so and left off where Bairdco and 2door were discussing a possible "issue" when switching over to Opti2 on china dolls that were bronken in using conventional (non-synthetic) oil.

Despite the fascinating topic and wealth of information to be gleaned, I just couldn't bring myself to read the next 70 pages to find the answer.

So, what was the general concensus about switching a HT motor that was broken in with conventional over to Opti-2 @ 100:1, etc. ?
Some engines like it, some don't. There was never anything conclusive as to why. Lots of theories but no hard facts.

The engine I had that didn't respond well to Opti-2 is now retired. It had close to 2k miles on it but the bike was so uncomfortable to ride that it now hangs from my garage ceiling. It was still running strong when I put it up there but it wanted standard 2 stroke oil. Since that engine I've been running Opti @100:1 in all my other engines. I break in @100:1 and never change. I also use it in my 2 stroke lawn and garden equipment. Snow blower, leaf blower, edger/trimmer and a little roto tiller. They all seem to thrive on the 100:1 Opti-2.

I am bumping this old thread because it is only 97 pages long. No, but seriously I read the first 30 pages or so and left off where Bairdco and 2door were discussing a possible "issue" when switching over to Opti2 on china dolls that were bronken in using conventional (non-synthetic) oil.

Despite the fascinating topic and wealth of information to be gleaned, I just couldn't bring myself to read the next 70 pages to find the answer.

So, what was the general concensus about switching a HT motor that was broken in with conventional over to Opti-2 @ 100:1, etc. ?

Well, I use Opti 2 cause it is good oil . I use opti2 NON synthetic,..yes u can get both kinds. I use it at 24:1 . I get it from the Sthill dealers.
Synthetic oil voids my warrenty cause it burns too clean and does not leave enough residue on the cylinder walls. My motor been runnin for 5 years now and is still goin strong. 100:1 ?????? thats moastly for boat motors that are water cooled.
Well, I use Opti 2 cause it is good oil . I use opti2 NON synthetic,..yes u can get both kinds. I use it at 24:1 . I get it from the Sthill dealers.
Synthetic oil voids my warrenty cause it burns too clean and does not leave enough residue on the cylinder walls. My motor been runnin for 5 years now and is still goin strong. 100:1 ?????? thats moastly for boat motors that are water cooled.
yeah, i don't know about a NON-synthetic Opti 2 man, have you got a link?

...i've only got 117 miles on my new bike but i've been running 100:1 from day one, 1.3 ounces of Opti 2 per gallon of fuel and it seems like the more i ride it the better it runs, ...it also runs virtually smoke free and i don't leave any oil stains under the bike when i park it. ...which also means my bike stays clean because it doesn't have a patina of oil anywhere on the bike to suck dirt to my bike, lol.

personally, i love the stuff.

peace, bozo

btw, if you're running a standard chinagirl 2 stroke, how solid do you think the 'warranty' is? ...especially from a company that recommends 16:1 for break-in.
$35 for a new jug,piston,and rings,,why worry about anything,,I would try the 100:1 no problem,,its just that i like the smell of castor oil so much i wont,,also like the idea of the 32:1 ratio,,the extra oil is good for it,,its a 2 stroke,,how long is it gonna stay together anyway...lol

Good times....

Tom :)
If you like the Castor smell drop in an ounce to your mix. That's all it takes to give you that 60s go-kart smell. I like to get home from a ride and park the bike in the garage and get that Castor aroma. It also seems to catch up to you at stop signs. Opti-2 @ 100:1 with an ounce of castor per gallon. The best of both worlds. :)

yeah, i don't know about a NON-synthetic Opti 2 man, have you got a link?

