100:1 Mix

I've been using Opti @ 100:1 for break in and thereafter on my engines for a long time. Never had any issues with rings not seating. Never had a catastrophic failure, or any other engine issues. But that's just me.

Oil preference is like most other things. You need to do what works for you and let others do the same.


hi me too.
i broke my 66cc engine from the start 100:1, and i sold the bike with a 1000 miles on it and it ran fine. i never did seam to have a break in, ran like a striped assed ape right from the start. i pulled the head befor i sold it look like new.

i just got a HF 79cc Predie i am going to pull the side cover and clean it out an fill it with opti 4 to break it in..

Don p
Tnx for the advisory on a mix goof, Tom!

I don't run the Opti2 yet, but I shall. :-)

I goof up with my mix fuel from time to time and usually just dump it into my roto-tiller or the lawnmower, on top of what is already in there...

got a 16oz bottle on order. Will be picking it up Tue or Wed. once my current mix is complete, Will mix up only 1gallon of Opti just to see what my wheels do :)

warning: Be wary of the dealer list on their site. called 6 places and only 1 had even HEARD of Opti2.
had to call the 888 number to get list of some good dealers in my area.
on a good note, brad was on the other line when i called, but the receptionist was super helpful :)
Guys, if/when you decide to use Opti-2 you might find that the reduced oil content will result in a rich fuel/air mix. Remember when you reduce the oil ratio you effectively increase the amout of gasoline to the mix. More fuel can result in a rich mix.

I rejet my carburetors to adjust for that change. I'm also at 6000' MSL so that plays into the equation too. Depending on your elevation above sea level your experience might differ.

All I have ran for quite awhile now is the opti-2. My lil china girl 2 smoker seems to love the stuff. However I do run mine around 80:1 only because of the size of my can. I dump one of the packets that is suppose to make 2 1/2 gallons into 100:1. However my can I use is only a 2 gallon can...so I just do 1 of those packets in my can and fill it to a bit over the 2 gallon mark. I wouldn't be afraid to mix it to 100:1 if my can allowed for it. Good stuff!
I'm still working for the ground crew with the State Capitol Commission.
This year we decided to phase out our 2 cycle mowers. These mowers are 02 models, Toro Commercials, with Kawasakl motors. The reason for the phase out is the chasis have been hammered pretty hard. We put more hours on these mowers in 2 days than most home owners put on in a year. So we decided not to recondition the chasis. The engines have been run on opti-2 oil mix 100/1 in the last 4 years and they still run sweet. Personally I hate to see them go. I hope I can get one when they are auctioned off. These must cost about $1600 when new.
I guess this tells what the opti-2 is good for. We also used regular gas with no corn juice. I hope we can run opti-4 in all the new 4 cycles.
I had Opti here and cross examined it against another oil that was for 50 to 1. I live at a very high elevation. So having to re-jet carbs is of course a given no matter what. I compared to my 50 to one oil and guess what.......... the Opti was very unmistakably thicker . This just means it is thicker oil. ''The oil is clearly thicker in viscosity''

Every body is still mixing oil the same way lol.:p:D:-{laff

100 to one 50 to one 30 to one. Ah smellgha Water down some bearing grease . ''Just Kidding''
I got the same engine I was running before that was posted here at well over 10,000 miles on it flat out beet to death running over well over 10,000 rpms whole days at a time.. Can see factory cross hatch marks still on the entire cylinder wall surface area. I ran Amsoil on it for the most part. Have fun run it hard play hard. Life is sure sweet to us!

I have dabbled with the Opti and from what I can tell it is good stuff.
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Let us know how much "slap" you have coming from your bottom end after 100 miles! The oil in the gas is to lubricate your crankshaft bearings, piston rod and piston.
I've been using Opti @ 100:1 for break in and thereafter on my engines for a long time. Never had any issues with rings not seating. Never had a catastrophic failure, or any other engine issues. But that's just me.

Oil preference is like most other things. You need to do what works for you and let others do the same.


Whoa!!!! Something bad is happening :(
Went for a ride this morning with the oldest bike, the Chris Hill 80 with over 1000 miles on it. It has always run like a clock and did the night before I switched oils. The first two or three miles it ran okay, nothing noticable different until today. After less than a mile I began to see a rather dramitic decrease in power. I turned around and headed for home at a blistering 12mph. And that was all she would do, had to pedal up two hills that I normally take at 20, easy. It doesn't idle and is slow to respond to throttle. After finally getting home I've looked at everything. Muffler is clear, good compression, good spark, fuel bowl, line and carb are clean. Good fuel flow. The plug looked good but I replaced it anyway. There wasn't much carbon on the top of the piston and it looks like it did before the oil change. So what's different? 24 hours before the engine was running great. Now with the Opti-2 it won't get out of its own way.
I'm going out now and mix up a batch of my old 2-cycle oil and fresh gas and draining the tank. That's all that's left to try. I'll come back with the results later.
Oh, I have not even started the other bikes after the initial 2 miles or so that I tried yesterday. I don't want to take a chance that I'll screw something up on all my engines.
I'm tempted to ride one and see what happens but I'm going back to the old mix on the CH-80 first, just to satisfy my curiosity. I'll be bock............

So was the issue with the carb?
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I'm tempted to pick up some Opti-2, but think I may be better off sampling different fuel mixes to see what works best with my RT carb and the jetting I'm using
He already explained the reason, old already mixed gas was mixed with the opti2.

No, 2doors first posts in this thread (first 10 pages) are about his switch to opti-2 and all the trouble he had. He even had flushed his tank before switching to opti-2
That was a long long time ago. I still have that old bike although its hanging from the garage ceiling and hasn't run for years. The engine was a Chris Hill engine and was broken in on standard 2 stroke oil and ran fine but it did not like Opti-2. We never came up with a conclusive answer as to why. It runs fine on, or did the last time the engine was started, on regular dino 2 stroke oil and I never tried Opti in it again.

Since that engine every other one I've had was broken in and run exclusively on Opti-2 at the recommended 100:1 ratio. Never had one that gave me any problems except that original Chris Hill engine.

Maybe someday when I'm bored I'll get that old bike down and see how it runs. It was never the powerhouse that later engines were but it had a lot of miles on it. It was my first build and I've kept it for the sentimental value. If/when I run it again I'll report if I experiment with running Opti in it.

Thanks for clearing that up

I've been running Echo powerblend at 24-32:1 and was thinking about testing it at 50:1

If it runs significantly better I am thinking about moving on up to Opti2
Just bumping this very old thread because of a screwup I made recently. I have a new bike, new engine and as I've been doing for a long time, breaking in the engine on Opti-2 @100:1. "Sumpins not right" I told myself after the first few miles. Lots of oil residue from the pipe and not near the power I was expecting. Here's what I found.

I had a gallon of fuel for my snow blower but forgot that I'd already added the oil. So, I added the oil. Now instead of 100:1, I had a 50:1 mix and that was what I dumped into the bike tank. It was nasty. Smoky, stinky and an oil fouled plug.
OK, it was double the recommended dose of Opti2, was just going on memory, a bad memory.
Still it was an oil related issue and it was for his snowblower, I remembered that much.