100:1 Mix

i was linked to this thread a while back http://motorbicycling.com/f4/first-china-girl-tips-install-3532.html and this link was here

Instruction Manual - Gas Powered Bicycle Engines, Motorized Fast Bicycles, Motor Gas Engine Bicycle, Bike Conversion Engine Kits, Motor Assisted Bike Engines 80cc and 49cc, Peddle Start Motorized Bicycle Engine and more!

if you scroll down this guy says do not use ANYTHING other then a synthetic 2 stroke oil. just thought that was odd.

basically the way i see it natural or synthetic oils make no real difference.

as far as where opti-2 is sold i emailed them before to find out where i could get some, real helpful people, this is the email address i used. [email protected]

i haven't used any yet but eventually i'll change over to it.
the guy (brad i think?) at opti told me they just picked up ACE as a client, but the small local one by my house never heard of it.

i go there all the time, though, because there's a bunch of hot chicks working there.
Guys, this has gotten to the point where I am literally scared of this thread. I'm afraid it's either going to over my PC or eat me... :eek:
I heard tht synthetic was good incars for pulling traialers but not on brand new ingeines.
I also heard that it has no viscsity. I also heard that for my engine, it does not lubricate,,, and IIII wonder why????
I heard that it more if of a slippery stuff that sticks to the metal and also fills in the micro spaces of the metal making the suface very very smooth.

WEll in knowing this ,,,III figure that it its also doing that to the cylinder walls and filling in the gaps of that factory hone grind which is important for clyinder lubbercation.

Also I figure that well,, sooner or later that motor is gonna really heat up!!! aaand it dont matter what u got on there now!!! that motor has to cool properly on a cool down idle period after running under load before turning it off -very important because to remove the addition of latent heat when sudden cooling happens!!!
now ,,with that stuff filling up and cloogging up the micro spaces of the metal,,,,...
...........????????ho'w it gonna cool properly???????:):):):)

it might be super great for super cold places like this one!!! I wold olve to try as u say, and at that mix ratio , but it better be a motor that i can afford to test on!!!!

Hey buddy, consider not starting every sentence with " I heard" or " I figured." Where did you "hear" those things? How is it you came to some of the conclusions you did, in which you say, you "figured?" By "heard" do you mean that you made it up, or were guessing?

Just curious because it sounds like somebody fed a bull ****t sandwich.
I'm sorry Blakenstein - but given the choice between advertisers and folks w/no ulterior motive sharing their actual experiences... I'd hafta choose the latter.

TBH, it's not jus' the sellers of "conventional" oil, I run Amsoil @ 100:1... but have serious reservations even just talkin' about it w/folks at the store or w/e as it seems of all the oils available, the Amsoil reps have a bit of a reputation for being a touch... evangelistic lol

*shrug* Run what you will - but take "hype" w/a grain of salt no matter the source ;)

Thing is, you can rarely talk to the actual designers of an engine - usually you're limited to what the retailer has to say... and they'll say jus' about anything to A: sell you something & B: cover their behind when it comes to potential warranty claims.

So... I tend to nod & smile w/sales reps - but I listen to folks that have the actual experience to back it up, people with nothing to gain save the exchange of information.

I should prolly mention that the only reasons I run 100:1 is less buildup in the engine and having to buy far less oil... it's really not that important an issue, conventional or synthetic - whatever works for you :)
five to one what? five parts scotch to one part water? you're not making much sense, blakenstien.

no offense meant, but we understand you won't use opti 2. fine. no big deal. but unless you have any experience with it or can cite someone who actually has had a bad experience with it, you're not helping your cause much...
If that's your experience then by all means you should act on it, I can only relate my own... and in that I've noticed advertisers do tend to exaggerate a bit, not all manuals include every variable, chemical technology has advanced a touch in the past forty years and there's no source better than someone whom actually uses the product in question, yet has no profit motive.

As an example, both Yamaha and Mercury (marine) have warranty disclaimers stating that you must use a specific brand of oil, not just type. I find it interesting that both companies also have branded oils, Yamalube and Quicksilver - coincidentally, these are the oils recommended. Now, they state this is because they've tested the oils to insure it meets or exceeds specifications and I'm sure this is true, you've a point about warranty repairs and loss of profit, there's even their reputation to consider - they wouldn't want to be known for untrustworthy engines for the sake of selling a substandard oil.