...i've only got 117 miles on my new bike but i've been running 100:1 from day one, 1.3 ounces of Opti 2 per gallon of fuel and it seems like the more i ride it the better it runs, ...it also runs virtually smoke free and i don't leave any oil stains under the bike when i park it. ...which also means my bike stays clean because it doesn't have a patina of oil anywhere on the bike to suck dirt to my bike, lol.

personally, i love the stuff.

peace, bozo

btw, if you're running a standard chinagirl 2 stroke, how solid do you think the 'warranty' is? ...especially from a company that recommends 16:1 for break-in.
I don't have a link..the Stihl dealership store where I buy it, has both kinds. It's the bottle that does not say synthetic on it. Just type in " non synthetic opti 2 " on your browser.
I dont have china girl, I have Japanese Bridgestone..chro - mo crank, piston rod, and wrist pin. Mitsubishi had a hand in forming Bridgestone. The wrnty was only 30 days. I like to see oil..it tells me that I'm getting lots of lube. :)
Okay, thanks. I will try to convert over to opti 2 on my ht that was broken in on conventional valvoline oil and hope she doesn't start running like an old sick dog. I prefer scalded dogs!!! Thanks for the summary Tom.
I don't have a link..the Stihl dealership store where I buy it, has both kinds. It's the bottle that does not say synthetic on it. Just type in " non synthetic opti 2 " on your browser.
I dont have china girl, I have Japanese Bridgestone..chro - mo crank, piston rod, and wrist pin. Mitsubishi had a hand in forming Bridgestone. The wrnty was only 30 days. I like to see oil..it tells me that I'm getting lots of lube. :)
...i tried the search parameters you suggested and only got discussion hits about Opti 2 VERSUS non-synthetics.

below is a link to the product page at the Opti 2 website and it doesn't appear there are any non-synthetic products.

Opti 2 - 4 products

...and maybe i don't know any better but me i like performance, and i think 200 lbs at 38 MPH qualifies as pretty good performance, and i like not having a bike covered in oily dirt and i like not trailing a cloud of smoke behind me when i ride.

...maybe you could post up a picture of this non-synthetic Opti 2 animal.

peace, bozo
I sometimes wonder, due to the 'eutectic' reaction of smoothing down peaks that if I broke in my engine with Opti2 that just perhaps my big end con-rod bearing might not have broke.
My thoughts are that the possibly poorly machined bearing had rough spots that caused early failure.

From what I've read, I think my engine make and year was prone to early big end bearing failure.
If you like the Castor smell drop in an ounce to your mix. That's all it takes to give you that 60s go-kart smell. I like to get home from a ride and park the bike in the garage and get that Castor aroma. It also seems to catch up to you at stop signs. Opti-2 @ 100:1 with an ounce of castor per gallon. The best of both worlds. :)


Ill have to try that Tom,,
I put some castor oil on my chain last week and went over 100 miles so far and its still on there working good as chain lube :)
Ok i have two points not mentioned so far. Ummmm goto the Opti site and type in your
zip code, and voila!!! There will be whoever sells it locally. Beats calling around.

Next, back in 2011 or so, some guy from Arizona was complaining about his engine running hot. No one suggested that he switch plug heat ranges. 5 to 6, or 6 to 7 to
drop the temperature. Im gonna run a NKG BP7HS here in Florida, peak summer temps at the moment. Feels like 106 degrees!!! Horrible time to work on a bike, totally sweaty and greasy hands!!!

I bought Valvoling General Purpouse TC-W3. But as stated earlier seems these two oils don't get along well. Glad I read all this before I opened the Valvoline.

Oh and a few posts earlier, i thought that this oil is a non synthetic oil to start with.

I would like to say or call Opti 2 a Flux Fill oil. The "whatever the components are" hang in suspension until a critical lack or lube flow or melt temperature is reached. Then it melts into the hot spot, filling it like a moly type oil. Filling it like a flux solder.

I have my carb needle, it is a 4 cut setting type, set on the 3rd from bottom, or 2nd from top position, whichever you prefer. I have a HiPo air filter on it, .30 on sparker gap. This good for 75:1 to 80:1 break in and 100 to 1 running?
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I have been using Opti-2 mixed at 100-1 from mile one in my engine. It burns clean with no smoke with no issues. I'm 250# so it works pretty hard even with the SBP shifter kit.

