100:1 Mix

US2 and Interlube, makers of Opti2, are not the same company.

US Motor Power is the mother company to US2 Oil.

US Motor Power and Interlube are not the same company.

Interlube packages Opti2 as US2 for US2 Oil.
i am running an oil called quick silver its a nice blue colour im still on break in at about 150 miles i am mixing 6 ounces to a gallon and soon will mix at 32:1 but i have had the bike up to 36 on level ground think it will do 40 after break in new plug and new mix if so ill get a smaller back gear and see if i can go 30 all day with less rpm
I'm not an expert. Based off the thread and my experience with weed wackers and what not (Breaking in some)

My friend was always like woah dude too much oil (I taught him how to work mower and such, premix) He read the book but didn't listen to the break-in part, and it said raise till no oil spitting out or max like 32:1 or 40:1 on one of them.

I'd run a small mixture of seafoam switching to this new oil.

for the 100:1 mix, take it easy going up there, first focus on not having oil deposits. Once you're above like 40-50:1 take it slow & easy.

Lastly with the Opti2 I'd do like seafoam as said, but I would run it hot, then take it easy 3/4th throttle or so max.
I have a 2 stroke Maruyama weedeater engine that I am considering mounting on my bike. I run it with a 100:1 mix with Amsoil 2 stroke oil Saber Professional. Then I just read that the Amsoil has been tested at an amazing 300:1 mix, so I ran it at 200:1 and it ran great! Although Amsoil has been tested at 300:1, they recommend 100:1 because no one would believe 300:1
i am running an oil called quick silver its a nice blue colour im still on break in at about 150 miles i am mixing 6 ounces to a gallon and soon will mix at 32:1 but i have had the bike up to 36 on level ground think it will do 40 after break in new plug and new mix if so ill get a smaller back gear and see if i can go 30 all day with less rpm

That is what I'm running because of the availability and the fact we've been using it for decades on boats.

I'm currently running 64:1 (after break in) and still have a slight oil drip.
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That is what I'm running because of the availability and the fact we've been using it for decades on boats.

I'm currently running 64:1 (after break in) and still have a slight oil drip.
Boat oil and Motorcycle oil are different and have different requirements. Boat motors run way cooler from being water cooled and their respective oil has a differant flash point than air cooled motors as two strokes go.
Just bumping this very old thread because of a screwup I made recently. I have a new bike, new engine and as I've been doing for a long time, breaking in the engine on Opti-2 @100:1. "Sumpins not right" I told myself after the first few miles. Lots of oil residue from the pipe and not near the power I was expecting. Here's what I found.

I had a gallon of fuel for my snow blower but forgot that I'd already added the oil. So, I added the oil. Now instead of 100:1, I had a 50:1 mix and that was what I dumped into the bike tank. It was nasty. Smoky, stinky and an oil fouled plug.

When I discovered what I'd done I drained what was left in the bike, mixed up a new fresh batch of fuel and Opti, this time at 100:1 and it was like I had a different engine. Power increased noticably. No more oil dripping from the tail pipe and my plug cleaned up beautifully.

Just a word of caution to those who want to run more than the Opti-2 factory recommended 100:1, be prepared for the consequences.

wait a min till i can see... eyes are all blurry from reading god knows how many pages :s

OK, so let me get this straight...
this stuff runs at 100:1 the same as my Castrol does @ 32:1??

sounds like it works awesome. however im not sure that it is supplied in canada.

i stand corrected. it IS in Canada :)
ill have to grab a bit for my next mix
So it's not the AMOUNT of oil, it's the QUALITY of the lubricant that's important.
I've used Amsoil Saber 2 stroke oil as lean as 175:1 - and it runs great - Amsoil claims it's passes the test at 300:1, but they recommend 100:1 because no one would believe 300:1.
I have Opti 2 for my Indian, what mixture ratio do I use to break it in ? doe's anyone know? everyone seems to give an opinion what they have used and like but no one say's what the mixture ratio is ? for the break in period with Opti2 on an engine that has never been run.
If you read into the posts as far as I did you would see that a lot of people have started a new engine with Opti2 from scratch and broke it in at 100:1.
Or if you don't want to take that chance you can break it in with regular 2 stroke oil at a regular mix ratio and then change to Opti2 afterwards
So it's not the AMOUNT of oil, it's the QUALITY of the lubricant that's important.
I've used Amsoil Saber 2 stroke oil as lean as 175:1 - and it runs great - Amsoil claims it's passes the test at 300:1, but they recommend 100:1 because no one would believe 300:1.

Some people here say that your engine will immediately explode at 50:1 under load.
Amsoil recommends 100:1 for break-in and regular use after that with their Saber 2 stroke oil - so nothing special for the break-in period.
Thanks for telling us how you solved your mystery 2Door.
My dad got me some supersized 'ketchup packets' of Opti2 when he went to Maine a while back, but I have some Echo powerblend 50:1 I intend to use up first.
So, If I go to the 100:1 from 50:1 will have have to shrink my jet hole?
(because of the richer fuel ratio)

Oh, and this thread again that refuses to just die! ;)
I've been using Opti @ 100:1 for break in and thereafter on my engines for a long time. Never had any issues with rings not seating. Never had a catastrophic failure, or any other engine issues. But that's just me.

Oil preference is like most other things. You need to do what works for you and let others do the same.

I have 3200+ miles on my Raw Moters 66cc using nothing but Opti2 from day one.
I mix according to the directions on the bottle. And I use the same fuel for my landscape business, Stihl chain saws, trimmers, blowers, etc. with great results. This stuff is the best, all landscapers I know use it exclusively.