first " china girl motor" tips for install


New Member
Hello all, I just ordered my first china girl kit. I am not new to motorbiking but my other kit is a GEBE so I dont have much experience with these types of motors. I was hoping to get all the installation tips I could to be prepared to install it when it arrives. Is there anything I need to upgrade right away or are the stock kits ok? Ive also heard the instructions are garbage and would like to know where I could find some good complete instructions. Anything you guys could add would be great. Thanks^5
Re: first " china girl" tips for install

My suggestion is to read the directions and start. If you get to a part you don't quite understand ask on the forum. Someone will be more than happy to help you. It is a hundred times better to ask than to guess. Trust me I have experience with both.

I would use all the kit parts first, then find out which things I could not live with, then change those. Most likely it will be the lever handle at least, but you never know some guys find that they work just fine.
Re: first " china girl" tips for install

Hi, Do a real nice job on the rear wheel. Make sure the spokes are tight.

Putting the sprocket on will make the rim shift to the left. You will need to correct this shift.

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Re: first " china girl" tips for install

I would replace the intake, exhaust, and motor mount studs and nuts for sure. They strip really easily.

Also, right off the bat I would use some RTV sealant to seal where the carb connects to the intake manifold, and where the manifold connects to the head. No point in not doing it before starting the motor.

If the fuel line they gave you is basically just aquarium air line, go to the auto store and get some decent clear fuel line, and also a small inline fuel filter.