Well i was calling around the Listed Opti Dealers and i found one dealer who said they did not use it anymore as there were too many breakdowns. He said the catalytic converters made the engines run hotter, and they were seizing.

I'm not saying opti is bad, just what the guy told me at a lawnmower place.

Ok next store they stopped stockin it because the price went up. No one complained about the oil, she laughed, the people complained just the price going up. So there the customers liked it.

Another dealer said he used it, but not anymore, as he was a lawnmower place and
burned through too much of it, pursestrings his deciding factor as well. He said it was the best oil. quoted me 24 dollars on 32 oz.

So call the lawnmower shops that show up in your OPTI dealer search and pick they're brains.
Dont need to call anyone, the people here who have been using Opti2 for years now will continue to use it with the same great results no matter what someone at some lawnmower shop has to say about it, I beenrunning it for 3 years, I run an 80:1 mix in every 2 smoker engine I own, not a failure yet....
To me its all about whatever a person wants to do, personally I use Opti2 with confidence just like evryone else who has had great service from the product.
There are other oils that are good and will give just as good of service im sure but as long as I can get Opti2 locally II'll continue to use it and enjoy the performance and lack of smoke and odor I have with my engines.
No oil can prevent a mechanical failure when the mechanic of an engine come apart, but ill say that if the engine was tuned right and the mix was right im gonna go out on a limb here and say that the Opti2 will probably in some cases allow an engine to work a bit longer even though it is headed for failure than it would if it had a lower quality cheapy oil in it.

And the Opti2 saga......continues........lol!

Peace, map
I'm always curious about folks who decide to run Opti-2 but don't use it at the recommended 100:1 ratio that it is formulated to run. I've read many times that, "I use Opti @50, 75, 80:1" Why not use is like it's supposed to be used?

Seems to me that you're missing some of the benefits of this lubricant by using more than you need. Price alone is a big reason, not to mention several others. I've been using it exclusively for quite a while, breaking in and some hard running @ 100:1 and never had a problem.

I'm always curious about folks who decide to run Opti-2 but don't use it at the recommended 100:1 ratio that it is formulated to run. I've read many times that, "I use Opti @50, 75, 80:1" Why not use is like it's supposed to be used?

Seems to me that you're missing some of the benefits of this lubricant by using more than you need. Price alone is a big reason, not to mention several others. I've been using it exclusively for quite a while, breaking in and some hard running @ 100:1 and never had a problem.



The only local source I have for the Opti2 is in small 1.8oz prepackaged amounts, package is stated to be for use in one gallon of gas, the recommended mix that the small package has figures out to be 72:1, I normally put about 1.2 gallons of fuel in my jug and add one 1.8oz packet of Opti2 this actually figures out to around 85:1.
100:1 is 1.28oz of oil per gallon which I know from all the guys here that use it is a great mix, but I have always just used it at the 80-85:1 mix which is actually less oil in the mix than is recommended with the 1.8oz prepackaged Opti2 I buy at my local hardware store, what i get is called the Eviro Formula, maybe that is why it is a different mix ratio that is recommended....?????


Maybe I haven't been running the better oil this entire time, maybe there is a difference in the EVIRO FORMULA and the standard opti2, someone who can snswer this please do...

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something I just remembered also is that when Tractor Supply here in my area was selling the Opti2 that was being packaged under the Arnold brand name, it also was a 1.8oz package that was said to be for one gal of gas mix., it was called Arnold 1 Premium Mix if I remember right.

Sears also sells prepackaged Opti2 under the Brand ( Sten Mix ) it is also stated to be 1.8oz for 1 gal of gas which is 72:1 mix.


Lowes sells the Arnold 1



Who knows maybe Interlube thinks that most people wont really milk the package for all the oil it has in it and the extra is to make sure that even if they just turn package up ad pour they will at least get enough oil in the mix to be at the 80:1 - 100:1 ratio, kinda a way to make the mixing from the package more idiot proof......LOL! just a thought.