So - they've told the truth... but not all of it. Did they even test oil alternatives? Why would they go through the bother if they're only going to end up recommending a competitor? These are highly reputable companies - but they're not charitable.

Even personal experience is subject to this, for instance many of my friends as well as myself are NGK advocates - we swear up and down there's nothing better in a two stroke than a NGK plug simply because it isn't as prone to fouling. Thinking about it one day I realized I'd been using NGK for over over twenty five years, that due to my product loyalty - I didn't actually have the cross-experience to back this observation up, I simply didn't know if it was any better than anything else - only that it was what I considered good enough. Curious, I wandered around and asked my other motorhead friends, marine techs, snowmobile & dirtbike fanatics. They all said the same thing, that NGK ruled and they'd use nothing else - when asked if they had used anything else to compare their favored product with, they pretty much all answered with a surprised no... those few that said yes had only done so because that's what the engine came with - not exactly fair as they're usually used or a cheap "stock" item.

So how do you know who to listen to? Ya can't really - no any one source has the whole tale to tell. Best you can do is to listen to all sides w/a touch of educated skepticism, knowing all statements have a bias - even if it's just opinion.

Still, that's what I love about this forum - there's a bunch of experience shared without a commercial interest and it's fairly easy to determine general knowledge vs product loyalty. Despite my Amsoil preference - due to the statements made by any number of folks that use Opti2 on a regular basis, have tried other oils yet still recommend it - but most importantly have no profit motive... heck, I'd love to run Opti & the only reason I haven't is it's not commonly available around here.

Does this mean you should let people convince you to go against your experience? Of course not if you're not comfortable with it, but does it mean they're wrong because they don't agree with you?

No - there's quite often more than one "right" way to do things after all ;)
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After many years at this s#@t... I'm telling you: "Use OPTi-2 at the 100:1 ratio in your small bike motors and you will have no trouble and will just LOVE IT!" End of the story.

"Opinions are like ass holes - Everybody's got one..."
ezheimers >
End of the story.


I doubt it. :0
What I observed in the past in my time here was that poor farmers ended up with blown motors in their brand new snowmobiles that they have not even begun to pay for yet!! and at first it was argued the oil brand at first it was Sno-Trac and then it was Bluizzard both oils were non synthetic, but what it turned out to be was the gass iol mix ratio that they were using .. they went far beyond the addvise of their manuals....yes that"s right .
The manuals that they REEAAAAAADDDD!!!! not heard but READ whammmo!!!! that's now 100 to nothing!!!! wow oh,....I may add.............
Many companies of high quality Materials DO NOT WANT TO SEE WARRANTY REAPIRS COST THEM MONEY SO they simply want you to READ YOU MANUAL AND INSTRUCTIONS. WOW!!! 100 to nothing CONFIRMED!!!!

ADDITION these sno mos that these POOR FARMERS had statrted at 10 grand and athat was 40 years ago :):):):)

How on earth does a poor french Canadian farmer afford a brand new snow machine? Riddle me that, Borat. .flg.
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This saga reminds me of a guy who had no flats on his bicycle and thought to tell how he did it it specifically to help others.:-{

and besides Rush Limbaugh is skinny now 0rotfl
Wonder if it's cool to use 'right off the get-go'? Or should you break-in a motor first and then switch over? Any thoughts??????????????? -EZ
I'm off the gate in my latest engine. So far it seems stronger and smoother. But I still put a half cap full of maxima poured into the cylinder and ports for the first firing. Then all opti.
this thread is 47 pages long. It's like the virtual equivalent of Opti-2's strength! hahaha! I have over a dozen builds, and around a dozen of them started with Opti and I haven't had a single problem.
I have read some (not all) of this thread, and I have a question.

What is the reason for running Opti-2 at 100:1? Is it to save money by using less oil? Or is engine performance supposed to be better at 100:1 than at 50:1?
I have read some (not all) of this thread, and I have a question.

What is the reason for running Opti-2 at 100:1? Is it to save money by using less oil? Or is engine performance supposed to be better at 100:1 than at 50:1?

It is simply the way this oil was engineered. It is designed to run at 100-1. Smokeless, odorless, so I use in both my 2 stroke bikes and my chainsaws. I like it a lot.