100:1 Mix

http://www.smalloutboardmotors.com/mechanicallyspeaking.htmlHigh, I am back and Ive got a link for you about opti 2, saying that it is the best around. It's from the dealers of my motors-they also sell outboard trolling motors ,but these motors are the same thing 2 stroke.

If you read the whole page, you will see the section and why I want opti 2, but where I live, I can only get it in synthetic blends and I cannot use synthetic. On the page of this link they will tell you why.here is the link.I hope this works.

Mechanically Speaking
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Mechanically Speaking[/QUOTE]

This is nothing more than biased bs advertising for opti 2.

Amsoil and synthetic 2 stroke oil are bad, but opti 2 is good????. Gimme a break. I wouldn't believe anything else these people have to say. If I was opti 2 I would pay this guy to keep his mouth shut.
Crock o'crap:

WARNING: However we strongly advise to stay away from synthetic 2 cycle oils, no matter what anyone tells you. Synthetic oils were tested on our engines and they seized and burned to a crisp.

DON'T USE: Amsoil, Wal-Mart's Synthetic Penzoil, Boater's World and West Marine's synthetic or synthetic blends. These all proved disastrous.

Remember one thing guys. He is making a living selling what he handles. Would you expect him to indorse a product that he doesn't sell? As for the oil brand that this thread is all about I take the word of a LOT of people on here that use it and say it is good. They have nothing to gain by saying it is good. Other brands are probably good also.

Good to see you again Blake. Thanks for the information.
Thank you Tom, and likewise!! And you are welcome.

P.S. This may be a short visit cause Ive got a 64bit O.S. commin in this week!!
Ive been advised to prepare for the headaches. I dont really need anything over 3.5gigs o ram,but for my old HP/compaq Ill make sure my ram speed is optimum, four 1 gig sticks and then load windows xp pro 64bit on a new hard drive and then start all over. If this works, I will never need a new computer as long as this one runs and it seems to be idiot proof. I screwed up twice and had to reinstall my 32bit windows twice- and its still running!!! Then my O.S. will read a full 4gigs and I can download an upgrade to Windows 7 64bit. However I have to have a 64bit in there to begin with.
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Blakenstein wrote:
If you read the whole page, you will see the section and why I want opti 2, but where I live, I can only get it in synthetic blends and I cannot use synthetic.
So what you're saying is the only thing available locally is the Opti-2 injector oil? I was under the impression that Opti-2 for pre-mix is a petroleum based non-synthetic oil, where as the injector oil is a semi-synthetic blend.

Blakenstein wrote:
So what you're saying is the only thing available locally is the Opti-2 injector oil? I was under the impression that Opti-2 for pre-mix is a petroleum based non-synthetic oil, where as the injector oil is a semi-synthetic blend.

I am not sure, its been a while since Ive been shopping but where I live, just about anything is available where I live cause it's the oil capital of Canada, just like Texas is the oil capital of U.S.A. it's just that I remember that I saw it on the shelf once and I remember that it was a semi synth. blend. Anyway, right now, I use MAXIMA Scooter 2t Premium blend custom formulated in the U.S.A. by Maxima Racing Lubricants. This will not be easy for me to get when I run out-only got about 3 liters left-It is really good oil and I mix it between24-30 to 1
Anyway,winter is comming and thats when I change over to SHELL ADVANCE Premiun sno-mo oil although I still have a tiny bit of Castrol Super left.
Any way, oil companies do not recomend any mix at all. It is the engine maker that tells you what to ratio to run in their motors. The oil company will tell you what ratio their oil is good for. example my summer oil is good for any ratio between 24:1 and 50:1 some oils are good for any ratio between 16;1 and 100:1
Follow your engine manufacturers recommendation for propper lubrication.
Someone started this 100;1 thread just to be a flamer and stir up all kinds of arguments this 100:1 nounsence is a sick joke!!! This forum is to help people ...not to mess with their heads by starting ridiculous threads like this one. If you want to know about trollers and flamers just look it up on the net.
I wouldn't run it in a Morini either. In a china kit though, it's great as there's not much financial risk.

On a long trip though(50 miles or so), I will add some dino to the mix for the optimal compression at high temps. This winter though I'm excited to see how the fuel reacts, being such a lean mix at a cold temp, and also the added chill from the weather keeping things cooled.
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a sick joke with 88 pages and some of the most respected forum members running it for years with no problems?

seriously, run whatever oil you want. no one's putting a gun to your bike's head and forcing it to run Opti2.

i use it, i love it, and i recommend it. i'm not a paid spokesman, a salesman, and have no financial ties to Opti2.

i'm just an extremely satisfied customer.

there is nothing new to be said about this subject.
a sick joke with 88 pages and some of the most respected forum members running it for years with no problems
A fun trivia fact I can name and link quite a few members posted here by their ''post date'' in other threads that mebbe got 2000 miles on their motors at ''the most''

I wanna see 10,000 miles on one then meh I would be impressed. :)
Well it's Amsoil Saber @ 100:1 instead of Opti, but here ya go - roughly 10,000 miles on a cheapo HT & changing the head gasket (another fun fact is this thread is about 100:1 - not Opti alone);

Here's an at least 20 year old Yamaha with, that's right - 100:1 printed right on it... SOP for their 2 smokers & has been for decades;

..Someone started this 100;1 thread just to be a flamer and stir up all kinds of arguments this 100:1 nounsence is a sick joke!!! This forum is to help people ...not to mess with their heads by starting ridiculous threads like this one. If you want to know about trollers and flamers just look it up on the net.

I do hope you're not inferring that I, at least one other staff member as well as any number of other, respected members are trolls and flamers - or that we'd allow something like that on this forum.

Run it or don't, state your concerns or ignore the thread - but I'd defo not recommend insulting those that are just relating their personal experiences.
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10k miles on a china would be impressive no matter what kind of oil was used.

the 24" Colson with the reversed motor has been my daily driver for a coupla years now, the motor was used in the death race and at willow springs, and i'd estimate it at 10k miles, since i don't have a car. can't be sure exactly, but it's been ridden almost everyday up until recently, because i took the wheels off for the Grange race.

as soon as i get another set of 24's, it'll be back on the road, non-smoking it's way all over town.
Lol Baird - ya beat me to it. A china girl making it to 10k is very impressive - even if it was converted to biodiesel or steam!